There are so many more creative things to do with a Halloween pumpkin than the traditional Jack-o'-lantern. Our son has even offered to buy zucchini if I would make the cake. After the vines died, on October 5, I cut it off and brought it in to grace...
"Snow angels" are made by laying on your back in the snow and waving arms and legs to make wings and a skirt.Seedling photo used courtesy of "dave" and available in PlantFiles. Well, you know.
The health benefits of pumpkin are well-known, though most people do not think of pumpkin as a health food.Perhaps this is because most of us think of pumpkin pie, which is a high-calorie treat--but it might be one of the healthier desserts we could choose.Pumpkin...
Shirley's method complies with the USDA's recommendation for the home canning of pumpkin. 2, 2008., Pumpkin Canned with out Salt. For best results, allow the puree to come to room temperature before using in recipes.In America and Canada, pumpkin pie...
Sprinkle Streusel topping over the batter in each cup. Large halves can take two hours or more, so ¼" of water added to the baking dish is fine in that case.I cannot describe to you how sweet and rich this pumpkin tastes.Even the raw flesh of a Fairytale...
If so, the type of design should accommodate the pumpkin's size and shape. Create a variety of jack-o'-lanterns and scatter them throughout the yard. Of course, if you're merely choosing pumpkins for Halloween decor other than carving, this probably won't...
Fertilizing pumpkins is essential, as they will devour nutrients and run with them. These numbers represent, always in that order. When the actual pumpkins appear, use a potassium-rich fertilizer for healthy fruit.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Companion planting with pumpkins or other vegetables involves grouping together garden plants that help each other to grow.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Plants may be classified as good companions in...
They suck the sap out of foliage disrupting the flow of nutrients and water to the plant. Although the large leaves aid in shading the soil and keeping roots cool, the plants still need water.
Normally, in the North, you should be planting pumpkins in mid to late May. Mature pumpkins will rot quickly, so it's important that your pumpkin is ripe right at Halloween. Once you cut potential Halloween pumpkins from the vine, a “handle” or stem...
Learning how to properly harvest a pumpkin will ensure that the pumpkin will store well for many months until you are ready to use it. If the skin dents but doesn't puncture, the pumpkin is ready to pick.When the stem above the pumpkin in question starts...
Let's learn more about storing pumpkins once harvested.Pumpkins last longer if you harvest them when they reach their mature color and the rind is hard. When it's time to harvest the fruit, pay special attention to the condition of the pumpkins to make...
(15-26 C.), shade, and high humidity are premium conditions for powdery mildew.If the powdery mildew on the pumpkins seems to be minimal, remove the infected leaves, vines, or blossoms.
Read on to learn about different kinds of pumpkins, and common pumpkin varieties.Mini pumpkin varieties, weighing in at 2 pounds or less, are easy to grow and perfect for decorating.
Light insecticides should kill off an aphid infestation, but they can also be combatted by a strong spray of water, the introduction of natural predators like These creatures burrow deep into pumpkin vines and suck away their moisture.
Place several holes in the lid of the container to ensure that condensation doesn't build up on the inside. Make sure they are spaced out; otherwise, the seeds will stick to one another.Once the seeds are dry, store pumpkin seed for planting in an envelope.When...
You can also opt for a tepee trellis made of sturdy poles (2 inches thick or more), lashed tightly together with rope at the top and sunk deep into the ground to support the vine's weight.Beautiful metal work trellises can be purchased as well or use...
Pumpkin disease identification is of primary importance when treating pumpkin diseases. Fruit can become afflicted, showing tiny white spots that are more circular in shape than the diamond shaped leaf lesions..
Enclosed porches generally make a good place, but any warm, dry sunny spot you have in your yard or house will work.– The sun will help the green part of the pumpkin turn orange.
Read on!any time before the first hard frost in autumn. Use garden shears or scissors to cut the pumpkin from the vine.Now that you've successfully harvested the ripe pumpkins, it's time to remove the juicy seeds.
If pollination doesn't occur during that time, the blooms will close for good, never to be pollinated. Eventually, the pumpkin may drop from the plant. Pumpkin fruit drop is a frustrating state of affairs for sure, and determining the cause of the problem...
Several fungal diseases can attack the leaves, and even the buds as they form. The most common reason is impatience. Controlling the level of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus will spur flower production.Nitrogen produces green leafy growth while phosphorus...
The lovely reddish hue makes it a beautiful pumpkin used as decoration although the bumpy skin makes it hard to carve.– One-Too-Many, so named for their resemblances to the red face flush of a chronic drunk, are creamy with pale red veins that darken...
If the pumpkin delays female blossoming, late sets often do not have time to develop before the days shorten and colder weather sets in. (15 C.) and temps in shaded areas may be too cool to entice them.Pumpkin flowers are only open for about 6 hours beginning...
No matter how often I move the vines back into the garden, invariably, I end up inadvertently cutting back pumpkin vines with the lawn mower. The question is when do you trim a pumpkin?
It is the dried interior flesh of the fruit, which is commonly used to scrub off dead skin cells. Fill them with custard and bake them, or soup and eat right out of them. You can mash, fry, dry, puree, cube, barbecue, roast, steam and bake them.
That means that it takes two to make fruit. Is glorious, large and healthy looking with deep green leaves and it's even been flowering. Pollen must be moved from the male flower to the female.The first blooms to appear are male and they remain on the...