The Thai and Genovese basil I planted among the asparagus to keep asparagus beetles at bay are doing pretty well. A garden-turned-jungle always leaves me feeling a little overwhelmed, but after a couple of sweaty days of weeding, we unearthed vibrant...
It is an interesting process and members have a great deal of fun selecting the images that appear on our various pages.The second step is to round up some photos to choose from. As you may have noticed, several plant forums within Dave's Garden have...
If you use the fireplace often, you should also have it inspected and swept by a professional somewhat frequently, according to the Chimney Safety Institute of America's website. Burning lilac wood is completely safe.
Mulch plants with a layer of straw or shredded leaves to limit weed pressure and maintain soil moisture levels. In fact, some gardeners can harvest fresh shoots from the plants all winter long.
Birch is heavy and very strong wood. High-quality birch logs have sapwood that usually is wide and white, while the heartwood is a reddish color.Uses of birch wood include cabinets, furniture, flooring and high-grade plywood.
If you use too much fertilizer with these nutrients, you can cause burning to new plants, existing flowers and your lawn.When a plant has fertilizer burn, it is not actually burned.
Even as a little girl, I knew what stoneroot was.My great Aunt Bett knew everybody far and wide. Callie Mae never knew I was there.grows in moist woodlands or in shade on rich soil.
Be sure to cut back any dead or damaged limbs or any that cross. The expansion of the bud, the following spring, leaves a noticeable scar. Distinguishing between old and new wood is crucial in understanding the correct wood pruning methods for your plants.bloom...
I figured if my garden was going to pop anyway, a little more color wouldn't matter.I girded myself up for the event, donned an old lab coat and spread an even older shower curtain upon the ground.
Unlike oak, maple and mahogany, palm trees are soft stemmed trees that, despite their size, are more flexible than sturdy. Still, while palm tree wood may not be strong, it is surprisingly resilient and malleable.
Most of the cells in softwood are longitudinal tracheids, which act as tubes to conduct water. Like pines and larches, spruce wood has resin canals, which supply resin to seal up wounds in the tree's bark.
It burns beautifully and sweetly in a fireplace or bonfire."blossoms." is Copyrighted by Flickr user: yumyumbubblegum (Jasmine Jahromi) under the Creative Commons Attribution license.Crabapples are a member of a genus of deciduous trees and shrubs that...
Mulching is also used in paths and between pavers to reduce weeds and provide a clean appearance.With all these advantages, why wouldn't you use mulch? There are many ways to enhance the garden with wood chip mulch.
For example, a log that is 11 feet, 6 inches would be rounded down to 10 feet.Measure the diameter of the wood at the smaller end of the log to the nearest inch. Board footage is calculated based on a log's diameter and length.
Weeping cherry trees can bring beauty and grace to any landscaped environment. Some cause damage that is merely cosmetic while others cause health issues.Powdery mildew, black knot, leaf spot and twig cankers are among the more common disease to watch...
Beeswax and 3 oz. The pine sap stimulates the blood flow around the splinter, pushing it out of the skin. Rub pine-sap salve on a wood or glass splinter, and within a few days the splinter will force its way out of your skin.
Fill the jar full with cedar leaves, berries and bark. Place the clean empty can in the center and then pack more cedar around the can almost to the top of the can. Put the lid on the pot upside down so the handle in the center hangs down into the can...
Mahogany is a much sought-after wood, based on its hardness, resilience and beauty. Irregularities in the grain are considered desirable, producing distinctive, visually appealing "figures" – the interlocking and interleaving of wood fibers.Mahogany...
The African continent is an immense area, densely wooded in many regions, with wide variations in climate. This tree is light brown or beige in color, and extremely dense.In Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana, this brown and yellow tree is known as Iroko, but the...
Water, as needed, to keep the growing medium evenly moist; the seeds should germinate and sprout in approximately seven to 10 days. Pour the growing medium into a 4- to 6-inch-deep tray with drainage holes in the bottom.Mix the fig seeds with 1/2 cup...
Juniper trees are members of the cedar family and the wood of the juniper is used for many purposes. The needles of a juniper tree are rather short and grow in clusters close to the branches.
The soft, spongy wood has no value in construction and cannot be burned as firewood. The wood is considered soft and not commercially useful.The aerial roots of the banyan look like vertical stems.The banyan tree is a tropical to semi-tropical tree that...
The North Dakota Department of Agriculture states a deficiency in calcium causes blossom end rot in tomato plants and affects the growth of leaves on beat plants negatively. When a plant has a magnesium deficiency, the leaves turn yellow and sometimes...
The heat from sunlight warms the soil in spring adequately to allow seeds to germinate. Without pollination of the ear silks, corn kernels will not form. Regardless of corn type, all are tropical annual grasses that need a fertile soil that is warm.
The flies pick up the spores and dispense them wherever they land next, completing the stinkhorn's life cycle in unique fashion.After a fly deposits the mycelium, or fungal cells, they penetrate soil or mulch and begin to digest organic material.
With more than 200 species at home in damp, wooded areas of the Northern Hemisphere. Like most, they prefer slightly acidic conditions. Like most ferns, wood fern won't perform well in intense sunlight, dry soil or extreme temperatures.Wood fern care...
People use the lumber from elm trees to make many things, including furniture. This refers to the nature of the lumber. Therefore balsa would be classified as a "soft hardwood" while hickory is classified as a "hard hardwood."Elm trees are a type of deciduous...