Do not water in the late afternoon or evening.To conserve moisture in the soil, apply 2 inches of mulch to the pansies after planting. Use organic materials, such as pine straw, pine bark nuggets or shredded hardwood.
Petunias may not flower as well when planted in partial sunlight, and the plants may become leggy and weak looking. Gradually move them into direct sun over the course of seven days before finally planting them in the garden bed.While not preferred, petunias...
Determining the water needs of a cucumber plant requires more than reading the seed packet. Feel the soil two to three times a week when there is no rainfall and water when necessary.
According to the Azalea Society of America, the azalea thrives in variable shade. These hybrids grow in full sun and are nicknamed sun azaleas.The University of Illinois recommends azaleas such as the Flame Azalea that tolerates partial to full shade.
They thrive in hot weather with full, all-day sunlight, but they require 34 inches of water annually for best growth. Sandy or quick-draining soils may not hold enough moisture, so the sunflowers may need more frequent watering in these locations.
Grown in mostly sunlight, ice plants give the desert landscape color and texture with minimal water usage.Most ice plants and other succulents succeed in droughts. The plants thrive when liquid fertilizer is added to the normal watering schedule.
If you grow strawberries in containers, set your plants outdoors for at least six hours of full sun. Plenty of sun is one requirement for healthy strawberry plants.Plant strawberries on a cool day with plenty of cloud cover.
The simple answer as to when watering limes should occur is when they are thirsty. Don't let the lime tree sit in water, which can lead to, causing the leaves to yellow and die off.
Many palm species have fleshy ovary walls around the seeds that are tasty to wildlife or to humans. This is sexual reproduction, and keeps the species genetically flexible. The whole fruit floats on ocean currents, often for thousands of miles, to find...
This will evaporate gradually increasing humidity around the rubber tree. Dry soil causes leaves to drop and reduces the overall health and growth of the plant. However, in the home interior this may be difficult to achieve unless you are vigilant or...
I planted the birch on the rectangle next to the curb in front of the house and put a guard fence around it. Big as those over there." I looked up the street and saw a row of crepes, 20 feet tall."Now, the previous owner had two wives." I raised my eyebrows."No,...
Email your poultry-related questions to Lisa at, subject: “Flock Talk.” This story originally appeared in the January/February 2018 issue of Chickens magazine.
In general, orchids like their growing medium to dry out between waterings.To test this, put a finger in the growing medium. Time of day is also very important. Watering orchid plants at night allows water to settle into nooks and crannies and encourages...
Huge trees provide shade and scenery, but they don't reach such grand sizes overnight. The amount a tree grows each year depends upon the tree's species and environmental factors.Some trees, such as the empress tree, experience rapid growth, with 10 feet...
The perlite or vermiculite provides porosity to the soil for drainage, while the organic matter retains the necessary moisture for healthy growth. A well-drained potting soil that contains organic matter ensures the soil holds on to enough moisture to...
In the winter, extra space holds more cold air that chickens have to fill with body heat, so don't waste space; just 4 square feet per bird is a fine estimate for indoor coop space.
This is because broadcast seeding is random.The seeding rate for fields in arid regions that will not be irrigated is 8 to 10 lbs. Of seed per acre. It will also grow well in fields that have high alkalinity, meaning high soil pH.
Laurel oak and water oak are hardy in USDA zones 6 through 10.Planting an oak tree variety that thrives in your USDA zone helps ensure that the tree lives a long and healthy life. Individual lifespans also depend on environmental conditions, pests and...
It will grow in USDA zones 6a through 9.Close-up of a flower growing on a Chinese redbud tree.Chinese redbud (Cercis chinensis), native to China and Asia, grow 8 to 15 feet tall, has rosy, purple flowers and multiple trunks.
The dwarf mugo pine, for example, grows to only 3 feet in height with a spread of only 5 feet, and the bristlecone pine rarely attains a height of more than 20 feet. While these majestic pines grow quite tall, there are also much smaller species.
Trademarked plants have a tag with either a small "R" in a circle or "TM." Both symbols mean the plants' names are protected, but you can plant cuttings from them.The U.S. National Arboretum reported that the unpatented "Valley Forge" (Ulmus americana...
Soak the soil once a week when it is not raining. Tree roots follow the water. Standing water leaves behind mineral build-up affecting the soil quality. Place a hose trickling water by the tree's base and allow it to run for several hours or overnight...
This includes well-drained soil and full sun, protection from cold and winds and limited watering every week to 10 days after being established. The Tahiti lime tree reaches 15 to 20 feet in height under ideal conditions.Fruit size and quality vary greatly...
Slash pine also grows more than 2 feet per year. Japanese black pine also grows moderately fast at a rate of 1 to 2 feet per year.Loblolly pine is one of the fastest-growing southern pines, while white pine is one of the fastest growing landscape pines.
In general, this reduces the tree roots' ability to hold up the tree. The sabal palm is native to the southeastern United States and the wood of its trunk is so strong that it is often used to make wharf pilings, docks and poles.The University of Florida...
They are highly susceptible to pests and diseases, according to Rutgers University. Kousa grows more like a shrub, with an average height and width of 20 feet. It will take this dogwood 10 years to reach a size of 15 feet, but the tree has a beautiful...
) grow at different rates, depending on the variety and rootstock. Lacking a soil test's results and during the first year after planting an apple tree, scatter 1 pound of 10-10-10 fertilizer on the soil from 6 inches away from the tree's trunk to the...