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What Is Glass Mulch: Tips On Using Landscape Glass As Mulch
However, the total amount depends on the size of the glass. An area measuring 20 square feet requires about 280 pounds of glass mulch. Some municipalities offer recycled glass mulch to the public free of charge.
Garden Mulch Problems: When Issues Pop Up Using Mulch In Gardens
Artillery fungi are tiny, cream or orange-brown cup-like structures which shoot their spores and attach to any surface they hit, leaving black spots on foliage and home or deck siding that is hard to remove.are another example of a mulch issue; however,...
Watering New Plants: What Does It Mean To Water Well When Planting
If you are planting in a rainy season, you will need to water less. Plants that are watered deeply but infrequently will have vigorous, strong roots while plants that are watered lightly and often have shallow, weak roots.It is best to water new plants...
Tips On Using Pine Straw For Garden Mulch
Use a garden fork to mix the needles into soil to reduce compaction and aid in oxygenation.In addition to the benefits, pine straw mulch uses abound. Pine straw mulch benefits go beyond the listed attributes and create ideal conditions forMany gardeners...
Leaf Mulch Info – Learn About Mulching With Leaves
Once dry, use a lawn mower to chop them into little pieces. Free exercise and free organic mulch to nourish your garden year round! So don't rake and bag those fall leaves, turn them into leaf mulch instead.
Can You Mulch With Hay – Learn How To Mulch With Hay
Instead, it will start to compost, creating a rich layer of nutrients for your plants. It does indeed break down, but unless you have a very wet environment it shouldn't get moldy.
Reflective Mulch Info: Is Reflective Mulch Effective In Gardens
They are great for gardeners growing in partially shady conditions. Bury the edges with soil or hold them down with stakes, rocks, etc. Likewise, if you already have it, spray clear plastic mulch or landscape fabric with reflective silver paint.When temperatures...
Corn Cob Mulch: Tips For Mulching With Corn Cobs
Read on for information about using corn cobs as mulch.Ground corn cobs are highly resistant to compaction, so the mulch remains loose even if your garden gets plenty of foot traffic.Corn cob mulch is fire-resistant, unlike bark mulch that is highly combustible...
Soaker Hose Irrigation: How To Use Soaker Hoses In The Lawn And Garden
Alternatively, apply approximately an inch of water every week in spring, increasing to 2 inches when the weather is warm and dry.After you water a few times, you'll know how long to run the hose.
Using Hemlock Mulch On Veggies And Garden Areas
But can you use hemlock mulch in a vegetable garden? Consumers that wonder “is hemlock mulch safe to use,” are usually mistaking the poison hemlock for the conifer hemlock, which is not toxic.Using hemlock mulch around ornamental plants and trees...
What Is A Rain Gauge: Garden Rain Gauge Info And Types Of Rain Gauges
A rain gauge measures not only rain, but dew and mist. If the flow rate isn't contributing to runoff, then reduce the running time to 20 minutes and re-measure to see if you are now at ½.”The only certain way to know how much precipitation is affecting...
Nut Shell Garden Mulch: Tips For Using Nut Hulls As Mulch
It is sold as ground cover or mulch and is pretty pricey, but the hulls last almost indefinitely if that is what you are looking for. Can you use nut shells as mulch? They are lightweight however, and aren't suited to slopes or areas of wind or water...
What Is Cypress Mulch: Using Cypress Mulch In Gardens
Unfortunately, logging has taken its toll on the cypress population. They are key elements in wetlands and provide protections from storms. For example, contrary to reports you might see in commerce, cypress mulch is no better than other wood chips at...
Winter Mulch Information: Tips On Mulching Plants In Winter
As soon as you notice your plant beginning to put out new growth, remove the mulch covering it. When these active plants decide to put out new growth, it may be damaged by a nighttime frost; damaged tissues are an entry point for many dangerous fungal...
What\'s The Best Natural Mulch For My Garden?
It isn't as good as hardwood bark mulch, but it isn't as expensive either. If hay gets wet and spoils, farmers can't use it to feed their animals anymore; it might kill them. Start mulching!
What Is A Root Zone: Information On The Root Zone Of Plants
The root zone of healthy established shrubs will be approximately 1-2 feet deep and extend out past the drip line. Many systemic disease and insect control products also suggest applying the product to the plant's root zone.
What Is Lucerne Mulch – Learn About Mulching With Lucerne Hay
If you live in North America and you're not familiar with lucerne hay, you may know the plant as. The mulch will trap the moisture and keep it in the soil much longer. Apply a thinner layer of mulch if slugs are a problem.: If possible, apply lucerne...
Buckwheat Hull Mulch: Should I Mulch With Buckwheat Hulls
Buckwheat hulls are a mulching material that don't get quite as much attention as woodchips or bark, but they can be very effective and attractive. (There's one in Upstate New York that I know, from personal experience, sells as far afield as Rhode Island).Mulching...
What Is Coconut Coir: Tips On Using Coconut Coir As Mulch
Additionally, peat mining is not environmentally friendly, while harvesting of coir poses no threat to the environment. This is an important benefit in drought-plagued areas, as use of mulch may reduce water use in the garden by as much as 50 percent.–...
Mulch And Pet Safety: Tips On How To Keep Mulch Safe For Pets
However, keep in mind that dogs can choke on mulch and must still be supervised. If possible, keep your dog contained to an area of the yard where you don't have any mulch and be careful when you take your dog out to public areas that have mulch.Pine,...
What Is Deep Mulch Gardening – How To Use Deep Mulch In Your Garden
Water this down as well. Read on to learn how to garden with deep mulch.Gardener and author Ruth Stout first laid out the concept of deep mulch gardening in her 1950s book “Gardening without the Work: for the Aging, the Busy, and the Indolent.” In...
Cocoa Shell Mulch: Tips For Using Cocoa Hulls In The Garden
If your dog accidentally ingests cocoa bean hulls, call your vet immediately. If the soil under the mulch is moist to the touch, do not water.In hot and humid climates, cocoa shell mulch may develop a harmless mold.
Using Rain Barrels: Learn About Collecting Rainwater For Gardening
This water must be chemically treated to make it safe for drinking. Harvesting rainwater with rain barrels conserves potable water — that's the water that's safe to drink.During the summer, much of our potable water is used outdoors.
Hops Plant Pruning: When And How To Prune A Hops Plant
Hops plants produce the flower cone that (along with grain, water, and yeast) is one of the four essential ingredients in beer. At the end of the growing season, cut the whole plant down to 2 or 3 feet in length to prepare for next year.
Hops Companion Plants: Learn What To Plant With Hops In Gardens
Still others are not suitable to use around other plants because they will either kill them or make them sickly.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });, have similar cultural requirements and are sturdy enough...
Hops Plant Fertilizer: How And When To Feed Hops Plants
Fertilizing hops plants with potassium ensures healthy cone production as well as bine and foliage health. Per 4,000 m) or about 3 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet (1.4 kg.
Backyard Hops Plant: How To Plant Hops And Hops Plant History
Because the hops flowering plants were used as a preservative and not as flavoring, the search to develop plants with softer resins to mellow the bitter taste began. After that, side dress with compost and add supplemental nitrogen each spring.– These...