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Spotlight on Go Gardening U-Picks and Farm Stands
While many gardeners love to grow their own fruits and vegetables, sometimes it isn't that simple. We'd love to see this become a world-wide directory so that travelers could plan outings and locals could have access to the freshest food and unique destinations.
El Segundo
Forum Banners: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
As you may have noticed, several plant forums within Dave's Garden have their own unique banner photo, including theforums. Really all it takes is asking the question, and a little legwork.
El Segundo
Purple Sprouting Broccoli Is A Winter Crop Worth Growing
Much like traditional green broccoli, purple sprouting broccoli provides edible flower bud clusters. If you're one of those gardeners who like to push the envelope, consider adding purple sprouting broccoli to your overwintering repertoire.
Why Is Too Much Fertilizer Bad for a Plant?
This generally turns the plant's leaves brown.Potassium in fertilizer can cause burns because it has a high salt index. Use the amount as instructed on the label. Ask your nursery when in doubt or look at the bottle to make sure that it fertilizes the...
Santa Monica
Stoneroot, worth remembering?
It is native to north America and grows wild from Massachusetts and Vermont south to Florida and west to Ontario, Wisconsin and Arkansas. When she made salves and balms, lotions and teas, more times than not she had somebody specific in mind.
El Segundo
Just so much Junk!
I figured if my garden was going to pop anyway, a little more color wouldn't matter.I girded myself up for the event, donned an old lab coat and spread an even older shower curtain upon the ground.
El Segundo
Too Much Magnesium for Plants
You can have your soil tested to see where your particular soil may be lacking and adjust the levels accordingly. When a plant has a magnesium deficiency, the leaves turn yellow and sometimes curl up at the tips.Fertilizers contain a balance of minerals...
Santa Monica
How Much Sun for Corn?
Corn types that must fully mature and dry kernels and cobs may need a sunny garden plot free from frost for upward of 120 to 150 days after planting. Sunlight also promotes the best growth and photosynthesis in the limited number of leaves on each corn...
Santa Monica
Flowers That Don\'t Require Much Water
Both perennials and annuals have been developed that grow well without constant rainfall or watering.Cleomes love the sun and tolerate dry spells in the weather.Perennial flowers that don't require much water include echinacea, daylilies and yarrow.
Santa Monica
How Much Cold Can Pansies Take?
Pansies are popular in home gardens, according to Utah State University Extension. Pansies, related to violas, come in a range of colors, including those with solid or multiple colors.
Santa Monica
Carnations ~ Much More than a Boutonniere
Very long-lasting and they complement almost any other flower. It will be held August 7-17, 2008. But what else can I tell you about carnations? As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the red or scarlet carnation is the Ohio state flower.
El Segundo
How Much Water Do Pansies Need?
Keep the soil moist as they adjust to their new environment.Once established, pansies need to receive adequate water. Use organic materials, such as pine straw, pine bark nuggets or shredded hardwood.
Santa Monica
How Much Sunlight Do Petunias Require?
Before transplanting petunias to a full-sun bed, harden them off so they don't suffer leaf scalding from the bright light. Sow the seeds on the soil surface and place them in an area that receives bright light to ensure they sprout.
Santa Monica
How Much Water Do Cucumbers Need?
You must remain attentive throughout the gardening season and determine the cucumber's water needs on a weekly basis.Cucumbers reach maturity in the hot, summer season.The type and quality of the soil in the garden influences the water needs of the cucumber...
Santa Monica
Rare Livestock Breeds Are Worth Preserving
Fortunately, this is a fairly extreme case. As with most things, the first step in change is awareness. The sheep population dropped from more than 21,000 to about 40. But, I have seen a farm with Tunis sheep, a lovely orange-colored breed that gets fairly...
Winter Moths: A Pest Worth Watching
If you live in New England, eastern Canada or the Pacific Northwest, you might already be familiar with a serious plant pest known as winter moths. The females, on the other hand, are even smaller.
How Much Sun Do Azaleas Need?
With too much shade, the plant does not flower. Other hybrids are based on this azalea. In full sun, the shrub is compact and the blooms, though prolific, do not last long.An azalea native to the United States is deciduous and sheds leaves over winter...
Santa Monica
How Much Water for Lucky Bamboo?
Remember to keep water levels consistent over time.Lucky bamboo thrives in humidity. Administer water at the base of the cane, covering the roots.Use rain or distilled water to water your bamboo plant.Lucky bamboo's leaves turn yellow-brown when the plant...
Santa Monica
Flowers That Don\'t Need Much Sun
The pansy does well in cool weather and in the shade, although when it does not get some sun, it will typically produce fewer flowers. An evergreen plant that typically grows in low mounds, impatiens comes in a multitude of colors.
Santa Monica
Sorghum: For Much More Than Syrup
As homesteaders and hobby farmers, our thoughts regarding sorghum often turn to the amber syrup created from the sweet cane juice, but sorghum is valuable for more than just the cane.
Lobelia for Hiccups—And Much More!
Plant Crampbark The Healing Power of the Easter Lily A Natural Way to Pass Kidney Stones The Bone-Healing Properties of Boneset 8 Ways to Use and Love Burdock « More of the Prescription Gardener » Tags healing plants , hiccups , lobelia , prescription...
How Much To Water Roses During Droughts
When you do water, I recommend doing so by hand with a watering wand. Usingof your choice around the rose bushes will help hold in the priceless soil moisture as well. Fill the bowls up with water, then move on to the next.
How Much Water Do Sunflower Plants Need?
Soil quality and the amount of natural moisture in the soil affects how much water sunflowers need, so monitor the soil moisture in your garden and water when it begins to feel dry.
Santa Monica
Success Is …
As a poet, she left behind much wisdom we can apply to our day-to-day lives, but today, as I was reading about her life and thumbing through her insightful words, this quote stuck out at me: “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking...
The Lemonade Stand
These three-hour competitive trail rides require horses to negotiate a number of obstacles that they might only see when being ridden on city trails. The judge reached for the container and tried to take it from Milagro's mouth, but my horse would have...
Sugar Maple Trees: So Much to Offer!
YouTube abounds with videos of unmanned drones based on this basic design, all of which emit an annoying, whining noise that rivals any racket we used to make with the wings! See the references at the end of this article for links to more on these two...
El Segundo
Rutabagas: A Humble Vegetable Worth Raving About
Frosts sweeten the flavor of rutabagas, because it converts their starches into sugars. Tags The Dirt on Gardening An excellent storage crop, rutabagas will last for months in a cool basement or root cellar.