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What Is Glass Mulch: Tips On Using Landscape Glass As Mulch
However, the total amount depends on the size of the glass. Using tumbled glass mulch made from used glass bottles, old windows and other glass products keeps glass out of the landfills.
Garden Mulch Problems: When Issues Pop Up Using Mulch In Gardens
Mulch quality varies depending upon the type and/or supplier, either of which may create problems with mulch.First of all, too much of a good thing is just that — too much. If this occurs, water is unable to penetrate the mulch and irrigate the plant.
Watering New Plants: What Does It Mean To Water Well When Planting
If the area drains too slowly, or water stays pooled up, you'll need to amend the soil with organic materials or usefreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });, require less water to establish and grow; over watering...
Tips On Using Pine Straw For Garden Mulch
Pull away the needles in spring when using pine straw for garden mulch, so that tender new shoots can easily penetrate to reach the sun and air.The recommended amount of mulch around plants is 2 to 3 inches in regular soil and up to 5 inches in dry sandy...
Leaf Mulch Info – Learn About Mulching With Leaves
Once dry, use a lawn mower to chop them into little pieces. Free exercise and free organic mulch to nourish your garden year round! So don't rake and bag those fall leaves, turn them into leaf mulch instead.
Can You Mulch With Hay – Learn How To Mulch With Hay
Instead, it will start to compost, creating a rich layer of nutrients for your plants. The highest quality hay will have few to no seeds, but some are inevitable. Hay, though, just may give you the best yield you've ever gotten out of your garden.The...
Reflective Mulch Info: Is Reflective Mulch Effective In Gardens
It also helps retard weeds and conserve moisture just as other forms offreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Reflective mulch not only increases temperatures and the amount of available light to plants, but...
Corn Cob Mulch: Tips For Mulching With Corn Cobs
A 2- to 4-inch layer of corn cobs will prevent the soil from becoming too dry during the winter. If soil freezing and thawing is an issue in your climate, wait and apply the mulch after the first frost.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Soaker Hose Irrigation: How To Use Soaker Hoses In The Lawn And Garden
The hoses have a rough surface that hides millions of tiny pores. Soaker hose irrigation keeps the soil moist but never waterlogged, and the foliage remains dry. Plants are healthier andGardening with soaker hoses is convenient because the hoses remain...
Using Hemlock Mulch On Veggies And Garden Areas
But can you use hemlock mulch in a vegetable garden? Read on for answers that will put your mind at ease as you contemplate the right organic mulch for your landscape.Hemlock is a hardwood tree used for many industrial purposes.
What Is A Rain Gauge: Garden Rain Gauge Info And Types Of Rain Gauges
Through trial and error, the next time you irrigate, the flow rate (gallon per minute) can be “reduced to ½ over 30 minutes. A rain gauge measures not only rain, but dew and mist.
Nut Shell Garden Mulch: Tips For Using Nut Hulls As Mulch
And is it okay to toss nuts in compost piles? It depends on whom you ask.One camp says, sure, go right ahead, and another says that peanut shells may carry fungal diseases and nematodes that can potentially afflict your plants.
What Is Cypress Mulch: Using Cypress Mulch In Gardens
Unfortunately, logging has taken its toll on the cypress population. It can be chopped dead leaves, dried grass clippings or organic compost. Many gardeners haven't read up on cypress mulch information and, therefore, don't know the benefits of this organic...
Winter Mulch Information: Tips On Mulching Plants In Winter
It is not meant to remain in place year round. Winteris a popular practice and a great way to protect your plants while they're dormant. Mulching plants in winter temperatures helps insulate them from rapid freezing and thawing, which can cause shallow-rooted...
What\'s The Best Natural Mulch For My Garden?
It decomposes into a rich, sweet-smelling black dirt, and it looks ever so tidy while doing it. Some plants love acid soil. The problem is, it's expensive, especially when you're buying it from a garden center at a dollar seventeen a bag (and they're...
What Is A Root Zone: Information On The Root Zone Of Plants
In many plants, the roots will branch out densely and grow up toward the soil's surface around the drip line to absorb as much rainfall and run off as the roots and root zone can hold.
What Is Lucerne Mulch – Learn About Mulching With Lucerne Hay
A layer measuring 1 to 3 inches is recommended.Although lucerne hay is usually seedless, it may contain seeds, including pesky weed seeds, which can get a foothold in your garden.Don't allow lucerne mulch to pile up against the base of plants, including...
Buckwheat Hull Mulch: Should I Mulch With Buckwheat Hulls
They tend to be sold only near facilities that mill buckwheat. If you're willing to pay a little bit more, however, buckwheat hull mulch makes for a very attractive, textured, even cover for both vegetable and flower beds.
What Is Coconut Coir: Tips On Using Coconut Coir As Mulch
Additionally, peat mining is not environmentally friendly, while harvesting of coir poses no threat to the environment. As an amendment for clay-based soil, coir improves soil quality, preventing compaction and allowing freer movement of moisture and...
Mulch And Pet Safety: Tips On How To Keep Mulch Safe For Pets
However, keep in mind that dogs can choke on mulch and must still be supervised. It adds an attractive touch to flower beds, provides protection for plants and helps keep the soil moist.
What Is Deep Mulch Gardening – How To Use Deep Mulch In Your Garden
If the beds are not deep enough, weeds may still pop up. Next, lay down a layer of cardboard or a few layers of newspaper. This can easily be remedied by heaping on more mulch. Just pile the deep mulch where you want the garden, and the soil beneath will...
Cocoa Shell Mulch: Tips For Using Cocoa Hulls In The Garden
Many gardeners enjoy the sweet smell and attractive appearance of cocoa shell mulch.There are several cocoa mulch benefits to using cocoa hulls in the garden. However, a solution of 25 percent water and 75 percent white vinegar can be sprayed on the mold.Is...
Using Rain Barrels: Learn About Collecting Rainwater For Gardening
On the most basic level, there are five components. Most home gardeners see a rise in their water bill during the summer gardening months and during a drought, many of us have been forced to choose between our garden and out water bill.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Mulch Weed Control – Tips On Getting Rid Of Weed Growth In Mulch
What should you do if you've got weeds coming up in mulch in spite of your best intentions? Replenish mulch as it decomposes or blows away.Other than hand-pulling, mulch is probably the single most important means of weed control.
Choosing The Best Mulch: How To Choose Garden Mulch
A 2- to 3-inch (5-7 cm.) layer of organic mulch helps keep weeds in check and reduces watering requirements by minimizing evaporation. Types of inorganic mulch include:Inorganic mulches are often applied on top of landscape fabric or black plastic to...
Learn About Synthetic Mulch For Your Garden
It provides a brighter look to a garden, reflecting light off the pieces of recycled glass. It takes about 80 tires to make enough rubber mulch to fill one cubic yard of space. With the high emphasis on recycling, many people have turned to using synthetic...
Types Of Bark Mulch: Tips For Using Wood Mulch In Gardens
It isn't blown around by winds like lightweight mulches. They all make effective mulches, and it's fine to choose based on aesthetics. There are, however, a few precautions you should take.Keep wood mulch away from the trunks of trees to prevent rot.,...