A concentrated formula of 32 vitamins, minerals, amino acids and electrolytes for all horses. Contains a complete mixture of nutrients that may be lacking or insufficient in the horse's regular diet.
Daily (measuring cup provided). Feed mature horses 1-2 oz. Foals and ponies get 1/2-1 oz. High potency vitamin and mineral supplement provides the proper combination of nutrients essential for top health, bloom and finish.
Su-Per E-SE Vitamin E and Selenium Liquid for Horses is a mineral that, when combined with Vitamin E, acts as an antioxidant which helps maintain the immune system and protects muscle tissue from oxidative damage.
Bag is a 60 day supply for an adult 1000 lb. Give hay and/or pasture for roughage, Barn Bag for nutrients, and if necessary, whole oats to maintain body weight. Horse engaged in average activity.
Made with max-e-glo stabilized rice bran which provides a 6 percent fat level for energy and weight gain. Made with chelated minerals for optimal mineral utilization and fortified with flax for healthy skin and coat.
Elevate Maintenance Powder provides a natural supplemental source of vitamin E for horses. Body weight daily. Feed 1-5 scoops per 1000 lbs. Top-dress onto daily grain ration. Ideal for horses maintained on diets composed largely of processed grains and...
Opt E Horse Complete is recommended for optimum conditioning and performance. Horse Complete comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Opt-E-Horse Complete - equine vitamin supplement.
Also helps your horse bounce back quickly from stress. Give 1 scoop per day. Supports immune response with nucleotides, a key element in cell replication, allowing the body to heal at a faster rate.
Durvet Natural Vet Bug Check For Livestock Durvet Natural Vet Bug Check For Livestock is an excellent product we know our customers will love. Repels Flying Pests and Maintains Healthy Skin and Coat From The Inside Out Made Of Garlic, Yeast and Grape...
Highly palatable apple flavor.Contains crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, and psyllium seeds and husks.Dosage: For habitual sand eaters, feed 4-6 oz twice daily with regular ration.
Selenium is a mineral that, when combined with Vitamin E, acts as an antioxidant which helps maintain the immune system and protects muscle tissue from oxidative damage. Also aids in normal body growth and fertility.
View manufacturer and label information Especially important for foals at birth to maintain normal fecal consistency. Recommended by most Vets to be used after your regular worming.
✓ 10 grams at birth and day 4
✓ 15 grams at foaling; following therapy or during training, transport or digestive upset
Click here for more information on U-7 , including a clinical study and a short video by Dr Mark Philips, discussing his own experience. Recommended for all horses that are confined to stalls or engaged in moderate to heavy work schedules.
Selenium along with Vitamin E, is necessary for proper functioning of the immune system and to protect the integrity of cell membranes. 1 oz scoop included. Dosage: Feed 1 oz daily with feed or as directed by your veterinarian.
Milk Of Magnesia for Horses Milk Of Magnesia for Horses comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! A unique product for relief of heartburn, sour stomach, indigestion and mild constipation.
View manufacturer and/or label information Omega-3 fatty acids are great for allergies (especially skin allergies), natural anti-inflammatory action, and of course coat quality. 2 oz per day for calories or weight gain.
✓ Base ingredient is a prebiotic yeast culture to enhance digestion
✓ Safe to add to any ration
✓ Primary source of the omega-3 fatty acids is heat stabilized flax which also has a mild gel consistency to help cleanse sand and dirt from the gastro-intestinal tract
Day Supply: (48 Day Supply),(160 Day Supply),(320 Day Supply)
Balanced calcium : phosphorus ratio. Easily mixed into foals ration. Highly palatable milk based formula. Aids in transition from milk to grain ration. Provides extra nutrition for foals at weaning and foals raised on the mare or foal-lac powder.
Recommended to help support a healthy stomach. U7 Gastric Aid Powder U7 Gastric Aid Powder, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help. Size: 3.2 Pound
Garlic Powder Supplement For Livestock Garlic Powder is A feed supplement that is used as an intestinal health aid, antihistimine and antiseptic. This product can not be shipped to the following Countries: CA Size: 4 Pounds
In solution, rather than suspension, to ensure full and rapid absorption. Highly concentrated liquid multi-vitamin feed supplement. Contains 100% chelated iron and vitamins A, D and B complex with B12.
12.7 oz = 30-60 day supply for one horse. Feed daily and during times of stress, heavy work schedules and competitions. Resealable package. Finely blended formula contains three digestive aids - micro-encapsulated probiotics, digestive enzymes and live...
Silver Lining Bright Eyes Designed to maintain the body's natural mineral levels connected with the eyes, and may be beneficial in maintaining normal eyesight. 1 Tbsp scoop enclosed.
Finish Line U7 Gastric Supplement Liquid Finish Line U7 Gastric Supplement Liquid is an excellent product we know our customers will love. Finish Line U7 Gastric Supplement Liquid is recommended to help support a healthy digestive system.
Also contains sulfur for joint health in the form amino acids methionine and cysteine. Farrier's Formula Double Strength Plus Joint is an all in one horse joint supplement that provides the nutrients needed for strong hooves, skin and joints.
Harlem Oil juniper berry tar is especially useful after hard workouts or races to help induce urination and help prevent tying up. Jacks Haarlem Oil 10Ml Haarlem Oil contains juniperberry tar for use as a natural diuretic.