As a general rule, 7 pounds of glass mulch is enough to cover 1 square foot to a depth of 1 inch. Look for glass mulch at retail building supply companies or nurseries, or contact landscape contractors in your area.
, that is put atop soil in the garden or landscape to suppress weeds and conserve moisture. When stored in this manner, the mulch undergoes anaerobic fermentation, which creates sulfides such as acetic acid, ethanol, and methanol.
Never blast water on the base of the plant, as this causes erosion of the soil and just wastes all the water that the plant doesn't get the chance to soak up.For the first week, continue to water plants with regular watering needs every day with a slow...
Pine straw mulch benefits also include improving soil tilth. Pine straw mulch benefits go beyond the listed attributes and create ideal conditions forMany gardeners find the constant pine needles under their trees an unsightly mess, but using pine straw...
Now that you know how to use leaf mulch in gardens, you can take advantage of the fantastic “green” benefits mulching with leaves provides. There are many types of mulch, and leaf mulch is comprised of exactly what it sounds like, leaves.
Then there are the seeds, which are minimal in high quality hay, but are always present to some degree and are likely to include weed seeds.But using hay as mulch has some surprising benefits.
Once the mulch is in place, cut 3- to 4-inch (8-10 cm.) diameter holes and plant a few seeds or a single transplant within the hole.Or, if your budget is limited, cover cardboard with aluminum foil.
A 2- to 4-inch layer of corn cobs will prevent the soil from becoming too dry during the winter. Leave a 4- to 6-inch ring of bare soil directly around the trunk.While corn cob mulch is suitable for any location in your garden, its coarse texture makes...
If you're curious about soaker hoses stocked alongside regular hoses in the garden store, take a few minutes to investigate their many benefits. Simply use a nail or other sharp object to tap small holes every couple inches or so along the length of the...
The plant is very toxic and even a small amount ingested by a pet or small child can make them very sick or even cause death. If you are in a pinch, however, you can certainly use hemlock mulch on veggies without fear of it tainting your produce.Pets,...
You will want to position the rain gauge away from overhead objects and take care to fasten it securely so the wind doesn't tip the garden rain gauge over. With a garden rain gauge, maintenance of garden irrigation can be managed and therefore, results...
This got me to thinking about using nut hulls as mulch. It's baseball season again and he who shall remain nameless is blowing through bags of not onlyas well. It depends on whom you ask.One camp says, sure, go right ahead, and another says that peanut...
However, putting cypress mulch in gardens has a very real dark side.Cypress forests are critical to the ecosystems of southern states such as Florida and Louisiana. The use of this product could actually decrease the country's cypress forests.The cypress...
A variety ofare suitable winter mulch protection, including straw, pine needles, bark and chopped corn cobs.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Winter mulching is just that — it's to protect your plants...
It traps moisture in the soil so you don't have to water as often, and it acts as an insulator so your plants' roots don't get too hot. It decomposes into a rich, sweet-smelling black dirt, and it looks ever so tidy while doing it.
Gardeners and landscapers often refer to the root zone of plants. Roots can grow long, leggy and weak in a root zone that is tooand drains too quickly. Many systemic disease and insect control products also suggest applying the product to the plant's...
The mulch can retain moisture that promotes rot, and may attract rodents to the garden. A layer measuring 1 to 3 inches is recommended.Although lucerne hay is usually seedless, it may contain seeds, including pesky weed seeds, which can get a foothold...
Keep reading to learn more about mulching with buckwheat hulls and where to find buckwheat hull not a grain as some people believe, but rather a seed that can be harvested and eaten (odds are you've heard of buckwheat flour).
Let's learn the reasons why using coir for mulch is a great idea for many gardeners.Coconut fiber, or coir, a natural waste product resulting from the processing of coconuts, comes from the outer shell of the coconut husks.
Dogs will sometimes chew on wood because they are lacking in nutrients, but mostly it is out of boredom or curiosity. Signs that your pet may be suffering from an allergic reaction include rash, pus filled bumps, excessive itching and irritability.
Next, lay down a layer of cardboard or a few layers of newspaper. Read on to learn how to garden with deep mulch.Gardener and author Ruth Stout first laid out the concept of deep mulch gardening in her 1950s book “Gardening without the Work: for the...
Organic cocoa mulch, which containsand has a pH of 5.8, adds beneficial nutrients to the soil.Using cocoa hulls in the garden is an excellent way to increase soil vitality and is an attractive top cover for both flower beds and vegetable patches.Cocoa...
This barrel should be wide and have a removable lid so it can be cleaned. So how do you collect rainwater? During a 1-inch rainfall, 90 square feet of roof will shed enough water to fill a 55-gallon drum.Next, you'll need a way to direct the flow for...
Is one of the primary reasons for applying mulch, yet pesky weeds may persist, even through a carefully applied layer of bark chips or pine needles. Pay attention to the label, as some plants don't tolerate certain types of pre-emergent herbicides.Replace...
Mulch is available in two basic types: organic mulch and inorganic mulch. Shredded, small mulch or pine needles are more combustible than large nuggets or chunks.are made of manmade or natural materials that do not break down in the soil.
Is a standard practice for helping to reduce weeds and maintain the preferred moisture level for the plants. When the water runs off the plastic, it can also carry pesticides into other areas, causing a buildup.
When it no longer looks its best, you can compost it or work it directly into the soil.found that wood chips came in tops in three important categories:– Covering the soil with 2 inches of wood mulch slows moisture evaporation from the soil.– Wood...