Put down a sheet of sturdy plastic, weighted down with rocks, over any bare beds, and you'll be welcomed in the spring by soil that is un-eroded and decidedly warmer (thus, easier to plant in) than the surrounding soil.
When you layer tea tree mulch in gardens just on top of the soil, it creates a physical barrier to weed growth. Tree pieces are ground up into a fibrous, rich mulch that you can use on any plant.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Some municipalities offer recycled glass mulch to the public free of charge. The mulch works well in beds orfilled with plants that tolerate rocky, sandy soil. As a general rule, 7 pounds of glass mulch is enough to cover 1 square foot to a depth of 1...
Conversely, using mulch in the garden too deeply may also do the reverse and allow the soil to become sodden, contributing toAn unscientific rule of thumb to discern if food is edible in the kitchen fridge is to take a whiff.
Plants that are watered deeply but infrequently will have vigorous, strong roots while plants that are watered lightly and often have shallow, weak roots.It is best to water new plants right at the plant base.
Helps add nutrients, keep weeds at bay and warm the soil. It is also an attractive natural ground cover around ornamental plantings. For pine straw mulch application in containers, use 1 to 2 inches to add a nutrient rich heating blanket for winter coverage..
There are many types of mulch, and leaf mulch is comprised of exactly what it sounds like, leaves. The benefits of leaf litter mulch are abundant:Applying leaf mulch buffers soil temperatures to keep soil warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer,...
Push seeds and starters right into the hay and watch them grow.Mulching your garden with hay using this method may require a large quantity, but you won't need to add the same amount year after year.
Once the mulch is in place, cut 3- to 4-inch (8-10 cm.) diameter holes and plant a few seeds or a single transplant within the hole.Or, if your budget is limited, cover cardboard with aluminum foil.
This may or may not be a factor in your decision to use ground corn cobs in gardens.Lastly, if you decide to use corn cob mulch, be sure the mulch is free of weed seeds.As a general rule, using ground corn cobs in gardens is no different from using any...
Plants are healthier andGardening with soaker hoses is convenient because the hoses remain stationary, which eliminates the need to drag heavy hoses every time you want to water.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Of course, you could still encounter some vomiting or diarrhea if your dog goes nuts and eats a lot of the bark mulch. The depth of the color depends upon what part of the tree the mulch comes from and the length of the aging process.freestar.queue.push(function()...
To use the rain gauge to measure the output of your sprinkler system, be sure it is in the path of the area being watered.After the sprinkler system has run for at least 30 minutes, measure the depth of water and multiply by two to figure the output of...
It's baseball season again and he who shall remain nameless is blowing through bags of not onlyas well. To help them break down more rapidly, it's a good idea to crush them with a hammer beforeKeep in mind that all nut hulls take some time to break down.
For example, contrary to reports you might see in commerce, cypress mulch is no better than other wood chips at keeping down weeds and insects.Pine chips are just as good and do not endanger an ecosystem.
Winteris a popular practice and a great way to protect your plants while they're dormant. When these active plants decide to put out new growth, it may be damaged by a nighttime frost; damaged tissues are an entry point for many dangerous fungal and bacterial...
If your flower bed is primarily made up of thesefreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Most people's gardens grow plants that prefer their soil neutral to sweet (is the best for those plants.
Roots can grow long, leggy and weak in a root zone that is tooand drains too quickly. Plants that root deeply, depend more upon deep ground water and will have a deeper root zone.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
If you live in North America and you're not familiar with lucerne hay, you may know the plant as. Apply a thinner layer of mulch if slugs are a problem.: If possible, apply lucerne mulch immediately after a rain.
They tend to be sold only near facilities that mill buckwheat. Keep reading to learn more about mulching with buckwheat hulls and where to find buckwheat hull mulch.is not a grain as some people believe, but rather a seed that can be harvested and eaten...
The downside is that although coir mulch is a sustainable industry, there is concern about the energy used to transport the mulch from its point of origin in places like Sri Lanka, India, Mexico and the Philippines.– Coir mulch holds 30 percent more...
The chief concern with rubber mulch is the same as other hardwood mulches: choking.Tips for Mulch Application Issues When You Have PetsIf you have pets and are considering using mulch in your yard, speak to a veterinarian about the risks involved with...
What if I told you that you could have a bountiful vegetable garden without the hassle of tilling, weeding, fertilizing or daily watering? Then simply pile on the organic materials of your choosing, watering it down as you go.
If your dog accidentally ingests cocoa bean hulls, call your vet immediately. Dog owners need to beware when using cocoa shell mulch that the shells do contain varying amounts of two compounds that are toxic to dogs: caffeine and theobromine.The sweet...
The simplest method for harvesting rainwater is with rain barrels.Using rain barrels involves no special plumbing. That's the last component for collecting rainwater for your garden.
However, mulch works best when used as part of a multi-pronged approach along withfreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });When used correctly before weeds sprout in early spring, pre-emergent herbicides are one...
Organic mulches provide an attractive, natural appearance to the home landscape.Most organic mulches are relatively inexpensive and readily available, but the mulch must be replaced as it breaks down.