The plant will take on a natural dome shape when left alone. The bark is shiny and orange and brown in color. You can also trim the plant like a hedge when it is young.There is normally no concern with disease or pests.Some people don't like the mass...
I've been a Master Gardener for 11 years; I've been a DG member for 7. I can honestly say that I have enjoyed every single hour of my volunteer time.Probably the most rewarding community service programs consist of working with kids.
Stop pinching the stems back after buds form, so as not to interfere with blooming. Space mums about 1 1/2 to 2 feet apart, allowing them room to fill out. ''Taylor's Guide to Growing North America's Favorite Plants'' recommends growing them with other...
As gardeners, we are closely tuned into changes in the out-of-doors. How could they be so sure? They begin a tour up in Maine, down through Franconia Notch in New Hampshire, out through Vermont, and back through the Berkshires into western Massachusetts.
The flowers should bloom in about one month.If you force your paperwhite bulbs one year, don't try the same trick the following winter; it usually won't work because the bulbs have not been able to replenish their energy.
Soon I'll be stockpiling dozens of eggs in all the egg cartons I've collected in the last eight weeks. I've been buying eggs for 2 months. They feel too special. The biggest caveat to raising urban chickens is that our flock sizes are so limited and our...
Rather, the itching response is our body's immune reaction to this enzymatic breakdown. They are sensitive to the exhales of mammals; the main clue they look for is carbon dioxide.
If you still want some frankincense and myrrh to add to your gold this Epiphany, January 6, and many other websites are happy to sell them to you, together or separately.Please, use caution and the advice of your own physicians before using...
Dry fertilizers are either applied mechanically with a broadcast spreader or scattered by hand over small areas. The amount of each chemical gets listed on the bag as a series of numbers that represent the N-P-K ratio.
"Thai Magic" (Ocimum basilicum "Thai Magic") and other Thai-style basils are spicy and intense, with purple stems and flowers.Growing a continuous supply of basil means preventing flower formation.
Multiple hyacinth bulbs should be planted at least 5 to 6 inches apart from each other and other plants. Disinfect the scissors with household disinfectant by wiping the blades with household disinfectant before using them to help prevent plant diseases.
Hang the heads upside down in an area where pets or indoor pests can't get to them.With many cultivars of sunflowers available, there are many sizes of seeds. Sunflowers can last a week if you keep them well hydrated.
Many modern refrigerators have a crisper or vegetable drawer, which is an ideal place to store cucumbers. However, cucumbers that have been harvested and left to rest in less than ideal conditions will begin to rot even more quickly.Storing cucumbers...
Both characteristics make cones slippery and unsafe for foot traffic.Pine cones, due to their pine resin content, are highly flammable. As the pine cones contain resin, they shed water and disperse rain into droplets, reducing soil erosion.
The team then focused their investigation on soil characteristics in South Carolina counties with the 10 highest stroke rates—all within the Coastal Plain—and counties with the 10 lowest stroke rates, all in the Blue Ridge/Piedmont region.
When planting outside, position previously potted bulbs within plantings of new tulip bulbs to ensure a good floral display even if the potted bulb never reblooms or waits until the second year after planting.
Keep your eyes peeled for these insects and spiders in your garden—they may be tiny but they're doing big work. With their acute vision and excellent maneuverable flight, they grab other insects out of mid-air and stab them with their piercing mouthparts.
As long as biosolids are acquired from a reliable, monitored source, they are no more unsafe than any other compost we use regularly in gardens. When using biosolids, be sure you know exactly where they came from.
Most members of this family live only in North America and all these plants thrive in acidic soils. Unlike many fruit-bearing trees growing in the United States, blueberries offer the home gardener a chance to cultivate these delectable berries in small...
Do you actually mourn its passing? Over the years, many gardeners who live in areas with distinct seasons have written and spoken about their melancholic moods during the fall.In writing this article, I'm no longer an exception.I came across a quote recently...
Wild geraniums tend to cease flowering in the hottest part of summer anyways, so cutting back old leaves to the base of plants -- just above the small lower rosette of young leaves -- allows the plants to produce lush, green plants with more blossoms...
Happy Ducks For A Happy Garden Ducks are easy keepers, so adding them to the home garden is not a chore. Duck' large, webbed feet means you do have to be careful about your ducks trampling young seedlings.
Onions are members of the allium family. Sprouted onions are perfectly usable and even the sprouts may be used. The vegetable does not require refrigeration unless it is the green onion variety.
This residue usually contains harmful insects, weeds and disease, which all have adverse effects on crops the following year. Once the farmers have finished harvesting the corn they are left with the dilemma of what to do with the abundance of crop residue.
You may recognize some of these as shiny round mites which move extremely slow and look like tiny eggs. Keep reading to find out more about soil mite info and their effects in the garden.So what are soil mites and are they dangerous?
(And of course, there's general cuteness to consider.) When I first heard about “milking through,” the practice of milking a doe for two years and breeding her only every other year, I immediately went to that system.
Commonly grown in containers and window boxes, zinnias enhance the appearance of the landscape when planted in large masses.Commonly planted in early summer, cosmos (Cosmos spp.) are low-maintenance, versatile flowers that dress the landscape with a splash...