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House Plants Garden Plants Flowers For Sale In Missouri

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Burgundy Rubber Plant in 8.75 in. Pot
Prices start at : 29.23 USD / each

The colors add a warm feeling to any room. It adds a dramatic display with its dark green or burgundy leaves. The Delray Plants burgundy rubber plant is an attractive, bold houseplant perfect for any corner in a room.
  • Mature Height (in.): 36 in
  • Blossom Color Family: No Blossoms
  • Common Name: Rubber Plant
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Can turn into a tree over a long period of time: Yes
  • Light Requirements: High
United States
8 in. Grand Ivy Rustica Bird Cage
Prices start at : 89.99 USD / each

Most of our Ivy Topiary designs are meant for you Not to see the frame under the Ivy vines and leaves; for the Rustica (rusty wire) designs the wire frame is an integral part of the product and IS meant to be conspicuously seen.
  •  Fertilize lightly with a complete, quality fertilizer once a month if your plant is actively growing, avoid over-fertilizing
  •  Sprinkling or misting the vines and leaves with water several times per week is also beneficial to keeping your plant looking good and preventing insect pests
  •  When watering, pour directly on the soil, allow the water to drain for 5 minutes, do not allow the soil to sit in water for any more than 5 minutes
  • Common Name: Ivy
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Botanical Name: Hedera Helix
United States
Sansevieria Laurentii in 8.75 in. Grower Pot
Prices start at : 29.07 USD / each

It produces elegant variegated foliage. These plants making striking displays in home, office, or patio. The Delray Plants Sanseveria (mother-in-law's tongue or snake plant) is the ideal plant for those who have little time.
  • Water Requirements: Low
  • Common Name: Snake Plant
  • Do not recommend shipping to states currently experiencing extreme cold weather/temperatures: Yes
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Light Requirements: Medium
  • Blossom Color: No Blossoms
United States
Mass Cane in 8.75 in. Grower Pot
Prices start at : 19.63 USD / each

It is widely used in homes, offices, and commercial decor. It has dark green leaves that have a broad cream to yellow stripe down the middle. The Delray Plants Massangeana cane (corn plant) is an eye-catching long-lived planter that adds prominence to...
  •  Considered a top air purify plant for indoor environment
  •  A clean air indoor plant that removes formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, xylene, and trichloroethylene from the air
  •  Contains 2 trunks at different heights
  •  Do not recommend shipping to states currently experiencing extreme cold weather/temperatures
  • Blossom Color Family: No Blossoms
  • Light Requirements: Medium
United States
Golden Pothos 6 in. Grower Pot
Prices start at : 16.53 USD / each

Delray Plants updated this classic with an upgraded pot fit for a new generation. The Delray Plants Golden Pothos is a foliage plant with interesting colors. Its long been a staple in interiors cape.
  •  1 of the easiest plants to grow and care for
  •  Longtime classic updated for a new generation
  •  Grown to Delray Plants exacting standards
  •  Enjoys a wide range of environments
  • Water Requirements: Medium
  • Returnable: 90-Day
United States
4.25 in. Ivy Ball On Stem Topiary in Terra Cotta Pot
Prices start at : 24.29 USD / each

Most of our Ivy Topiary designs are meant for you not to see the frame under the Ivy vines and leaves; for the Rustica (rusty wire) designs the wire frame is an integral part of the product and is meant to be conspicuously seen.
  •  Your topiary can remain in its original pot or you may re-pot it to a larger or more decorative pot if you like, natural terra cotta pots are a good choice as they promote healthy roots, although you must check the moisture level of the soil more frequently since they dry out faster, no matter which pot you choose to use, it must have at least one good sized hole on the bottom to allow the excess water to drain out
  •  A location that is near a window or door that is frequently open is beneficial to keeping your topiary healthy also, for best results, after 2 or 3 weeks of being inside your topiary would like a 1 to 2 week "vacation" outside on a covered porch or patio, especially during the non-winter months, this will help it to resume active growing and rebuild reserves used up while indoors
  •  Sprinkling or misting the vines and leaves with water several times per week is also beneficial to keeping your plant looking good and preventing insect pests
  • Water Requirements: High/Low
  • Container Size (in.): 4.25 in
  • Mature Height (in.): 15 in
United States
Spathiphyllum in 6 in. Grower Pot
Prices start at : 23.7 USD / each

In addition to sprucing up the interiors cape, indoor plants reduce Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and reduce one's carbon footprint. The Delray Plants Spathiphyllum, more commonly known as a Peace Lily, is the perfect easy-to-take-are-of plant for...
  •  Do not recommend shipping to states currently experiencing extreme cold weather/temperatures
  •  Soil mix has been prepared especially for this product
  •  Fills an empty space with beautiful and vibrant color
  •  Grown to Delray Plants exacting standards
  • Water Requirements: High
  • Light Requirements: Medium
United States
Areca Palm in 9.25 in. Grower Pot
Prices start at : 29.14 USD / each

This palm gives a distinctive tropical accent to any room, bringing you one step closer to paradise. It has beautiful feather-like green fronds radiating from several trunks. The Delray Plants areca palm makes a lovely houseplant while acting as a living...
  •  Specifically grown and acclimated to the indoor environment
  •  Do not recommend shipping to states currently experiencing extreme cold weather/temperatures
  •  Considered a top air purify plant for indoor environment
  •  Effective in removing benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from the air
  • Blossom Color: No Blossoms
  • Common Name: Palm
United States
White 4 in. Mini Orchid Duo Plant in Ceramic Pot (2-Stems)
Prices start at : 47.13 USD / box

With the plant standing 6 in. 2 mini Phalaenopsis orchid. Tall, it offers the Splendor of miniature blooms that make a decorative allure for any room. Long-lasting and easily maintained, Just Add Ice orchids make the ideal gift for any occasion.
  •  Easy to care for
  •  Known for their compact stature and long-lasting bloom length
  • Blossom Color Family: Multi
  • Mature Width (in.): 4 in
  • Water Requirements: Low
  • Fragrance: None
United States
4 in. Clay Washpot Euonymus Green and Variegated Pair
Prices start at : 45.89 USD / each

Once your Euonymus Topiary has outgrown its pot, or just perhaps because it dries out too quickly to easily maintain, you may repot it into a slightly larger pot, being careful not to over- or under-water the plant to help promote new roots to form.
  •  Trim off excess growth to keep desired shape
  •  Place plant near filtered light from a north or east facing window, move your euonymus topiary indoors if temperatures fall below freezing
  • Mature Width (in.): 5 in
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Blossom Color: No Blossoms
  • Botanical Name: Euonymus japonicus microphyllus
United States
Salmon 3 in. Charming Orchid Plant in Ceramic Pot
Prices start at : 39.99 USD / box

Bring a prismatic range of color into your home with our 3 in. With just 2 ice cubes once a week this Orchid can bloom for 2 plus months. These beautiful blossoms provide long-lasting color and are easily maintained.
  •  Great for the mantel, centerpieces, and home decor
  •  Blooms can last up to 2-months
  • Common Name: Orchid
  • Mature Width (in.): 3 in
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Fragrance: None
United States
Ficus Lyrata, Fiddle-Leaf Fig Floor Plant in 8.75 in. Grower Pot
Prices start at : 29.97 USD / each

It is among the trendiest indoor plants. This foliage is a living piece of art unlike any other. The Delray Plants pandurata bush (fig) has large gorgeous leaves representing a masterpiece of nature.
  •  Prominently veined obovate leaves
  •  Shipping height between 24 in. to 34 in. sleeved from the bottom of the pot
  • Blossom Color Family: No Blossoms
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Fragrance: None
  • Water Requirements: Low
United States
Assorted Air Plants (5 Pack)
Prices start at : 18.99 USD / package

Because it doesn't need soil, you can decorate with air plants in any area of your home or office. Costa Farms air plant (Tillandsia) is the perfect plant for chic, easy-care DIY projects.
  •  Easy-care, spray-mist with water weekly
  •  Airplants are rule breakers: unlike other plants, they don't grow in soil, in nature, airplants use their roots to set up housekeeping anywhere, grabbing onto tree branches or rocks, but they are also happy sitting in a glass globe, on top of sand in a dish or propped on the top of a little vase
  •  Ideal for gift giving and DIY projects
  •  Airplants are little beauties that are ideal for home decorators and plant collectors
  • Common Name: Air Plant
  • Mature Width (in.): 5 in
United States
Schefflera Capella Bush in 8.75 in. Grower Pot
Prices start at : 21.63 USD / each

The varigation enhances its surroundings. This plant is a great accent for any landscape, interiors cape, or patio. The Delray Plants Schefflera arbicola bush has attractive varigated, glossy, palmate leaves.
  •  Shipping height between 24 in. to 32 in. sleeved from the bottom of the pot
  •  Do not recommend shipping to states currently experiencing extreme cold weather/temperatures
  •  Can be pruned into a small tree over a period of years
  •  Makes a great houseplant with low maintenance needs
  • Fragrance: None
  • Water Requirements: Medium
United States
Sansevieria in 6 in. Grower Pot
Prices start at : 22.42 USD / each

Adding a Sansevieria will create a modern and simple touch to any interior. The Sansevieria offers different color choices varying from dark green, green with yellow edging, pale green, light yellow and light green.

No Blossoms

    •  Do not recommend shipping to states currently experiencing extreme cold weather/temperatures
    •  Grown to Delray Plants exacting standards
    • Light Requirements: Medium
    • Blossom Color: No Blossoms
    • Blossom Color Family: No Blossoms
    • Mature Width (in.): 7 in
    United States
    Wild Interiors Happy Bean Succulent in a Terra Cotta Pot
    Prices start at : 29.99 USD / box

    Happy beans are great to give as gifts and to use as home decor. This succulent grows upward and bushy-like. The Happy Bean has peapod shaped leaves that grow along semi-succulent stems.
    •  Keep your succulent around room temperature, avoiding extreme heat and cold
    •  Place your succulent in bright, indirect sunlight
    •  Great to give as gifts and to use as home decor
    •  Regularly remove any dead leaves from your plant to promote full and uniform growth
    • Fragrance: None
    • Water Requirements: Low
    United States
    Aloe Vera Plant in 4 in. Pot
    Prices start at : 11.07 USD / each

    The Delray Plants Aloe Vera is a stemless or very short stemmed succulent plant with the capability to grow almost 3 ft. It is easy to care for and requires little attention. In addition to its medicinal qualities the Aloe Vera plant is excellent as a...
    •  Direct from farm, farm fresh
    •  Do not recommend shipping to states currently experiencing extreme cold weather/temperatures
    • Mature Height (in.): 14 in
    • Botanical Name: ALOE VERA
    • Returnable: 90-Day
    • Blossom Color Family: No Blossoms
    United States
    Yucca Cane in 8.75 in. Grower Pot
    Prices start at : 23.00 USD / each

    It is widely used in homes, offices and commercial decor. Delray Plants 8-3/4 in. Yucca cane is an eye-catching long-lived planter that adds prominence to the interiorscape or decks.
    •  Bold sword like foliage looks great in any room
    •  Do not recommend shipping to states currently experiencing extreme cold weather/temperatures
    •  Ships direct from farm, handpicked by grower
    •  Long-living and easy to care for
    • Botanical Name: Yucca sp.
    • Common Name: Dracaena
    United States
    Wild Interiors 5 in. Crassula Succulent in a Terra Cotta Pot
    Prices start at : 29.99 USD / box

    With the ability to hold water in its leaves, it is a hardy succulent and easy to care for year-round. The leaves taper off at the end and can sometimes display a red hue around the edges.
    •  Regularly remove any dead leaves from your plant to promote full and uniform growth
    •  Keep your succulent around room temperature, avoiding extreme heat and cold
    •  Water your succulent so the soil is damp, not fully saturated with water and allow it to dry completely between watering's
    • Botanical Name: Crassula
    • Common Name: Assorted Mix
    • Mature Height (in.): 9
    United States
    4 in. Olive Tree Pair Clay Wash Pot
    Prices start at : 45.89 USD / each

    Thrive with minimal care. Rock solid plant that is perfect of the gifted gardener as well as those not so patient with plants. Rustic with a Mediterranean look.
    •  Fertilize perhaps monthly while the plant is actively, don't fertilize a stressed plant as this will further stress the plant's roots
    •  Olives require a fair bit of light when placed indoors, but can tolerate low light for a week or two at a time, note that placement directly in a west or south facing window can be too much light and heat and will require very frequent watering, filtered light from these windows is perfect, however, as is placement in a north or east facing window
    • Container Size (in.): 4 in
    • Botanical Name: Olea Europaea
    • Blossom Color: No Blossoms
    • Water Requirements: Medium
    United States
    Pink 5 in. Classic Orchid Plant in Ceramic Pot (2-Stems)
    Prices start at : 54.99 USD / box

    Orchids create a unique and artistic accent for the home or office, and are the ideal gift for any occasion. Bring a prismatic range of color into your home with our classic Orchid.
    •  Great for the mantel, centerpieces, and home decor
    •  Water with 3 ice cubes, once a week
    •  Blooms can last up to 2-months
    • Mature Height (in.): 23 in
    • Returnable: 90-Day
    • Fragrance: None
    United States
    Xanadu Philodendron \'Winterbourn\'
    Prices start at : 69.95 USD / 1 pcs

    The large, integrate leaves add a special touch with little effort from you! Surround yourself with easy to care for extravagance. Easy-Growing Tropical Plant Perfect for Large Pots This stylish plant is sure to add a modern touch! Whether you plant it...
    • Mature Width: 5 ft.
    • Growth Rate: Moderate
    • Sunlight: Full-Partial
    United States
    Wild Interiors 5 in. Ivy in Terra Cotta Pot
    Prices start at : 29.99 USD / box

    They pull benzene and formaldehyde out of the air, making it a great plant for rooms with new paint, carpet or furniture. Another popular houseplant, the ivy has a star-shaped leaf with 5 tips, sometimes lined with white edges.
    • Blossom Color Family: Greens
    • Place foliage in a sunny room for indirect, natural light: Yes
    • Mature Height (in.): 8
    • Mature Width (in.): 9
    • Fragrance: None
    • Botanical Name: Ivy
    United States
    Flowering Tobacco, Jasmine Tobacco Nicotiana alata
    Prices start at : 1.95 USD / 1 packet

    * All parts of the plant contain nicotine, this has been extracted and used as an insecticide. * Nicotiana alata is a species of tobacco . It is called Winged Tobacco , Jasmine Tobacco , tanbaku , and sometimes Persian Tobacco , though the latter name...
    • Seeds Per Pound: 2,724,000
    • Family: Solanaceae
    • Quantity: 1.34 lb
    • Genus: Nicotiana
    • Purity: 99%
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 541
    United States
    Nepthytis in 6 in. Hanging Basket
    Prices start at : 16.04 USD / each

    This plant can grow and thrive for years. It is an indoor houseplant that will provide beautiful foliage in spite of occasional neglect. The Delray Plants Nepthytis has vibrant variegated foliage that make a distinctive trailing hanging basket.
    •  Can also be used in combination planters
    •  Shipping height between 14 in. to 20 in. sleeved from the bottom of the pot
    •  The slow-growing tropical vine can thrive in low light conditions
    •  Direct from farm, farm fresh


      • Water Requirements: Medium
      • Light Requirements: Medium
      United States
      Ionantha Air Plants (10-Pack)
      Prices start at : 20.99 USD / package

      Because it doesn't need soil, you can decorate with air plants in any area of your home or office. Costa Farms air plant (Tillandsia) is the perfect plant for chic, easy-care do it yourself projects.
      •  Easy-care, spray - mist with water weekly
      •  Ideal for gift giving and do it yourself projects
      •  Air plants are little beauties that are ideal for home decorators and plant collectors
      • Returnable: 90-Day
      • Botanical Name: Tillandsia Ionantha
      • Fragrance: None
      United States
      Fresh Coral Color Roses (100 Stems)
      Prices start at : 140.32 USD / box

      A strong bright salmony rose that opens into a cup shape bloom. Your flowers and roses are shipped absolutely fresh, direct from the greenhouses to you via FedEx. All our flowers and roses are cut specially for you, your loved one or special event (wedding,...
      •  All of our flowers come with an absolutely fresh guarantee
      •  Instructions for flower care:
      •  Open box - cut 1/2 in. of the stem - put in water upon arrival, add flower food, change water and re-cut the stems on the third day
      •  Stems are 20 in. - 22 in. long : 32 - 43 petals per flower
      • Approximate #of Stems: 100
      • Product Width (in.): 4 in
      United States