I peel them like I do broccoli stems, and add them to soups and stir fry at the end of the cooking process to add crunch and a mild flavor somewhat reminiscent of cucumber.If you live in mild weather areas, cold tolerant Asian vegetables can really extend...
Pour this over your greens. We had some fresh tomatoes last night so I threw those on too. First off, you can grow them in, and in this neck of the woods have a steady crop from May right through to late November.
In the mysteries that surround Southern food, questions always arise when the talk comes to peas. What we call Peas, and the rest of the world calls peas are two different plants We Southerners grow and eat our peas with a delight and devotion rarely...
Growing them in my garden has given me the opportunity to have access to garden fresh, organic stir-fry ingredients all year around. Throw in all stem vegetables and cook for 3 minutes.
They are tasty, easy to grow, inexpensive, ready to eat in a short time, and do not take up much space. Soil and direct sunlight are not needed, and room temperature is sufficient for successful sprouting.
They are still not advisable for larger acreages.Alternatives to gas and oil powered lawnmowers are attractive to many homeowners for a variety of reasons, so if you feel your property is a good fit for one of these devices, by all means, check them out!
Learning how to grow collard greens provides an abundant supply of this dark-green, leafy vegetable at other times of the year.Collard greens are a cool season vegetable and are often planted in late summer to early autumn for winter harvest in the south.
If you get cold winters, for instance, you're not going to beyou like. If you're looking to start your winter salad greens in late summer, you may want to start them indoors, away from hot temperatures outside.Once the temperatures begin to drop, transplant...
Read on to find out how to grow greens in a pot.While supermarket selection is expanding all the time, there are still usually only a handful of greens available at the grocers. Sow the seeds densely with ½ inch (1 cm.) between seeds.
Keep reading more to learn how to plant mustard greens and the steps for mustard greens growing.Planting mustard greens is done either from seed or from seedlings. Growing mustards is something that may be unfamiliar to many gardeners, but this spicy...
Once a good layer of seasoning is built up, however, cooking acidic foods in cast iron can be very beneficial to your health! Many people don't get enough iron in their diet through food alone, and need iron supplements to correct their anemia.
Ongoing care is not much different from that of other A popular leafy vegetable from Asia, mizuna greens are used worldwide. They are likely originally from China, but throughout Asia they are considered a Japanese vegetable.
There are a number of varieties available. Summerfest is preferred for warm season planting, although it is fairly winter hardy as well. If you take just a few leaves, they will regrow and extend the length of time you have to harvest.The flavor of komatsuna...
In addition to more common greens, there are wild greens in cultivation as part of salad blends and Asian greens that provide unique and fun additions to your culinary roster.Learn what to do with greens in the garden and add gourmet leafy garden greens...
Some of the reasons for which gardeners use cover crops include the following:The following is a list of goals and what you would look for in a cover crop.Rapidly establish smothering crops to suppress weedsProtect soil from rain or runoff with broad...
Combined with their extreme delicacy, harvesting is an exacting and tedious task resulting in a higher priced gourmet green when found in the market.) or corn salad greens, as they are also known, has been cultivated under the name doucette since the...
Is the subject of the day and the subject suggests that spoons and slicing knives will be here more present than spades or pruning shears. Bon appetit!for allowing me the use of a couple of pictures for this article, make sure to visit the website, great...
In warmer climates or when using rowcovers in cooler areas, harvest can last into the winter. Pak Choi grows easily and can be eaten raw or cooked. This super nutritious, Asian, cruciferous vegetable deserves a spot both in the garden and on your plate.
Make sure to juice the celery last if adding celery juice to another vegetable juice, as it can become stringy in the juicer. Celery juice can taste bitter, so add the juice of the stalk and the leaves to other vegetables such as carrots or cucumbers,...
It is also used as a spread on bread or vegetables.Both traditional ghee and vegetable ghee have a texture and appearance similar to lard. It is made up almost entirely of hardened vegetable oil and is free from any milk products.It is ideal for various...
Lemongrass juice, known as Nam Ta-krai in Thailand, is a popular Southeast Asian drink. Add sugar or honey to taste for sweetness. Rinse the lemongrass under the tap to clean it. Crush the stalks gently with the back of a cleaver or chopping knife to...
Fresh eucalyptus leaves can be used in home remedies, but always consult a health professional before following any course of treatment.The leaves of the eucalyptus tree are renowned for their healing properties.Eucalyptus is often used in a tea or a...
People know that to get some of Pam's tasty food, they have to be swift. With good planning, carefully chosen ingredients and a bit of luck, there are success stories all over this world.
Citronella is a tall tropical grass closely related to lemongrass. The citronella plant and its oil work well in a number of uses around the home.Citronella oil is a common ingredient in insect-repellent candles.While citronella grass does not act as...
Braided flowers can be very simple or very complex, but the materials needed are minimal and easy to use. Take the top vertical loop and place it over the rosebud center. Take its loose end and thread it back through the lock in the opposite direction.
It grows 1 to 3 feet in height and has mostly basal, erect, smooth leaf blades. It also ranges into Washington and British Columbia. The seeds can be sown fairly close together for a turf effect.This is not a true ornamental but can provide a meadowland...
Stainless steel pots and utensils are advised. Sorrel tea should also be avoided for the oxalic acid, and because it can have diuretic properties.I hope you will consider expanding your repertoire of greens in the garden and try some sorrel!