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Daylilies: A Plant With Many Options
Unless you have a large piece of property or a steep bank that needs stabilizing, the ‘ditch lily' forms might not work well for you. Advanced gardeners and those who have been seriously bitten by the daylily bug can feed their addiction for the newest...
El Segundo
Corn, A Crop of Many Uses
Don't you think we need to step back and think about what most of us are doing to our bodies?As you can see corn is used in many ways both good and not so good. It appears that the jury will be out for some time before it's determined whether or not biofuels...
El Segundo
Hackberry - A tasty treat to many
This tree forms a small fruit that birds enjoy so much that supposedly none hit the ground. The literature I had rated this tree as quite tough, tolerating even urban street tree environments.
El Segundo
Thunbergia, a Genus of Many Species
A previous article described the species Thunbergia battiscombei (blue clock vine) in detail. Most are not hardy beyond Zones 8 or 9, but they can be grown as annuals for a one-season show or planted in containers and moved to protected places in the...
El Segundo
The Many Ways to Market Fresh Basil
I highly recommend finding a package that keeps basil out of the wind to prevent it from wilting—wilted basil is not a big seller in my experience. A box will always hold up to the elements better than a naked bunch, and things in boxes also tend to...
The Many and Varied Uses of Rosemary
Rosemary flowers can be used in salads or as a garnish.As useful as rosemary is, I think one of its most important features is that it attracts hundreds of bees when it is in bloom.With the concern of the colony collapse, I think planting their favorites...
El Segundo
The Many Levels Of Cleaning Chicken Coops
The fresh litter provides new absorbent material for manure while being stirred into the underlayer by the hens. Do they need more run space? Rather than washing down the interior, sweep walls removing dust, debris and cobwebs.
Dwarf Shrubs: Perfect Choices for Many Reasons
These charming woody ornamentals can grace even the smallest yard or garden plot, as long as you take the time to choose the right plant for the right place.Hardiness is very important; this includes not only the winter hardiness, but other seasonal factors...
El Segundo
Introduction to Garden Styles: So Many Choices!
Picture these and think about how you would feel if you wandered through them.- carefully designed spaces that invite contemplation and meditation- regional displays of heat-loving and high moisture specimens- composed of rocks, wood, and plants requiring...
El Segundo
Taking Comfort In The Many Expressions Of Sourdough
Rachael Dupree Many of us are drawn to the homesteading life because it gives us a sense of purpose and accomplishment as we focus our energy and resources to provide for our families.
So Many Tomato Varieties...Which One is Perfect?
Now that we are ‘smaller', I have to make some tough choices. The rest of the spots are up for grabs. I want to grow the ‘perfect' tomatoes and I'm still trying to decide just which ones those are.
A World with Many Bugs is a Good Thing!
Some plants will not feed insects, while others do the job quite well. We as intelligent humans, know that we must eat in order to survive. They, too, must have sustenance. In their places we havebuilt cities, highways, buildings, shopping malls, and...
El Segundo
How Many Times a Banana Tree Can Produce Bananas
Pseudostems are fleshy, upright stalks that serve as the functional trunks for the plants. Consequently, plants will continue to make more bananas for several years.Each banana pseudostem can produce 25 to 40 lbs.
Santa Monica
Hibiscus Varieties – How Many Kinds Of Hibiscus Are There
These are shrubs, which can range from smaller, dwarf varieties to large, tree-like bushes. The flowers on hibiscus varieties only last about one day, but the entire plant flowers for a long season.
Daffodil Varieties – How Many Types Of Daffodils Are There
You really can't go wrong when planting daffodil bulbs, but the sheer variety can get overwhelming. Including hybrids, there are over 13,000 distinct daffodil varieties in existence.
Why Does a Magnolia Tree Drop So Many Leaves?
Its large glossy leaves stay on the tree year-round, when other trees are bare, which is one reason it's so popular in yards and gardens."Evergreen" is a misnomer for evergreen plants and trees, because all types shed older leaves or needles as part of...
Santa Monica
Hops Plant Types: How Many Hops Varieties Are There
There are about 80 different hops plant types commercially available today, but that number is not hard and fast.Beer brewing is a complex business, and new varieties are constantly being bred and developed.
Raw vs. Pasteurized Milk: How Many People Got Sick?
Price Association, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Agricultural and Applied Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison shows the number of people who became sick from drinking either raw or pasteurized milk during 2000 to 2007.
Late-Winter Snow & Ice Keep Many Tools in Use
Where I live, in the upper Midwest, the end of February and early March tend to bring warmer weather, and with the warmer weather comes snow (lots of snow!), which promptly starts to melt in the heat of the sun.
Types Of Tillandsia – How Many Varieties Of Air Plants Are
Although the leaves are often green, they may be red, yellow, purple, or pink. How many varieties of air plants are there? The leaves, which reach up to 12 in long, grow in a spiral fashion.
Black Walnut Trees Produce Juglone, Toxic to Many Other Plants
However, mulch made from walnut bark is said to be safe to use on even juglone-sensitive plants after composting 6 months to a year. Juglone is excreted primarily in the roots, saturating the soil in a radius of 50-60 feet or more in a mature tree.
El Segundo
Creating a \
In this box were 2-3 cuttings each of about a dozen different kinds of coleus. Then dipped the coleus cuttings into the rooting hormone and placed them into the holes, gently covering them up with more soil.
El Segundo
Apple Chilling Info: How Many Chill Hours Do Apples Need
These chill hours are prompted by longer nights and lower temperatures in the fall and early winter. For those of us who are new to cultivating apples, what exactly are apple chill hours?
Metal T-Posts Can Serve Many Purposes On Your Farm
Placing a T-post underneath a troubled branch can give it a boost and help protect it from damage. Metal T-posts rank among the most versatile and useful items for any farmer to have on hand, which is why you'll probably want to have dozens of them at...
Plants of Many Colors - When Green is Just Not Enough!
What I consider to be true genetic variegation is coded for in every cell of the plant, not just certain cells, as is the case in chimeric variegation. Presumably, a sucking insect could take up the piece of DNA from one chimeric cell and transmit it...
El Segundo
Acacia Plant Types: How Many Varieties Of Acacia Tree Are There
Similarly, ‘‘ has drooping leaves but can also be found in a really astounding standard little tree form.boasts blue-green foliage and bright yellow pea-like flowers, whilebears needle-like leaves and cute little white puffs of a weeping...
Use Beer To Help Ailing Sheep? Many People Say It Works
The mechanisms by which beer works its rumen magic are unclear, but farmers have sensible theories. Folks also pointed out that sheep seemed more willing to drink water after having some beer, and one described beer as “a boost of iron and energy.”...