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Daylilies: A Plant With Many Options
Full sun all day is quite acceptable and once established, they're quite drought tolerant.The beginning gardener can enter the world of daylilies inexpensively, with many cultivars priced at less than $10 (USD) for a double fan.
El Segundo
Corn, A Crop of Many Uses
However human consumption of corn is low on the food chain as far as uses for this valuable commodity. If left alone it would mature into a regular ear of corn.Over the past decade or so, the predominant use of corn in the U.S. has been in biofuels, ethanol...
El Segundo
Hackberry - A tasty treat to many
I purchased a small specimen and planted it in my back yard. However, many other creatures have been enjoying my tree. This tree forms a small fruit that birds enjoy so much that supposedly none hit the ground.
El Segundo
Thunbergia, a Genus of Many Species
Several other Thunbergia species are popular garden plants in areas where they are hardy. A previous article described the species Thunbergia battiscombei (blue clock vine) in detail.
El Segundo
The Many Ways to Market Fresh Basil
Got a favorite basil-hinted pizza or pasta sauce? Choose a package —a clamshell or bag—that you find appealing and sell it that way. You can also dry the basil and sell it simply like that, or you can mix it with some oregano and sell it as an Italian...
The Many and Varied Uses of Rosemary
I sell plants, make bath products and cook with it as well. Out of all of the herbs I grow, rosemary is the easiest to propagate and care for.I begin with a 3 inch cutting, pull off the bottom leaves, and stick it in my root trainers.These are small but...
El Segundo
The Many Levels Of Cleaning Chicken Coops
Weekly To Monthly Small flock sizes vary, as do coop and run styles. Dropping boards might provide the only central location for observing health status in the form of manure. Some prefer more frequent cleaning influenced by factors beyond the coop.
Dwarf Shrubs: Perfect Choices for Many Reasons
The majority of woody ornamentals and trees can be planted in the early fall as they enter a phase of growth slow-down in preparation for dormancy.If you're planning to re-landscape your yard, or are just looking for some new and interesting elements...
El Segundo
Introduction to Garden Styles: So Many Choices!
Many gardens are more than just floral displays, and exploring the following different types might give you some ideas for your own space. Following are several examples of such gardens.
El Segundo
Taking Comfort In The Many Expressions Of Sourdough
The weather here at the farm has been quite nurturing to me as I try to put into practice my word of the year: presence . It required a rest and a rise of the dough, with 2½ hours of “folding” sandwiched in between.
So Many Tomato Varieties...Which One is Perfect?
I'm probably going to grow ‘Pineapple', ‘Rose de Berne', ‘Carmello', and ‘Jubilee' to name just a few – the rest I'll have to settle on soon I guess because it's plantin' time! « More Dirt on Gardening »
A World with Many Bugs is a Good Thing!
Terrestrial birds, for example, depend on insects to feed their young. The presence of a variety of insects is an indicator of a healthy ecosystem.Listed below are several things we can do to aid the pollinators and increase biodiversity.Help control...
El Segundo
How Many Times a Banana Tree Can Produce Bananas
Pseudostems are fleshy, upright stalks that serve as the functional trunks for the plants. Alternatively, bananas may be left on the plant until the first fruits turn yellow; however, mature fruit can attract rats.
Santa Monica
Hibiscus Varieties – How Many Kinds Of Hibiscus Are There
They are oftenand include Chinese and Red Leaf hibiscus. The former comes with a variety of colors, while Red Leaf is grown mainly for its deep red foliage.With so many options for growing hibiscus, every gardener in every setting can find something that...
Daffodil Varieties – How Many Types Of Daffodils Are There
Those can be divided, however, into about a dozen different types of daffodils that are characterized by the size and shape of their petals (the outer part of the flower) and their coronas (the inner petals that are often fused into a single tube).Trumpet...
Why Does a Magnolia Tree Drop So Many Leaves?
Too much water, nitrogen deficiency, air pollution and other environmental stresses can also cause tree leaves or needles to drop.In spring the Southern magnolia drops its oldest leaves as new growth begins.
Santa Monica
Hops Plant Types: How Many Hops Varieties Are There
If you want to brew a beer with just your homegrown hops, one of these dual hops plant types is a good choice.The best hops varieties for doing double duty for both bittering and aroma have a nice strong scent and a mid-range to high Alpha Acid percentage...
Raw vs. Pasteurized Milk: How Many People Got Sick?
While many people believe that raw milk is more nutritious than pasteurized milk, others contest that the risks of getting sick from raw milk outweigh the nutritious benefits. Data shows that, each year, more people get sick from drinking pasteurized...
Late-Winter Snow & Ice Keep Many Tools in Use
As of last week, I'm officially ready for winter to end. And—oh yes—winter also has subtle effects on smaller outbuildings. Armed with snow shovels, metal digging shovels and spades , three people spent the better part of half an hour to dig a path...
Types Of Tillandsia – How Many Varieties Of Air Plants Are
Aeranthos is a popular air plant with scaly, silver-blue leaves with dark blue blooms emerging from dark pink bracts. Examples of well-known epiphytes include variousTillandsia air plants range in size from less than an inch to more than 15 feet.
Black Walnut Trees Produce Juglone, Toxic to Many Other Plants
The buds and nut hulls are also high in juglone. Black walnut pollen (usually in May) has caused allergic reactions in humans and horses and black walnut bedding in horse stalls has a similar effect.
El Segundo
Creating a \
Then I took some cuttings of white polka dot splash and put those into the top also.Once the planting was finished, I gently watered the entire pot, making sure the water ran out the bottom holes.
El Segundo
Apple Chilling Info: How Many Chill Hours Do Apples Need
This allows buds to develop into flowers as the weather warms up.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });If an apple tree doesn't get enough chill hours, the flower buds may not open at all or they may open late...
Metal T-Posts Can Serve Many Purposes On Your Farm
Building A Trellis Looking for a way to support climbing plants such as peas, beans or grapes? Supporting Fruit Tree Branches Sometimes fruit trees can become so eager to grow an abundant crop of large fruit that they produce more than their branches...
Plants of Many Colors - When Green is Just Not Enough!
I've even seen variegated weeds spring up. Evidence favoring this hypothesis, at least in my own observation, is that if you have a quantity of variegated plants in your garden or collection, the likelihood of seeing a new variegated form of one of your...
El Segundo
Acacia Plant Types: How Many Varieties Of Acacia Tree Are There
Some types of Acacia are really only suitable for reclamation, wild habitat and large, open spaces, but a few are really so pretty you might want them in your garden.‘ is a compact shrub with a slightly weeping habit and lush foliage.
Use Beer To Help Ailing Sheep? Many People Say It Works
They disguise symptoms so well that, by the time we humans notice any, it's often too late. Beware Beer When Bloat Is Present Farmers noted that they do not administer a beer drench if a sheep is already bloated.