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How Many Calories In A Head Of Lettuce

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Daylilies: A Plant With Many Options
The species forms often escape cultivation and are seen naturalized in fields and along roadways, giving rise to the common name ‘ditch lily' that so many of us know them by.These perennial plants spread by producing fleshy rhizomes from the parent...
El Segundo
Corn, A Crop of Many Uses
Sweet corn is best consumed with high moisture content; field corn is just the opposite, the less moisture the better.In the U.S. 13.9 billion bushels of field corn was produced in 2013 enough to provide 110 pounds for every person on the planet.Field...
El Segundo
Hackberry - A tasty treat to many
I purchased a small specimen and planted it in my back yard. Arrive and oval holes with a very clean edge appear on theThese solitary bees harvest the small circles of leaf to line their nests.There are several genera of leaf cutting bees but most of...
El Segundo
Thunbergia, a Genus of Many Species
Several members of the Thunbergia genus are popular garden plants in various parts of the country. Most are not hardy beyond Zones 8 or 9, but they can be grown as annuals for a one-season show or planted in containers and moved to protected places in...
El Segundo
The Many Ways to Market Fresh Basil
Basil is the base ingredient in pesto. But it doesn't have to be savory. Today I'll give you some ideas on marketing basil, but crops always sell better when the farmer knows how they are used.
The Many and Varied Uses of Rosemary
I sell plants, make bath products and cook with it as well. With a huge plant like this, I have learned to be very creative when it comes to using rosemary. In my zone 8 garden, rosemary is an evergreen bush.The ‘ARP' cultivar is said to be the hardiest...
El Segundo
The Many Levels Of Cleaning Chicken Coops
A broody hen occupying a nesting box for a long time can put a strain on the box itself, so this is the time to evaluate box use and structural needs. Their normal scratching and dusting behaviors kick up debris, stir their own manure, and foul water...
Dwarf Shrubs: Perfect Choices for Many Reasons
Soil conditions, level of moisture, light requirements, and exposure also play an important part in how well a shrub will perform.Another thing to consider is growth rate. The true dwarf varieties seldom grow to more than 3 feet.
El Segundo
Introduction to Garden Styles: So Many Choices!
Examples include:Garden designs that provide food may also be very attractive:- planted on top of a building to conserve energy and natural resources- a project that draws townspeople together with Nature- supported by water soluble minerals and artificial...
El Segundo
Taking Comfort In The Many Expressions Of Sourdough
I tried one that required some yeast, but it was a bit too dense and crusty for my preferences and I don't want to cheat by using yeast. It won't be long until spring descends and our attention is turned from winter rest and indoor comforts to the busy-ness...
So Many Tomato Varieties...Which One is Perfect?
My husband thinks I'm nuts for spending so much time deciding, but I can't help it. I want to grow the ‘perfect' tomatoes and I'm still trying to decide just which ones those are.
A World with Many Bugs is a Good Thing!
Our country will never have any more land than it presently has, and portions of it that can support insects and other life forms are disappearing at an alarming rate.In spite of these potentially dire circumstances, all is not lost.
El Segundo
How Many Times a Banana Tree Can Produce Bananas
Each pseudostem produces only one banana cluster before dying; however, new stalks are continuously produced from the rhizome to take their place. Alternatively, bananas may be left on the plant until the first fruits turn yellow; however, mature fruit...
Santa Monica
Hibiscus Varieties – How Many Kinds Of Hibiscus Are There
The former comes with a variety of colors, while Red Leaf is grown mainly for its deep red foliage.With so many options for growing hibiscus, every gardener in every setting can find something that will grow and thrive while adding beauty to the garden.
Daffodil Varieties – How Many Types Of Daffodils Are There
Those can be divided, however, into about a dozen different types of daffodils that are characterized by the size and shape of their petals (the outer part of the flower) and their coronas (the inner petals that are often fused into a single tube).Trumpet...
Why Does a Magnolia Tree Drop So Many Leaves?
The Southern magnolia can get quite large--60 to 80 feet tall and 30 to 50 feet wide--and needs lots of space. But if you allow lower limbs to drape down to the ground, they will hide fallen leaves.
Santa Monica
Hops Plant Types: How Many Hops Varieties Are There
Even 80 is an awfully high number if you're looking to choose a single variety to grow. That's a tough question to answer, because there are so many. If you want to brew a beer with just your homegrown hops, one of these dual hops plant types is a good...
Raw vs. Pasteurized Milk: How Many People Got Sick?
Tags bacteria , how many people got sick? While many people believe that raw milk is more nutritious than pasteurized milk, others contest that the risks of getting sick from raw milk outweigh the nutritious benefits.
Late-Winter Snow & Ice Keep Many Tools in Use
And—oh yes—winter also has subtle effects on smaller outbuildings. I can already feel in the air that the shifting of the seasons is coming—and believe me, I'm ready to welcome spring with open arms!
Types Of Tillandsia – How Many Varieties Of Air Plants Are
Instead, they survive by absorbing nutrients from the air, from composted material on the host plant, and from the rain. The leaves, which reach up to 12 in long, grow in a spiral fashion.
Black Walnut Trees Produce Juglone, Toxic to Many Other Plants
Spring is a good time to check your vegetable and flower beds for new seedlings emerging from the nut hoard squirrels may have planted the previous fall. The buds and nut hulls are also high in juglone.
El Segundo
Creating a \
Then dipped the coleus cuttings into the rooting hormone and placed them into the holes, gently covering them up with more soil. It says so right on the package!!!PERLITE is the secret ingredient to successful growing of coleus cuttings.
El Segundo
Apple Chilling Info: How Many Chill Hours Do Apples Need
Okay, but what the heck are chill hours for apple trees?Chill hours or chill units (CU) are the number of hours when temperatures stay at 32-45 F. Medium chill varieties are apples that need chill hours of between 700-1,000 chill hours and high chill...
Metal T-Posts Can Serve Many Purposes On Your Farm
All sorts of wire fencing, including mesh wire and electric wire, can be used in combination with T-posts; in fact, I constructed a mesh garden fence earlier this year that has proven very effective at keeping deer from munching on vegetables.
Plants of Many Colors - When Green is Just Not Enough!
Nutrient availability (particularly phosphorus) and environmental factors exert strong influences on this, so the net effect is that no two leaves will look alike. What I consider to be true genetic variegation is coded for in every cell of the plant,...
El Segundo
Acacia Plant Types: How Many Varieties Of Acacia Tree Are There
Some types of Acacia are really only suitable for reclamation, wild habitat and large, open spaces, but a few are really so pretty you might want them in your garden.‘ is a compact shrub with a slightly weeping habit and lush foliage.
Use Beer To Help Ailing Sheep? Many People Say It Works
The microbial activity of the rumen is to break down cellulose into more digestible materials, and beer contains nothing that does this. Why Does Beer Work? Beer seems to quickly stimulate the sheep's appetite.