Ground color is the color of the apple's skin, not including the portions that have become red. Set aside any apples that have bruises, insect or disease damage, cracks, splits, or mechanical injury, as they will not store for any length of time.
When they find that special variety that is particularly appealing, many gardeners want to know how to collect onion seeds for future sowing. Like all allium species, onions produce balls covered with tiny flowers ready for pollination.
Help, I have onions with streaked leaves! If you have done everything by the onion “book” and still you're you have onion leaf variegation, what could be the issue – a disease, a pest of some sort, a disorder of onions?
You should also completely remove any crop debris remaining at the end of the year.The insects like to pupate and overwinter in areas with large pieces of organic matter. To avoid providing them with a comfortable hiding place, make sure all compost is...
The best way to manage fusarium rot is to take steps to prevent it.Fusarium basal plate rot in onions is caused by several species offungi. Caused by a fungus that lives in the soil, the disease can be difficult to catch until the bulbs have developed...
Keep reading to learn more about how to grow sweet onions.The key to successful sweet onion growing is giving the plants enough time to form really large bulbs. If your winters are very cold, it's also possible to start sweet onions indoors and transplant...
Keep the scallions in an airtight, plastic bag. When harvesting scallions, choose the largest and use them first, as it is best to both harvest and use scallions right away. In fact, a mature scallion is actually quite similar looking to a large chive.Scallions...
Often the lesions merge and girdle the leaf, resulting in tip dieback. (6-34 C.) with the most optimal temperature of 77 F. This is actually a disease called ‘purple blotch.' What is onion purple blotch?
Growing indoor onions or growing onions in a tub on the patio is fun and easy. A shop light on an adjustable chain makes an excellent grow light for people who growing indoor onions.Water is an important to growing onions in container gardens because...
For instance, in the north, from San Francisco to Washington, D.C. (zone 6 or colder), summer days are long, so you would grow long-day onions.In the south (zone 7 and warmer), summer days don't swing much in length in comparison to winter days, so grow...
In this case, the fungus may have invaded just the dry outer scales (layers) of the onion, producing spores between two scales. The same fungus causes black mold onOnion black mold most commonly occurs post-harvest, affecting.
If you find any sets that are starting to go bad, remove them immediately from the bag as they could cause the others to rot as well.In the spring, when you are ready for planting onion sets, your sets will be healthy and firm, ready to.
The longer leaves remain wet, the more severe the outbreak. Although it is less likely, the disease can occur when leaves are wet for only seven hours.Temperature is also a factor.
Once onion bulbs begin to swell (in late spring), ensure that they remain above ground. Onion plants will continue to increase in size until the middle of summer, at which time their tops begin to fade.
In the first year, seed grows, forming modified leaves and tiny underground bulbs.In the succeeding year, red onion bulbs mature until they're ready to harvest. Water the onions until they are wet, but not drenched.Onion roots are shallow, so they need...
Full sun is best, but Welsh onion plants tolerate a bit of light shade. Dig an inch or two ofinto the soil to get the plants off to a good start.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Welsh onion plants are...
It most commonly affects onions while they are being stored, but contamination or the damage that leads to contamination often occurs during or around harvest. This infection can be managed and even completely avoided with good care and cultural practices,...
What causes onion tip blight? In high heat, full sun locations, it is not uncommon to see tips burn; however, providing shade does little to reduce the incidence of tip burn in onions.Providing the necessary nitrogen may increase the salt levels in soil,...
Simply put, a green onion in the United States is also a scallion. Voila, you now have seeds. It's spring and the garden or farmer's market, as the case may be, is brimming with fresh, tender, delectable veggies.
Be sure to read fungicide labels to select one that will treat this condition. In this article, however, we will specifically discuss powdery mildew on. It is also important to not overcrowd garden beds.Preventative fungicides which contain potassium...
For direct sown onion, thinning is the key to bulb size. That said,do have their fair share of issues with onion bulb formation; either the onions don't form bulbs, or they may be small and/or misshapen.One possible reason for a lack of onion bulb formation...
Fungicides must be labeled for use on edible plants and specify usefulness against puccinia allii rust. Plants with heavy layers of mulch may contract the disease from the soggy organic material.
Read on to learn all about it.right away, folding onion tops isn't really necessary. Fold or bend onion tops when the onion begins to turn yellow and fall over on their own. When sap no longer flows through the onion plant, growth stops and the onion...
These insects are most active during spring, but continue their damage throughout fall before overwintering in nearby debris.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });The trail of damage left by these pests can...
Unfortunately, onion mushy rot disease is a common problem with these vegetables. In white or yellow onions, the layers become darker. This should prevent the spread of this very contagious disease.can be of some benefit as the disease overwinters in...
Buy material that is certified disease-free whenever possible.. Many diseases, most of them fungal, invade the garden and ruin onions in times of warm, moist weather. Make sure air circulates freely around them.Pull and discard diseased bulbs.
They often wilt during the day and recover in evening. Nitrogen causes lush, tender growth that is more susceptible to infection.Fungicides may be effective when applied every two or three weeks, or any time rain continues for more than two days.