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How Expensive Are Truffles

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How to Grow White Truffles
White truffles are challenging to start, but when they become successfully established, you will reap the rewards of this delicacy for years to come. Remove the trees from their pots and insert them into the holes.
Santa Monica
Spring: Chickens Are Coming, Veggies Are Growing
I truly could not be more excited – go ahead and call me a geek if you want – it would just be the truth! The veggie garden is looking really good right now. Our young ladies are coming from a farmer friend of mine who has a mixed flock of all kinds...
What are annuals?
Larkspur, love-in-a-mist, California poppy, and baby's breath are in the short season category.When your annuals have bloomed well for a couple of months and then slow down and yellow, or wilt completely after the first frost, remove the withered remains.
El Segundo
Are Roses Perennials?
Roses will adapt to most soil types but prefer a fertile spot. After the water has drained, add more soil and repeat the mud process until reaching the original soil level.Roses need 1 inch of water per week and sandy soil, and dry spells will require...
Santa Monica
Are Gardenias Toxic?
Also known as the cape jasmine gardenia, gardenia jasminoides can cause mild vomiting, diarrhea and hives in animals. This also applies to small children.A common houseplant gardenia variety, gardenia radicans floraplena is non-toxic to any living creature,...
Santa Monica
Are Petunias Perennials?
Choose short and compact plants at the nursery, preferably ones without flowers, for best results when transplanting. All petunias, but especially white and purple ones, produce a pleasant fragrance.Although petunias are annuals, providing the best possible...
Santa Monica
What Are Sheaves?
In Genesis, sheaves of corn were used to represent Joseph as the sheaf that stood upright; Joseph's brothers were the sheaves that bowed down to his sheaf. There are similar words from other European languages that have influenced the word we use today,...
Santa Monica
Are Succulents Perennials?
They like gravelly or sandy soil.Succulents do not like standing water, and fast-draining soils are essential in areas with periodic heavy rainfall.Planting them on a mound helps drainage issues.
Santa Monica
Are Daffodils Perennials?
Therefore, the plants tend to grow without any predators. Avoid planting them in compacted or heavy soils that readily flood or remain wet for long periods after rain. Weak, malnourished bulbs fail to return another year.In a broad context, daffodils...
Santa Monica
What Are Bantams?
Their eggs are smaller: It usually takes two bantam eggs to equal one regular egg in a standard recipe. Each year, the bands are inscribed with the current year. Scale down your flock—in size not number—by keeping small-scale chicken breeds called...
Are Gazanias Perennials?
In colder climates, it works best as an annual or perennial houseplant, according to Cornell University.For outdoor planting, the gazania thrives as a perennial with an extended growing season in extreme southern United States, planting zones 9a and above,...
Santa Monica
Are Tomatillos Acidic?
Tomatillos grow best in slightly acidic soil, with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0. Use a home soil test kit to test your soil's pH.Foods are placed in two categories: acidic or alkaline. Tomatillos are canned alone or with other ingredients to make salsa verde, also...
Santa Monica
The Bees Are Here! The Bees Are Here!
If there's a more perfect piece of work to be found anywhere, I'd like to see it. « More Greenhorn Acres » Tags beekeeper , beekeeping , bees , Greenhorn Acres , hive Each and every one wore a very cranky expression on its tiny face.
Are There Any Barberry Plants That Are Shade Loving?
The deciduous Japanese barberry (B. Triacanthophora) grow to 5 feet tall with a slightly narrower spread and are hardy in zones 5 to 8. It blooms with small, yellow spring flowers followed by long-lasting, blue-black fruits.
Santa Monica
Are Hobby Farmers \
We spend hours collecting, cleaning, preparing, packaging, marketing and selling our farm's products. My handful of acres keeps me busy enough. We all haul feed, fill waterers, collect eggs and watch our chickens' crazy antics.
The Chicks are Here!
They're fun! In the meanwhile, if you're thinking of getting baby chicks and want to learn more, pick up an issue of Chickens magazine, a copy of the Popular Farming: Chickens magabook, or read some of the great articles about chickens archived on
Are Jade Plants Poisonous?
These garden gems are only mildly toxic to humans if eaten, according to experts at the University of California, causing minor health issues like diarrhea and vomiting. Kids and grand-kids -- and other humans -- eating or touching these plants might...
Santa Monica
Are Eucalyptus Leaves Toxic?
Cats and horses also develop symptoms of plant poisoning, if they eat eucalyptus leaves, warns the ASPCA.Ingestion of the eucalyptus leaf may require an evaluation by a doctor or veterinarian.
Santa Monica
The Mushrooms Are Mushing!
They're purported to have great medicinal value, as well. They start with a spore, a microscopic “mushroom seed,” if you will, although spores aren't really seeds at all. And did I mention the scrumptiousness factor?
Are Japanese Anemones Poisonous?
Keep small children away from the plants altogether, and warn larger children that they shouldn't touch or eat them. The compound responsible is protoanemin. When planting Japanese anemone or cutting flowers, always wear gloves to minimize the chance...
Santa Monica
How Are Grasses Pollinated?
Those flowers usually have large, colorful petals and lovely scents.Most wind-pollinated plants are green, have no or very small petals and lack scent. The flower structures they have are adapted for catching wind and pollen.
Santa Monica
Are Fig Trees Deciduous?
Mature fig trees may be further protected by gradually reducing the amount of water they receive which forces them to become dormant. Prune fig trees each year for the first three years; after the third year, prune as needed.If the temperature where you...
Santa Monica
Are Daylilies Deer Resistant?
After other treats grow, they may leave the daylilies alone for better fare.One way to protect your prized daylilies from becoming snacks for deer -- and to enjoy their blooms all summer -- is to surround the daylilies with plants that are deer-resistant.
Santa Monica
Which Oranges Are Seedless?
Called a blood orange, it has hints of red in the flesh. All navals are descended from a single seedless orange tree from a Brazilian plantation. Because we view seeds as a nuisance when eating fresh oranges, breeders in the 1800s developed trees producing...
Santa Monica
Are Petunias Deer Resistant?
Petunias produce flowers from May through October in a variety of colors, including pink, purple, red, white and yellow.Plant petunias in full sun and well-drained, moist soil. Petunias tend to attract deer.Petunias (Petunia spp.), a popular garden annual,...
Santa Monica
Beetles Are Pollinators Too
It stands to reason that some of the longest-lived plants are pollinated by the longest-lived insects. Friends Not Foes Ladybugs, Japanese beetles , rove beetles, ground beetles , fireflies , click beetles, soldier beetles, dung beetles —whether this...
Are Gerber Daisies Toxic?
Animals can suffer from some gastrointestinal discomfort after ingesting any type of plant material, however.If accidental ingestion of the gerber daisy occurs and causes adverse effects in humans or animals, consult a doctor or veterinarian as soon as...
Santa Monica