You may find yourself crowding together plants or allowing them to mingle with their neighbors just to fit them all in. Because either crop can develop mold problems under moist conditions and crowding, allow plenty of space for air to circulate between...
Amending the soil with organic compost and 5-10-5 fertilizer before planting gives the plants nutrition. Annual petunias and marigolds both grow successfully separately and together throughout the country.The University of Minnesota ranks petunias among...
A highly prized timber tree for centuries, a cypress tree also provides a habitat for a variety of wildlife species, flood control and water quality improvement. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency evaluate all...
Add oregano (Origanum vulgare, zones 4 - 9) to provide the side frills.Here today, gone tomorrow: annual herbs last for only one growing season. All prefer sun and regular irrigation.Shakespeare's Ophelia tells us that rosemary is for remembrance, and...
The webinars are archived for future use. The NAP is headquartered in West Lafayette, Ind., but there are also regional AgrAbility projects in 31 states. The National AgrAbility Project offers assistive technologies to help farmers with disabilities continue...
They were then potted in a blue Tupperware cup fashioned with drainage holes.Good. The plan was working! All that remained was more time to grow before the final, dramatic step ...The final step in the transformation process of the original spindly Purple...
For indoor growing, you should choose a smaller variety such as dwarf French marigolds, which are smaller than 12 inches fully grown.You can plant marigold seeds in shallow seed trays to begin with, and move the plants to pots or planters once they've...
Provided you're willing to water your work daily, there's no reason to stop planting.Plant pansies, calendulas or other short-season annuals (which should be on sale by this time) in open spots left as foliage from spring-flowering bulbs dies down.Plant...
The maples need a leafless dormancy each winter to survive and grow well.A Japanese maple can be grown and trained as a bonsai.If a small-sized Japanese maple is displaying leaves from spring to fall, the plant can be grown indoors in theory.
How you price your honey may be dependent on the market in your area, but the National Honey Board's chart of unit honey prices per month and the Madison County Beekeeper Association's honey price calculator are good resources to figure out starting points.
If the saucer has not dried in one day, you should always dump the excess water to prevent moisture gnats and keep the roots from rotting.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });In case you didn't remember to...
Soil must be well draining or roots will rot and your trees will die.Do not fertilize trees when planting them. Make certain to cut far enough below diseased area to remove all of it.
The most dangerous is scopolamine which can induce hallucinogenic effects and even death if not used properly. But what about you? They are the most dangerous because their thorns can prick and get the poison into your blood, if the injury would be too...
However, if you're going to buck the advice not to do it and attempt division anyways, the best candidate (or victim) would be a lavender plant which has exhibited a decrease in flower production over a 2+ year time frame, or one which is dying from the...
The plants quickly died.In addition to orange juice, you should not use other kinds of fruit juices, milk or soda to water plants. Orange juice can stunt the growth of plants, so it is best to avoid using it.
Cushman mango trees produce mangos that resemble grapefruits in appearance. Pick fruit when the base of the mango begins to exhibit a slight yellowing. When one thinks of nations that grow mangos, Canada does not come to most people's mind.
If it is only mild to moderate, give your plants extra care. This is called herbicide drift, and it can cause herbicide drift injuries to healthy plants.If you see these signs in your pepper plants, you may have herbicide damage, but they may also be...
There is a clear sap that oozes from the tree that was used to treat stomach aches. They are very sweet due to their high fructose level and thus don't require insulin to metabolize.
Use a ready-to-use herbicide, taking care to apply it on a dry, still day. Suckers removed by hand may return the next year or even later in the current growing season, depending on the tree and how many nutrients remain in the roots.A more permanent...
Seeds should be spaced 2 inches apart and covered with a light layer of soil. Thankfully, kohlrabi is being rediscovered by foodies and farmers-market customers everywhere, and its popularity is once again on the rise.
For instance, in summer's heat, fast-growing, large-leaved plants such as squash (Cucurbita pepo) need two to three times more water to not only stay alive, but produce a crop, than they would in cooler weather.
Be infinitely flexible and constantly amazed. We transformed my home office into a nursery and began to hoard hand-me-down baby items from generous friends. —Jason Kravitz But I'm trying hard to grasp onto the freedom that flexibility can bring to hard...
Don't overwater Christmas cactus, especially during the winter months. Can Christmas cactus be outside? (21-27 C.) are ideal during the growing season. The answer is yes, but you can only grow the plant outdoors year round if you live in a warm climate...
Potted plants should usually be fertilized annually. The formula decomposes with the assistance of micro-organisms and is therefore slower to release in winter. Salts can build up in potted soils and can eventually poison the plant.Care must be taken...
How You Can Help is a new platform for connecting trees with scientists. Hundreds of the tiny adelgids cover a square inch of hemlock bough. Even though the hemlock might defend itself, the HWA persists.
This makes the plant a good choice for shady, damp areas, providing a spark of bright color where few other plants will grow.The plant prefers rich, organic soil. Keep the chemicals out of reach of children and pets.
Be curious, not judgemental. Then last fall, I took special notice of this plant, which grows in great among the hills and roadsides of Kentucky. —Walt Whitman You don't have to have any interest in wildflower foraging or even hiking for that matter...