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Daylilies: A Plant With Many Options
Daylilies, of course. Advanced gardeners and those who have been seriously bitten by the daylily bug can feed their addiction for the newest introductions, which sometimes top $300 (USD) for a double fan.
El Segundo
Corn, A Crop of Many Uses
Corn starch is used as a binder in products such as energy bars. Sweet corn is best consumed with high moisture content; field corn is just the opposite, the less moisture the better.In the U.S. 13.9 billion bushels of field corn was produced in 2013...
El Segundo
Hackberry - A tasty treat to many
The literature I had rated this tree as quite tough, tolerating even urban street tree environments. Other attractive features include small, elm-like leaves and an attractive grayish warty bark.
El Segundo
Thunbergia, a Genus of Many Species
These beautiful plants with varied colors and growing habits just might provide the finishing touch for your garden.Please mouse over pictures for picture credits to Kell, Htop, and Seedpicker_TX.
El Segundo
The Many Ways to Market Fresh Basil
Today I'll give you some ideas on marketing basil, but crops always sell better when the farmer knows how they are used. You do not have to get too detailed, just make sure the recipe works and make it easy on your customer by having it all ready to put...
The Many and Varied Uses of Rosemary
In my zone 8 garden, rosemary is an evergreen bush.The ‘ARP' cultivar is said to be the hardiest in zones 6 to 7.It can be used straight or mixed with other herbs for an aromatic bath.It is used as a sore muscle soak or to relieve cold symptoms.You...
El Segundo
The Many Levels Of Cleaning Chicken Coops
Shutterstock Composting Note Fresh chicken manure is high in nitrogen, making it too hot to apply directly to active gardens. It's essential to make layer feed available throughout the year because hens need its nutritional ingredients while producing...
Dwarf Shrubs: Perfect Choices for Many Reasons
They're little, but they are mighty!Azaleas and rhododendron-dwarf species: 1 to 3 feet, many colors. Large shrubs have specific functions, as do trees. These charming woody ornamentals can grace even the smallest yard or garden plot, as long as you take...
El Segundo
Introduction to Garden Styles: So Many Choices!
These gardens can be ornamental, food-producing, or a combination of both. When one thinks of a garden, the image that usually comes immediately to mind is one of artistically arranged flower beds, or rows of vegetables marching along a straight line.
El Segundo
Taking Comfort In The Many Expressions Of Sourdough
This recipe was your typical long, drawn-out bread-making affair, but it was simple enough for a beginner like me. Rachael Dupree Many of us are drawn to the homesteading life because it gives us a sense of purpose and accomplishment as we focus our energy...
So Many Tomato Varieties...Which One is Perfect?
When we had our big farm, I didn't have to be so persnickety about what I grew. I'm lucky to have a small urban farm nearby ( Garden Dreams Urban Farm and Nursery ) that sells about 100 varieties of heirloom tomato seedlings, so I don't have to start...
A World with Many Bugs is a Good Thing!
Terrestrial birds, for example, depend on insects to feed their young. Well documented is the fact that the number of pollinators is diminishing worldwide. The presence of a variety of insects is an indicator of a healthy ecosystem.Listed below are several...
El Segundo
How Many Times a Banana Tree Can Produce Bananas
Best practices suggest cutting down the plant and spreading the felled pseudostem, as well as any other organic material, on top of the banana plant roots. Of fruit.Mature bananas are 2-1/2 to 12 inches in length and ¾ to 2 inches in width.
Santa Monica
Hibiscus Varieties – How Many Kinds Of Hibiscus Are There
Some of the main categories of hibiscus include:freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });, there are about 35 species of hibiscus native to parts of the southeastern U.S. A popular native variety is the scarlet...
Daffodil Varieties – How Many Types Of Daffodils Are There
Including hybrids, there are over 13,000 distinct daffodil varieties in existence. Keep reading to learn more about the different types of daffodils and how to tell them apart.What are some different types of daffodils and how many types of daffodils...
Why Does a Magnolia Tree Drop So Many Leaves?
But if you allow lower limbs to drape down to the ground, they will hide fallen leaves. When magnolias are planted on lawns, homeowners or gardeners typically remove lower limbs, for mower access.
Santa Monica
Hops Plant Types: How Many Hops Varieties Are There
If you'd like to be able to follow recipes when using your hops, it's also a good idea to pick common hops plant types that are popular in recipes and well documented. But how do you know which types of hops plants to grow?
Raw vs. Pasteurized Milk: How Many People Got Sick?
Data shows that, each year, more people get sick from drinking pasteurized milk than from drinking raw milk. Download this infographic to see the results, as well as the types of bacteria that caused the illnesses.
Late-Winter Snow & Ice Keep Many Tools in Use
And—oh yes—winter also has subtle effects on smaller outbuildings. Slippery ice patches have been forming on every path to and from the farm outbuildings, as well as in the driveway and in front of doorways.
Types Of Tillandsia – How Many Varieties Of Air Plants Are
The leaves, which reach up to 12 in long, grow in a spiral fashion. Purpurea is appropriately named for the bright, reddish-purple blooms, notable for their mild, cinnamon-like aroma.
Black Walnut Trees Produce Juglone, Toxic to Many Other Plants
Frankly, I'd rather not take the chance. Black Walnuts produce a substance known as juglone which is toxic to many plants, and can cause allergic reactions in humans and horses. Juglone is excreted primarily in the roots, saturating the soil in a radius...
El Segundo
Creating a \
This space in the top will allow the planter to collect water. Then I took some cuttings of white polka dot splash and put those into the top also.Once the planting was finished, I gently watered the entire pot, making sure the water ran out the bottom...
El Segundo
Apple Chilling Info: How Many Chill Hours Do Apples Need
Medium chill varieties are apples that need chill hours of between 700-1,000 chill hours and high chill apples are those that require more than 1,000 chill hours. (7 C.) but there are some low chill varieties available that need no more than 300 chill...
Metal T-Posts Can Serve Many Purposes On Your Farm
But fortunately, you can anchor them in place by tying them to T-posts, which will provide extra support during their formative years and help protect them from damage. If they're small and spindly, it could be difficult for them to stand up in the face...
Plants of Many Colors - When Green is Just Not Enough!
That's why we are so taken by leaves of other colors, such as fall foliage, or garden plants with white-splotched, yellow-splotched, orange, pink or red colors on the leaves. Presumably, a sucking insect could take up the piece of DNA from one chimeric...
El Segundo
Acacia Plant Types: How Many Varieties Of Acacia Tree Are There
Acacia moa is native to the Hawaiian Islands, and its wood is used for guitars, canoes and surfboards., is a small shrub with delightful pompom-like bright yellow flowers. There are also varieties of Acacia with true leaves such as, which can reach 98...
Use Beer To Help Ailing Sheep? Many People Say It Works
Beer is commonly given to Japanese cow breeds (which produce Waygu beef), to get them back on feed if they go off. Brewer's yeast digests simple sugar. For a 100-to-130-pound sheep, start with 1/2 beer one evening, and 1/2 the next morning, and see how...