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Making a Living Wreath
Placing the wreath in the garden where it receives incidental irrigation spray is another way to insure the wreath gets watered. Soaking the moss makes it easier to work with, but remember to wring out excess moisture.
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter #2
Coffee grounds and tea bags are acidic, leaves and woody material contains carbon.Other materials contain trace elements that make up healthy soil, so try to use a variety. I think the slow start is because I began this project at the end of a cold and...
El Segundo
Making Do
« More Shop Talk » This was, of course, an opportunity to justify the scraps I hadn't thrown out. I realized that what I needed was a sledge or sled, what my father used to call a “stone boat.” The goal was something I could pile high with manure...
Fun Feature: Making Compost in the Self-contained Toter Composter #3
It is important to maintain a healthy balance of moisture content. I really like the continous feed aspect of the Toter. There's a few eggshell pieces and some of my larger dry materials should have been broken up a bit more before I added them, but for...
El Segundo
Make It Do
What a workout. Have you ever buried something like a spoiled head of broccoli only to dig it up and find that it had not really decomposed much at all ... These things are so cheap that I picked up another one this year, same price.
El Segundo
Corner Shelf: Making Do
My options were a trip to a neighboring town with a functioning hardware store (as I have noted, an endangered species in rural America) or a longer trip to a larger community with hardware and big-box stores.
How Much Water Do Pansies Need?
Water to supplement rain to ensure they receive at least 1 inch of water per week. Do not water in the late afternoon or evening.To conserve moisture in the soil, apply 2 inches of mulch to the pansies after planting.
Santa Monica
How Much Sunlight Do Petunias Require?
Lack of sunlight leads to weak plants that are more prone to disease. Before transplanting petunias to a full-sun bed, harden them off so they don't suffer leaf scalding from the bright light.
Santa Monica
How Much Water Do Cucumbers Need?
More moisture is also lost to evaporation when you overhead water, necessitating more frequent irrigation. Plastic mulch applied over the bed before you plant retains the most moisture in the soil, so less watering is necessary.
Santa Monica
How Much Sun Do Azaleas Need?
The azalea is a flowering shrub related to the rhododendron. According to the Azalea Society of America, the azalea thrives in variable shade. Some are more shade or more sun tolerant depending on the cultivar.The University of California recommends evergreen...
Santa Monica
How Much Water Do Sunflower Plants Need?
Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) grow as annuals, with some varieties only living for two months. They thrive in hot weather with full, all-day sunlight, but they require 34 inches of water annually for best growth.
Santa Monica
How Much Water Do Ice Plants Need?
Ice plant is a succulent plant desired for its rapid growth, low maintenance and hardy nature. Grown in mostly sunlight, ice plants give the desert landscape color and texture with minimal water usage.Most ice plants and other succulents succeed in droughts.
Santa Monica
How Much Sun Do Strawberry Plants Need?
If you grow strawberries in containers, set your plants outdoors for at least six hours of full sun. Choose a bed with full-sun exposure.During the growing season, strawberries need full sun.
Santa Monica
Flock Talk: How Much Space Do My Chickens Need?
A: It's great that you're considering your current situation before you add to your flock. How do I make one of my hens go broody? They don't need to be fancy; they just need to block the front of the boxes.
Log Planters For Gardens: How To Make A Log Planter
If you or someone you know has had a tree cut down or pruned, this may offer an opportunity to get some logs.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });The first step in turning logs into planters for gardens is...
Orchid Water Requirements: How Much Water Do Orchids Need
If it's dry about an inch down, it's time for watering. Place your orchid's pot in this tray – the evaporating water from the gravel tray will surround your plant in moisture without waterlogging its roots.
How Do Plants Make Their Own Food?
The ingredients necessary for photosynthesis are light, water and carbon dioxide. Inside the chloroplast, chlorophyll molecules absorb a single photon of light and in exchange for an electron.
Santa Monica
How do I Make Lemon Grass Tea?
Recipes for Thai, Caribbean and Vietnamese dishes use lemon grass extensively. Throw away any brown or dried pieces of stalk.Place the cut lemon grass sections in a large saucepan.
Santa Monica
How Much Do You Water the Indoor Palm Plant?
Soil that looks dry on top may still be wet just beneath the surface. When the plant is provided with the right amount of moisture, the leaves will still naturally die and fall off the palm.
Santa Monica
How Much Coop Space Do Your Chickens Really Need?
Inside a coop where hens lay eggs, rest and snuggle on the roost at night, large chickens (versus small bantams) need at least 4 square feet per bird. When adding extra space for a long and healthy life of confinement, count on this extra space being...
How Much Alfalfa Seed Do I Plant Per Acre?
This may seem like a lot of alfalfa plants, but keep in mind that 60 percent or more of the seeds will not grow to maturity. If you are just throwing the seed on the ground in a broadcast fashion, you will need to use up to 25 lbs.
Santa Monica
Fertilizing Cherry Laurels – How Much Fertilizer Do Cherry Laurels Need
In this article we will discuss properly fertilizing cherry laurels. Cherry laurel feeding can be done with fertilizers formulated for ornamental trees or evergreen fertilizer.Because cherry laurels prefer slightly acidic soil, evergreen fertilizer oftentimes...
Calla Lily Watering: How Much Water Do Calla Lilies Need
) is a distinctive, long-blooming plant with impressive trumpet-shaped flowers atop sturdy green stems. This South African native, which can reach mature heights of 3 feet (1 m.), is considered a marginal aquatic plant, which means it grows in moist soil...
Watering Tomato Plants – How Much Water Do Tomato Plants Need
One of the reasons is that they are relatively easy to grow. It depends on how hot it is and if the plant is actively growing. There is no hard and fast rule to this. Watering tomato plants from above also encourages premature evaporation and unnecessarily...
Watering Morning Glories: How Much Water Do Morning Glories Need
Easy care and fast growing, morning glories offer a sea of blossoms in pink, purple, red, blue and white. If the soil dries out, the seeds will probably die. Expect the seeds to germinate in about a week.How Much Water Do Morning Glories Need as Seedlings?Once...
Watering Tulip Bulbs: How Much Water Do Tulip Bulbs Need
And since tulips are so brilliantly colored and bloom so early in the spring, that minimal work is well worth the while for the cheerful heralding of spring you get. Replace it with the loose, just-dug soil or, for even better drainage,After you've planted...
Sago Palm Watering – How Much Water Do Sago Palms Need
About 12 inches away from the trunk, build up a 2- to 4-inch high berm (a mound of dirt) in a circle surrounding the plant. Are not actually palm trees. Don't water in between these deep waterings – allow the soil to dry out before doing it again.Water...