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Garden Crafts: How-to Instructions For A Macrame\' Hanging Planter
Continue tying the spiral knots with the original carrier cords, using the original knot cords as the carriers until your side is as long as you want. Do each of the other sides the same way, being careful to make sure they are even.When the three sides...
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Bad luck with houseplants? Try lucky bamboo
Placed in your own vase or dish, with or without water, they're the cheapest luck money can buy. Lucky Bamboo Shop also graciously allowed me to use the picture above; thank you!Another site with information on feng shui : Lovetoknow, article ,
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A Grapevine Christmas Tree
What a treasure it has become! A few red cardinals and other birds in nests were tucked among the vines. I visualized a simple tree made of grapevines. Owners are usually glad to give permission for grapevines to be cut and collected.Every year the tree...
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Warm and Cozy Buckwheat Seeds?
Thank you, my friend.The thumbnail photo is from Wikipedia Public Commons.There was no way to photograph the Cozies as they warmed my feet and neck, but the remaining images will give you an idea of their size and their flexibility.If you are interested...
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My favorite, versatile, new gardening tool is my \
How could I refuse? I was captivated nonetheless. My smart phone has an awesome utility for keeping records, issuing reminders, and gathering information. A weather forecast, as I stand in the back forty (feet) of the yard debating turning on the sprinkler?
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Hummers at your window - a great gift idea!
While I was researching the various types of hummingbird feeders available, I came across some that attach to the outside of a window with suction cups. Of course, this was totally ignoring the territory issue that I planned for with the other feeder.
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Party Favors From the Heart: African Violets and Handmade Containers
No two pots looked alike. I needed something relatively cheap since I was going to have 150 guests and something that I could personally make. I would generally throw 10-15 pots per sitting.
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Gardening Gifts A to Z
(Once she's used PlantFiles, I'll bet she'll be hooked.) A trial subscription with full feature access is a real deal at only five dollars. Small citrus are generally hardy in frost-free regions, and are well suited to life as a large potted plant.lists...
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Diana\'s Anise Biscotti
Once rooted, it should not be relocated. A large batch can be made, which makes a welcomed gift for family and friends for any occasion, especially during holidays.y Mama's recollections of family, Italian foods, culture and traditions have lured me to...
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What the Gardener Gets for Christmas
I bet you didn't need the one you got this year.And of course we got pretty plant pots for Christmas. We desire acres of weed-free earth replete with earthworms when everyone else wants a red sports car.
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Plant Profiles For New Gardeners: Sempervirens tectorum, Hens and Chicks
It was thought to protect inhabitants from thunder and lightning strikes, so was a common sight planted on thatch and sod roofs. The 'mother' plant with the smaller babies surrounding it is how the common name 'hens and chickens' came about and the various...
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Gifts from and for Gardeners: How to Make a Discharge Printed Vest
Keep in mind that underneath the plant material, it will stay the same color as the original fabric. You shouldn't have to soak it, but dampen it well. We will be Discharge Printing a denim vest with botanical material.
El Segundo
Handmade decorative paper with added flowers, seeds, leaves
Uncoated wood works just as well, but it tends to warp as it soaks up water after several uses.Meanwhile, prepare the paper by tearing it into pieces about 2 inches square or less, until you have a sackful.
El Segundo
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Zinnias
Here in west KY, we plant zinnias again at the end of July for a great show that will take us through the rest of the summer and on into autumn. Even if you have a preference for a specific color,.
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Clay Critters for Plant Pots: A great kid craft for inside days
Once you see how cute your ladybug looks, you'll want to make a whole troop of clay critters for your pots!A special thank you to my friends Annabelle and Todd, who do snow day crafts with me.
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Just add water, Paperwhites bring a hint of spring
Most growers discard their bloomed-out paperwhites, but if you have a warm garden you may plant them outside. Set the bulbs with the flat side down in a single layer on the stones.
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Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Daylilies
Japanese Beetles are sometimes troublesome, thrips can cause mal-formed blossoms (but generally leave on their own when conditions dry up) and there are a couple of fungal diseases that sometimes rear their heads, but for the most part, dayliles are tough...
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A Quick & Easy Harvest Apron
I wanted a multi-purpose apron to protect my clothes while working in the yard and garden that I could also pull up to use as a harvest apron with little effort. You can buy it under various names, in small pre-cut sheets; in narrow 1/2-inch strips on...
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Sweet Solution for Garden Hot Peppers
And, if you want to make your pepper jelly even hotter, include some of the seeds.Bring to a boil over high heat, frequently stirringStir in the pectin, bring back to a full boil, then turn off the heat.
El Segundo
Ornamental Oreganos - For Butterflies, for Bees, for Beauty...But Not for You!
It flowers slightly later for me than Herrenhausen and has a paler flower, which is more abundant and billowing. Ornamental herbs, those cultivated for beauty or for pollinator use are often overlooked by gardeners.
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Tips For Caring For Saguaro Cactus
The freezing point is one of the most important considerations of where do Saguaro cactus grow. Annually fertilizing with cactus food in spring will help the plant complete its growth cycle.Saguaro cactus are slow to develop and may be 35 years of age...
Tips For Caring For Dogwood Trees
They also add summer and fall color, with rich green foliage color in summer and reddish purple leaves during fall. For care of flowering dogwood trees, regular watering once a week to a depth of 6 inches should suffice.
Tips For Growing Amaranth For Food
Just like other, the smaller the leaf, the more tender it is, but larger leaves have a more developed flavor.If you would like to harvest the amaranth grain, allow the plant to go to flower.
Recycling for Birds - Food for Thought
Recycled items add a personal charm to the garden. Center the bowl on the base and using a marker or pencil, mark the base by using the bowl's holes as a guide.You will be drilling three holes around the perimiter of the base and in the flat part of the...
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Tips For Caring For A ZZ Plant
This has led to many people wondering how to grow ZZ plants. Between the sculptural qualities of the plant and its waxy coating, it is not uncommon for people to insist that it must be an artificial plant.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Easy Tips for Caring for Winter Herbs
It is acceptable to harvest limited quantities from several different plants, but realize there's a limit to the amount you can crop before herb plants become affected. Incorporating pine bark mulch around your winter herb plants can help promote soil...
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Easy Garden Chimes For Kids – Tips For Creating Wind Chimes For Gardens
This will be the holder for the chimes.Cut five strands of colorful twine or string about 18 inches long. Allow your kids to pick out the objects, and the more unusual the better.Tie the collection onto a set of strings and hang them from a stick, or...