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Fertilizing Indoor Ferns – How To Feed Your Indoor Potted Ferns
Be sure to dilute the fertilizer to about half the mixture recommended on the label. Although regular fertilization is important, indoor ferns don't need heavy doses of fertilizer, which may scorch the leaves.Be sure to water well immediately after fertilizing...
Zebra Plant (Aphelandra)
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 4" Pot

Zebra plant is in reference to its ovate to elliptic, dark green leaves with distinctive zebra-like white veins. It is noted for is attractive foliage and spikes of yellow-bracted flowers.
Burgundy Ficus (Rubber Plant)
Prices start at : 17.95 USD / 6"

Decorative container not included. The Burgundy Ficus plant has large oval shaped leaves that are a rich chocolate burgundy-brown color. The Burgundy Ficus could be the houseplant for you if you want a tough plant which can reach staggering heights within...
Propagating Ferns: Growing Ferns From Spores And Division
Timing and some skill are required when propagating ferns with these minute specks.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Ferns are easy to grow and thrive in indirect light and high humidity.
Little Fiddle Fig Standard (Ficus lyrata)
Prices start at : 109.95 USD / 3-4' Tall

They grow slowly, and can get up to or exceed 20′ tall. Fruit is rarely seen on plants outside of the native habitat. They prefer to dry out between watering. Winter hardy to USDA Zones 10-12.
Frizzle Top On Palms: Information And Tips For Frizzle Top Treatment
This can help you gauge if there is adequate manganese in your soil. This prevents the plant from gathering maximum nutrients, including any available manganese.Palm fronds will exhibit dry, withered leaves.
Fiddle Leaf Fig Bush (Ficus lyrata)
Prices start at : 22.95 USD / 12 to 18" Tall

Its best not to feed indoor plants during the winter months as the plant will not be in an active state of growth and therefore will not require as much nutrients. To clean the leaves simply place one hand on the underside of the leaf and gently pull...
Victorian Indoor Plants: Caring For Old-Fashioned Parlor Plants
Plants were an important part of the interior decor with some Victorian era houseplants the overwhelming stars. Houseplants Victorian style were also usually in containers that ranged from elegant to opulent.
Preventing Mold In The Soil Of A Houseplant
Make sure your houseplant gets plenty of sunlight and that the sunlight falls on the soil.– Mold in the soil will stop happening if you make sure that there is good air circulation around the plant.
Supporting Vining Houseplants: Managing Vining Plants Inside The Home
Regardless, they all need some type of plant support to keep them looking and behaving at their best. If you're skilled enough, you can always make your own with a little wire coated with plastic or non-rusting wire.
Arum Plant Information: Learn About Common Varieties Of Arum
Many of the available varieties of arum plants are not common, however, but you can try online nurseries for a broader selection. Of the different types of arum plants seen commonly in the landscape,has to be one of the hardiest and most widespread.
Low Allergy Houseplants: Which Houseplants Relieve Allergies
For latex allergy sufferers, this is the last plant you want to have in your home. Excess water leads to the soil being constantly damp, and this can be the perfect environment for mold to grow.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Repotting Houseplants: How To Repot A Houseplant
Allow extra water to drain out and place the pot in an attractive outer container to catch any excess. Be sure to leave the recommended amount of space on top forpurposes. Be sure not to damage the plant's roots, and leave a gap between the top of the...
Houseplants That Heal – Tips On Growing Houseplants For Medicine
You can also chew basil leaves to strengthen your immune system or minimize the duration of a aggressive and can be difficult to control outdoors, but this easy-to-grow plant is one of the best healing houseplants for minor digestive complaints,...
Indoor Plants That Need Low Light
It doesn't require a lot of fertilizer.) has a couple of varieties. Let the soil dry between waterings and fertilize it infrequently.), also called snake plant, has been a favorite among houseplants forever.
Using Cuttings And Leaf Cuttings To Propagate Your Houseplants
They grow easily.One long piece of stem can be divided into several pieces that can be planted up into pots of cuttings compost, watered and covered in a plastic tent until you see new growth.
Propagating Your Houseplants With Leaf Cuttings
Using your knife, cut the leaf into triangles, each with its point toward the position where the stalk joined it. Use hooked pieces of wire to hold them onto the surface. Fill the seed tray with equal parts moist peat and sand.
What Is Bottom Watering: Tips On Watering Potted Plants From The Bottom
Watering potted plants from the bottom eliminates these problems and adds moisture to the soil in a more efficient way. Remove any excess water.Bottom watering plants keeps the roots uniformly moist, but it doesn't wash away the salt and mineral deposits...
Keeping Your Pet Safe: Identify Poison Plants In Your House
These signs for possible poison plants are:While following this list will not eliminate all toxic houseplants, it will help steer you clear of a great many of them.Below are some of the most common houseplants that are toxic:freestar.queue.push(function()...
Salt Leaching Methods: Tips On Leaching Indoor Plants
This can lead to browned, wilted, or lost leaves and slowed growth. Then, slowly pour warm water over the soil, making sure it doesn't overflow the rim of the pot. Indoor plants should be leached regularly to keep their soil clear.
Fluorescent Lighting For Indoor Gardening
Oftentimes they are left to question what types of lighting are best, such as fluorescent or incandescent. Artificial lighting options for indoor gardeners can sometimes be confusing.
Move A Houseplant Outside: How To Harden Off Houseplants
In addition, the increased light will spawn an increase in growth, so fertilizing may also be necessary for some., the same adjustment period is needed but in reverse. Inspect the plants carefully for pests or other problems and wash them off before returning...
Reviving Plants: How To Revive An Overgrown Plant
Tease apart the roots and remove any roots that have been cut loose. Spread the roots of the plant over the soil mound and fill the pot until the roots are covered and the plant is sitting at the same level it was before.Water thoroughly to make sure...
Biophilia Information: Learn How Plants Make Us Feel
A number of studies have shown that the presence of houseplants can lower anxiety and blood pressure, decrease stress, and increase concentration.Some studies have even shown that hospital patients in rooms with living plants in them reported less stress...
Edible Plants Indoors – Tips On Growing Edible Houseplants
The tiny roots or mats of microgreens can be susceptible to these problems and should not be used if there is any sign of mold or decay.Kids love to grow mini greens since they pop up quickly.
Common Houseplant Diseases
These can include mottling or mosaic patterning of leaves, malformed leaves, misshapen flowers and bad coloring. Fungicides, likeare most commonly affected by rust. Hot, dry conditions favor this disease.
Miniature Indoor Gardens
If you use little stainless steel woven baskets to put the plants in before planting in the main container, their roots cannot spread out and grow, but they can still absorb water and nutrients.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...