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Five Spot Seed Propagation – Growing Baby Blue Eyes From Seeds
You will soon have another batch of these attractive natives to festoon your patio or garden beds. After flowers are spent, a small seed pod forms. , or baby blue eyes, is a native North American plant.
Baby Toes Succulent: How To Grow A Baby Toes Plant
Baby toes succulent may be mottled, grayish green to fully gray or even brown.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Like many succulents, Fenestraria baby toes produces offsets as the clusters of leaves mature...
Through the Years, We All Will Be Together
It is a privilege and an honor to share my stories, thoughts, ideas and knowledge with my fellow gardeners. She shared this horrible news with others in one of our forums, and before we knew it an organized effort to help with the move AND transplant...
El Segundo
Breaking Bread and Swapping Plants: The First Ever Dave\'s Garden Roundup
Since the volunteer cooks will be busy all afternoon after the plant swap, what if we schedule some fun things for the adults and kids inside during the afternoon heat?We ended up with 70+ folks attending for the events covering Friday through Sunday.
El Segundo
Coffee and conversation: the evolution of an e-community
There may be nothing we can do but offer support, maybe send a card. As we watched houses going up in our new development, one thing that struck us was how many homes had big front porches.
El Segundo
Iowa Roundup 2008--Portal to Plant Heaven
To borrow a quote from that famous scene in the movie, Field of Dreams (filmed in Iowa): "Is this heaven? No, it's..." the 2008 Iowa DG Roundup at Noelridge Park in Cedar Rapids! See the "Fun Facts" list below for details.hile the weather wasn't exactly...
El Segundo
Dave\'s Garden leads to Dinu\'s Garden
Then, a Panasonic DC with 12x zoom followed. Garden Angels from across the world later saw to it that I got a good digital camera and even a PC so that I reduced 'cyberslacking' but increased sharing what I did here, 'half way round the earth'.2006 was...
El Segundo
Its a Small World After All
Jokes were exchanged between a Nederlander and a San Franciscan. And it grew.There are five times more people in DG than in the entire country that I live in! That is a lot of people communicating.Mr. Disney was always in favor of happy endings.
El Segundo
The Hand that Rocks the Cradle
She could make anything grow; I swear to you just by giving it a smile - ok, that's not true... This isn't an article about politics or religion, it's just about Mothers - those gone, those here and those in the future, and how they impacted us in our...
El Segundo
Extreme birdhouses; designed and built by DG member John Looser
He stated, "After sitting around for a few years, I thought maybe I could still do some woodworking on a smaller scale. John's life was full of woodworking and homebuilding.before John was 40 years old, an accident at work left him unable to continue...
El Segundo
The Love Garden: A lasting gift for your Valentine
Start now for a lifetime of shared memories. There are thousands to choose from. Bouquets of red roses, chocolates and diamonds wrapped with red ribbon will be arriving at homes and offices around the world.
El Segundo
Why Is Too Much Fertilizer Bad for a Plant?
Use the amount as instructed on the label. If you use a small amount in the late summer months, your plants should be ready to go dormant by winter. Most plants need at least 1 inch of water a week.
Santa Monica
What Is Baby Bok Choy: Bok Choy Vs. Baby Bok Choy
It grows best in the cool, shorter days of fall and the early spring.Prepare a sunny area in the garden for planting in the early spring or fall. Are bok choy and baby bok choy the same?
I (heart) my garden , my garden (hearts) me
February brings Valentine's Day for the romantics and American Heart Month for the pragmatic and health conscious among us. This table lists others. I came up with several in my green inventory, looked up a few more, and made a game for you at the end...
El Segundo
Woody Perennials Bring the Fall Border to Life
They rush hither and thither gathering up beautiful specimens and bedding pants. They knew that, like gardeners, the earth breathes a sigh of relief as the cooler breezes of autumn banish the blistering heat of summer.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Spotlight on BirdFiles
Bird watching and bird feeding are growing in popularity every day and gardeners find these activities a natural extension of their other outdoor enjoyments. It isn't unusual to see identification requests from several continents each day, and the responses...
El Segundo
Limbaugh\'s Legacy: My Favorite Heirloom Tomato, \
Although he himself didn't eat tomatoes, Fred loved growing them to share with others.When his knees started getting creaky, Fred recruited help. If you peel back a bit of skin on a regular red tomato, you'll see that it has a yellow tint.
El Segundo
Just so much Junk!
What is an eyesore to some could easily become a treasure to others if you put a little thought in it. The ice remained for ten days. Things were beginning to take shape, and after placing everything where I wanted it to be, I left the blue furniture...
El Segundo
Breathing in the Earth
It has been a long winter here in Minnesota. It is a clean, sweet smell of moist dirt, sliced root and overturned foliage. Every now and then as spring approaches and the weather warms, I catch a certain smell on the breeze , a scent of life on the verge...
Baby Jo: Baby No More
It wasn't apparent for quite a while that she was indeed Baby Jo and that we were lucky enough to have acquired another hen for our flock. We began calling her Baby Jo right away because her mom was one of the Jo's (Betty Jo, Bobby Jo or Billie Jo—we...
Dave\'s Garden\'s heroes: Extreme reverse makeover saves the day
Suddenly, another post appeared.Smockette posted an offer to move the gardens, with information that this would not be the first time that Texas Dave's Garden members helped move an entire garden.
El Segundo
Meet Dave\'s Gardeners in Your Area: Throw a Plant Party!
Remember, you're not dealing with a demanding bunch of social climbers, just a few friendly folks who want to meet up and talk plants.You could begin by posting an "interest" thread if you haven't picked a definite date or place for your gathering, so...
El Segundo
Too Much Magnesium for Plants
Each nutrient plays an important role for plant growth, and either an excess or deficiency of any one nutrient can make the difference in plant production.Soils with balanced nutrients create healthy green plants.As one of the essential nutrients for...
Santa Monica
How Much Sun for Corn?
Lots of sunshine and ambient heat and humidity allows the corn plants to bloom and develop rows of kernels on each cob.Corn plants need heat, humidity and sunlight to prosper.Always choose a garden location that basks in full, all-day sunlight when growing...
Santa Monica
Baby Greenhouses
Small greenhouses, row covers, can speed up the growth of your annuals. For more information on small greenhouses, visit Small-Scale Greenhouses. In one respect, plants are similar to cold-blooded animals like frogs and turtles.
Flowers That Don\'t Require Much Water
One highly drought-tolerant flower is the blanket flower, which produces yellow, orange and red blooms from late spring to fall.Hostas don't require much water and produce tall spikes of purple flowers each year.
Santa Monica
How Much Cold Can Pansies Take?
Fertilize according to the results of a soil test for best results, suggests the Georgia Center for Urban Agriculture. During the day, pansies thrive in temperatures in the high 50s and low 60s.Pansies generally bloom until fall, when frosts begin regularly...
Santa Monica