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How Much Chicken Feed Does A Flock Need?
Commercial broilers and layers are, overwhelmingly, raised in confinement—they are feed-conversion-ratio machines, and their egg and meat products make up their greatest energy output.
How Much Water Does a Giant Redwood Tree Need?
These trees produce canopy roots on high branches that absorb fog water. During the winter months, deep snow ties up some of the moisture. Giant sequoia live in the Sierra Nevada mountain habitats where summers are warmer and drier and winter snowpack...
Santa Monica
Watering A Trumpet Vine: How Much Water Does A Trumpet Vine Need
Wait for a heavy rainfall, then examine the soil in your garden. If your winters are warm and dry, water lightly through winter as well. Are stunning flowering perennial vines that can completely cover a fence or wall in brilliant orange blossoms.
How Much Water Does a Newly Planted Dogwood Tree Need?
Because dogwoods have shallow root systems, it's important to provide them with supplemental irrigation during hot, dry periods three weeks or longer. For best results, work the fertilization into your irrigation routine by mixing the water-soluble fertilizer...
Santa Monica
Light Requirements For Hibiscus – How Much Light Does A Hibiscus Need
The more light a hibiscus gets, the better it will bloom, up to a point.There is such a thing as too much light, especially when it's combined with hot and dry weather. Keeping your hibiscus healthy and happy is easy when you provide what it needs –...
How Does a Dandelion Reproduce?
They can be difficult to eradicate in part because they have more than one method of reproducing themselves. However, dandelions have both male and female organs on the same flower.
Santa Monica
How Does a Daisy Reproduce?
Fertilization pilots the creation and distribution of the seeds. Ox-eye daisies are blossoming plants. Daisies can be reproduced by either of these methods. Asexual reproduction does not require ploidy, reduction, meiosis, or fertilization.
Santa Monica
How Does a Hibiscus Reproduce?
Once pollen has found its way to the stigma, it moves down a tube into the ovary. Parts of mature plants are also taken to create new grafting. After removing the cutting, plant it immediately.
Santa Monica
How Does a Tulip Reproduce?
After the flower has died, wait about a month and a half to then dig up the bulbettes to then either store in a cold dry place or replant in another location. If you wish to have the same flower reproduce each year without maintenance, then plant the...
Santa Monica
How Much Light Does an Aloe Plant Need?
This will allow you to keep your plant thriving inside your house or in your garden.Aloe plants need a lot of bright light to stay healthyIn the house, an aloe plant will need bright and direct light.
Santa Monica
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
If you have a repeat-bloomer, after the initial flush, prune back by about one-third. Or, if this is a dead end, but sure you put the flare into open tunnel, as shoving it into the blind end will just end up smoking you out, or you can extinguish the...
El Segundo
Ask-a-Gardener: Your Gardening Questions Answered
I have not found it. Harris Seeds offers many color separated seeds just one of the zinnia selections. Try laying a few pieces of cut, raw potato around in the soil. Water from the bottom if possible, and until your gnats are gone only water enough...
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
I may get a few, but they are easy to pull up or transplant to another area. When I say a few...I mean a couple each season, not a couple dozen! Kudos to you for finding the free amendments! The seed balls are great organic matter and your gardens will...
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
In lieu of a soil test, I agree that you can use a balanced all purpose fertilizer such as Miracle Gro. The one I have on hand has an analysis of 24-8-16, which is a good balance for general plant health.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Since you'll be planting trees, the rootball will take up quite a bit of space. This is sometimes called "planting on 28 inch centers," ( or whatever the measurement may be.) Planting 28 inches apart will certainly assure ample growing room for those...
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Excessive plant food can also burn leaf tips. I do this once a week until the problem clears up. Then DO NOT plant it in the garden in midsummer. The simplest, though not the most effective thing to do is to use light-colored pots or paint dark pots a...
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Occasionally we come across a question that we find particularly interesting or intriguing. Our writers and admins will handpick a few of your questions and answer them in an upcoming Ask-a-Gardener, one of our Saturday morning features.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Several studies indicate drought brings on early fall color, but I'm not able to determine if experts suggest excess moisture does as well. I took the picture just for this question, so the foliage looks like this right now.
El Segundo
How Does a Lily Pollinate?
The female reproductive organ, called the pistil, emerges from the center of the flower. An example of a hummingbird-pollinated lily is Turk's cap (Lilium superbum) with yellow to yellow-orange downward-pointing flowers.
Santa Monica
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Cut off the flowers of those plants before bees find them. The heat or sometimes the chemicals in the smoke, weaken the seed coat and allow water to enter and germination to begin.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Answers: The term ‘winter protection' means to give your plant just a little help to survive a harsh winter. With just a few preparations, you can conceivably increase the climate area where a plant is growing as much as a couple of zones.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Occasionally we come across a question that we find particularly interesting or intriguing. Now that we are at the end of the main growing season, you might take any organics you can find and spread them all over the garden.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Make sure you are treating your jade properly - lots of light, not too much water, as one reader commented "give it conditions just like Southern California." Is there a chance it could be stretching to get to the light?
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Mid-June here in Kentucky is the perfect time. They tend to drop leaves and sulk if blasted with artificial heat right off the bat. I'll over-winter brugmansias in my garage. Furthermore, it's likely to get worse, I'm sorry to say.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
I dont believe that there are any leaks from it. My question is, would be possible to use grow lights outside? We hope you find these questions (and answers, penned by our admins and writers) helpful as you grow your gardening knowledge!
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Nicolaus about her experiences with growing banana TREES in Maryland. You can experiment and see if it is a pollination issue by hand pollinating squash yourself. Gardening is both art and science, with some luck and skill thrown in for good measure.
El Segundo
Boston Fern Light Conditions: How Much Light Does A Boston Fern Need
Boston fern won't tolerate bright sunlight or total shade.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });First, avoid intense, direct light, which can scorch the fronds.Secondly, keep in mind that without adequate sunlight,...