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How Do You Find Truffles

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When Do You Harvest Ginger?
In a tropical location, you can plant and grow ginger at any time, but in a place that experiences below-freezing temperatures in winter, ginger has to be brought indoors to overwinter.
A Bird in the Hand: What to Do If You Find a Baby Bird
If human contact seems to agitate or frighten it, you can place a warm (not hot!) water bottle in the box to keep the bird's temperature up, or place a heating pad under a towel below the box on a very low setting.
El Segundo
Do You Know Your State Insect?
The Chinese Mantis is the largest species in North America, attaining lengths of up to 5 inches. Believe it or not, most of the 50 states have their own official insect! For the sake of brevity, I'll present the information by insect rather than state.
El Segundo
When Do You Prune Sumac Trees?
Some sumacs emit a milky sap when pruned that can irritate the skin. For other sumacs, remove suckers growing from the trunk and remove dead or broken branches. To control the spread of sumacs, many trees are pruned down to the ground.
Santa Monica
Do You Have to Deadhead Azaleas?
(Ref 6)Fungal diseases sometimes develop on azalea flowers, and deadheading helps prevents these diseases from spreading. You can snap off the spent blooms, or use pruning shears if they don't break off easily.
Santa Monica
Do You Deadhead Blazing Star Plants?
Collect and dispose of the pruned flower spikes; if left on the ground at the base of the plant, they may attract unwanted insect activity. To ensure that your plant has everything it needs to produce another round of flower spikes, fertilize and water...
Santa Monica
Do You Need a Commercial Kitchen?
If your path does lead to a commercial-kitchen installation, get multiple opinions from state and local regulators and collect this information in writing. These regulations and the necessity of a commercial kitchen generally kick in when we start talking...
How Often Do You Water Marigolds?
Water marigolds in pots when the top 1 to 2 inches of soil is dry. Few annuals are as dependably cheerful as marigolds (Tagetes patula). They also attract butterflies and hummingbirds into the garden.
Santa Monica
What Farmers\' Market Do You Love?
As a farmer or farmers' market shopper, you can show your support for your favorite market through America Farmland Trust's “I Love My Farmers Market” celebration. According to the most recent National Resources Inventory, the U.S. is losing nearly...
4 Herbs You Can Find During a Winter Forage
Sweet birch ( Betula lenta ) has a similar texture, but is black and not papery. The size will vary from about the size of a pea to the size of a marble depending on the rose type.
Harvesting Beans: When Do You Pick Beans
The best time when to pick beans in this group is while they are still young and tender and before the seeds inside are visibly evident when looking at the pod.If you wait too long to pick snap beans, even by a day or two, the beans will be tough, coarse,...
Scallion Picking: How Do You Harvest Scallions
Scallions left for too long will quickly wilt and loose their freshness.However, if you are unable to use all of your harvested scallions, they may be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week.
What Do You Do When Your Orchid Loses All Its Flowers?
Pests like aphids, mites and scale should be treated with an organic material specific to the pest.Orchids grow everywhere in the wild, so virtually any planting medium will work. Common household growing media includes bark pieces, sphagnum or peat moss...
Santa Monica
How Often Do You Water Poinsettia Plants?
Once the water begins to run out of the holes in the bottom of the pot, cease watering the poinsettia.A poinsettia will wilt quickly if it does not receive adequate water. Never allow the poinsettia pot to sit in standing water or root rot will result.
Santa Monica
How Do You Cut Back Asiatic Lilies?
If it doesn't, cut it to 1 to 2 inches long. Make the cuts at the base of the flower stem, where they join the plant. Cut the flowers when they open and take them indoors to a vase, or maintain them on the plant and cut them when they fade.
Santa Monica
Axes, Mattocks & Mauls: Which Do You Need?
For jobs like felling trees, making firewood and digging stumps, tools like axes, splitting mauls and mattocks were essential. The head of a splitting maul is also wider than the head of an axe, typically with a blunt sledgehammer end on the opposite...
You Can\'t Grow That Here! Part II - Finding an Alternative
Once you find a site or two that offers a comprehensive list, start looking them up in the plant files. Take it a step further and mention them in your local forum and others will be all too happy to share their experiences with growing the plants you...
El Segundo
What Do You Do When Your Driveway Turns Into A River?
Divert Water Flow A secondary goal for our driveway will be to find a solution to reroute and slow the speed of the water flow. We use the driveway to access many of the important parts of our farm, such as the garden and the bee hill, but as you may...
Some Tropical Fruits You Won\'t Find at Your Corner Store
As I live on this remote tropical island of Reunion, I will emphasize on fruits which are to be found here and there in old gardens and orchards, a vanishing part of our heritage.This is it for today, ladies and gentlemen, I hope you have enjoyed the...
El Segundo
Breeds You Need: Finding the Right Livestock for Small Farms
All breeds of livestock, including poultry, cattle, sheep, goats and hogs, were developed for specific purposes. It was introduced to New Zealand in the early 1800s, when the Maori people raised this little pig for meat.
Heliopsis Trimming: Do You Cut Back False Sunflowers
For example,of young plants in spring to create full, bushy plants, then keep the plantthroughout the blooming season to prevent false sunflower from going to seed prematurely.Cut the plants back by about half if they begin to look floppy or scraggly...
Echinacea Deadheading: Do You Need To Deadhead Coneflowers
Always cut the spent flower stem back to a set of leaves or a new flower bud so you are not left with odd looking bare stems all over the plant.In late summer to fall, stop deadheading spent blooms so that birds can eat the seed through the fall and winter.
What Do You Do When Your Cats Are BFFs With A Raccoon?
And sure enough, when dusk casts its shadow over the farm, our uninvited guest comes to join us for the feasting. Mr. B and I are nature lovers and want to promote a diversity of wildlife on our farm to maintain a thriving ecosystem, but we also understand...
Deadheading Gladiolus: Do You Need To Deadhead Glads
However, there are several schools of thought on whether it is a beneficial activity for the plant or simply soothes the neurotic gardener. By the time the top flowers are open, the bottom flowers are usually gray or brown, dead and fully spent.
When Do You Plant Tulip Bulbs in Texas?
Tulips are some of the first flowers in spring, and sometimes come up when there's still snow on the ground. Any planting should take place around the time of the first frost, which occurs as early as the second week of October in north Texas and as late...
Santa Monica
Do You Like Your Vegetables Ugly—Or Sexy?
CUESA “Farmers markets are sexy, especially in the summer,” says Executive Director Marcy Coburn in a press release. “At the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market, we've got sunshine, beautiful food, gorgeous views, and enticing people—all perfect conditions...
What The Microloans Program Can Do For You
You'll still need collateral in the form of farm property worth a minimum of the loan amount. Additionally, you must show sufficient prior-farming experience to prove this loan is a solid investment in your business.