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Making a Living Wreath
Sometimes a thin layer of potting soil may be added between the moss layers to provide some more structure. These will have to be watered more often than the succulents and will die back in winter.To build a living wreath base you need just sphagnum moss...
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter #2
The company graciously sent me a unit to use and review, so I'm sharing my experiences in a series of three articles. Coffee grounds and tea bags are acidic, leaves and woody material contains carbon.Other materials contain trace elements that make up...
El Segundo
Making Do
I realized that what I needed was a sledge or sled, what my father used to call a “stone boat.” The goal was something I could pile high with manure and tow behind my ATV. Roger keeps a beef herd, and over winter the manure collects around the hay...
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter #3
I've learned quite a bit about composting in a contained system as opposed to composting in an exposed pile. So, we can take away two lessons from this incident; juicy fruit may attract ants and you must maintain proper moisture levels to keep your compost...
El Segundo
Make It Do
Yes, I believe another project is in order—that way, we could actually get our feet and hands (and knees!) in among the plants to do our harvesting. I simply put holes in the bottom for drainage, and at last I had my long-coveted whiskey barrel.
El Segundo
Corner Shelf: Making Do
The challenge was that it was a corner shelf and I only had one appropriate hanger for the job. My options were a trip to a neighboring town with a functioning hardware store (as I have noted, an endangered species in rural America) or a longer trip to...
How Much Water Do Pansies Need?
Water to supplement rain to ensure they receive at least 1 inch of water per week. Uneven watering causes pansies stress, and overwatering may cause root rot.Newly planted pansies need to be watered thoroughly immediately after planting, since moving...
Santa Monica
How Much Sunlight Do Petunias Require?
When this is necessary, choose a bed that receives full morning sun and dappled sunlight or bright shade in the later afternoon. Without sunlight, petunias also flower poorly with few blossoms through the otherwise productive summer months.Petunia seeds...
Santa Monica
How Much Water Do Cucumbers Need?
Clay soil retains water and tends to compact, which inhibits water movement around the cucumber roots. Feel the soil two to three times a week when there is no rainfall and water when necessary.
Santa Monica
How Much Sun Do Azaleas Need?
This type of shade is provided by trees that sway or blow in the wind, offering sun one moment and shade the next to azaleas.The azalea prefers filtered light or partial shade. With too much shade, the plant does not flower.
Santa Monica
How Much Water Do Sunflower Plants Need?
Some of that water comes from rain and natural water in the soil, but most is dependent on regular watering.MASAHIRO MORIGAKI/a.collectionRF/amana images/Getty ImagesKeep sunflower beds weeded so the weeds don't rob moisture from the plants.Once established,...
Santa Monica
How Much Water Do Ice Plants Need?
Periodic rain or watering is required to maintain the plant life, but the soil should be almost completely dry when the plant is receiving its next watering. Usually, no more than 18 inches of water a year is required to grow ice plant effectively.Ice...
Santa Monica
How Much Sun Do Strawberry Plants Need?
Excessive sun exposure or heat will damage new plants and stunt their growth. If you grow strawberries in containers, set your plants outdoors for at least six hours of full sun. If weather or climate prevents this, use a grow lamp to give your strawberries...
Santa Monica
Flock Talk: How Much Space Do My Chickens Need?
Q: I'm considering planting a garden this spring specifically for my chickens. A hen needs to feel that the box is a nice, private, safe place for her to sit on eggs. Shutterstock Q: I want to hatch some chicks this spring.
Orchid Water Requirements: How Much Water Do Orchids Need
Never use cold water – anything below 50 F. While they're not the easiest plants to grow, they're far from the most difficult. Always water your orchids in the morning so the moisture has time to evaporate.
How Do Plants Make Their Own Food?
Again, the oxygen is allowed to escape, but the carbon combines with the hydrogen end product of the first process to form a simple sugar. In another part of the leaf called the stroma, carbon dioxide that's been absorbed from the environment is reduced...
Santa Monica
How do I Make Lemon Grass Tea?
Lemon grass, scientific name Cymbopogon citratus, is a perennial grass that originates in India and grows to a height of 2 to 3 feet. Recipes for Thai, Caribbean and Vietnamese dishes use lemon grass extensively.
Santa Monica
How Much Do You Water the Indoor Palm Plant?
Too much water is just as harmful. If you move your indoor palms outside during the summer, check the soil daily. The drier conditions inside most homes make palms require a higher amount of watering than they do in their natural environs.While palm plants...
Santa Monica
How Much Coop Space Do Your Chickens Really Need?
In the backyard or on the hobby farm, there's a lot of room for a happy medium. Tags Chicken Quarters This is called chicken math—the unintentional multiplying of a flock size. Some breeds are better rangers than others, and some smaller, meeker breeds...
How Much Alfalfa Seed Do I Plant Per Acre?
In that case, you can either add supplemental water by irrigating the crop, or let it grow without added water. Alfalfa grows in many different climates. This will not lower yields at harvest, but it's a waste of expensive seed.You may be interested in...
Santa Monica
Fertilizing Cherry Laurels – How Much Fertilizer Do Cherry Laurels Need
Are flowering evergreen shrubs or small trees, which are commonly used in the landscape as hedges, privacy screens or windbreaks. In this article we will discuss properly fertilizing cherry laurels.
Calla Lily Watering: How Much Water Do Calla Lilies Need
This South African native, which can reach mature heights of 3 feet (1 m.), is considered a marginal aquatic plant, which means it grows in moist soil along riverbanks, ponds or streams, or around the edge of a water garden or rain garden.While calla...
Watering Tomato Plants – How Much Water Do Tomato Plants Need
Once the weather cools and fruit has set, scale back watering to once a week.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });– When watering tomatoes, make sure you get the water straight to the roots.
Watering Morning Glories: How Much Water Do Morning Glories Need
The plants will grow in dry soil, but you'll want to keep watering morning glories to keep the top inch of soil moist. Ideally, water in the early morning or in the evening to prevent evaporation.When to Water Morning Glory Plants Once Establishedfreestar.queue.push(function()...
Watering Tulip Bulbs: How Much Water Do Tulip Bulbs Need
Are one of the easiest flowers you can choose to grow. And since tulips are so brilliantly colored and bloom so early in the spring, that minimal work is well worth the while for the cheerful heralding of spring you get.
Sago Palm Watering – How Much Water Do Sago Palms Need
Don't water in between these deep waterings – allow the soil to dry out before doing it again.Water requirements for sago palm trees that have just been transplanted are a little different.
Watering Limes: How Much Water Do Lime Trees Need In Containers
So the question is, how much water do lime trees need?You may wonder when to water lime trees. Moisture meters are helpful tools which can be purchased at the garden store. To prevent this, make sure you plant the tree in a well-draining soil medium and...