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Horse Vaccines Horse Supplies For Sale In Westminster

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Fluvac Innovator 4
Prices start at : 17.99 USD / each

Inject 1 mL IM and repeat 2-4 weeks later. Formerly Double E FT (w/ MetaStim) Equine Influenza (KY 97), Eastern & Western Encephalomyelitis Vaccine (KV) and Tetanus Toxoid Protects healthy horses against Kentucky 97, the most current A1 and A2 influenza...
  • Brand: Zoetis
  • Type: Eastern & Western Encephalomyelitis,Equine Influenza Kentucky 97,Tetanus
Strepvax II (Strangles) Equine Vaccine
Price : CALL

Consult with your veterinarian about the advisability of vaccinating for Strangles. Dosage is three 1 ml doses given at 3 week intervals initially, with an annual booster thereafter.
West Nile Innovator + VEWT
Prices start at : 33.99 USD / each

Inject 1mL dose IM and repeat in 3 to 4 weeks. Eastern, Western and Venezuelan Encephalomyelitis plus West Nile Vaccine and Tetanus Toxoid For vaccination of healthy horses as an aid in the prevention of viremia caused by West Nile virus, and as an aid...
  • Amount: Single Dose,10 Dose Vial
  • Brand: Zoetis
Equine Potomavac + Imrab Rabies Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 126.95 USD / each

Order syringes and needles separately. Do not order Rabies vaccine unless you find that you can legally administer the vaccine to your animals. Revaccinate annually with a single 1 ml dose of Equine Potomavac + Imrab.
Prestige 5 (2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 27.95 USD / each

Inject 1 ml IM, and then repeat in 3-4 weeks. Prestige 5 (2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine is for vaccination of healthy horses against Eastern and Western encephalomyelitis, rhinopneumonitis (EHV-1 and EHV-4), influenza, plus...
Tetanus Toxoid Concentrate
Prices start at : 21.99 USD / each

View manufacturer and/or label information Annual booster is recommended. 21 day slaughter withdrawal. Dosage: Horse & Cattle - Inject a 1 mL dose (IM) and repeat in 30 days. Swine, Sheep, & Goat - Inject a 0.5 mL dose (IM) and repeat in 30 days.
  • Brand: Colorado Serum
  • Type: Tetanus Toxoid
Vetera EHV-XP 1/4 (Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / each

Give 1 ml IM; repeat in 3-4 weeks using a different injection site. Vetera EHV-XP 1/4 (Rhino) Equine Vaccine protects horses 4 months of age and older against the respiratory form of rhinopneumonitis (Equine Herpesvirus types EHV-1 and EHV-4).
Potomavac Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 109.99 USD / each

Order syringes and needles separately. Give 1 ml IM and repeat in 3 to 4 weeks. Revaccinate annually with 1 ml dose. Potomavac is for the vaccination of healthy horses, 3 months of age or older, against Potomac Horse Fever caused by E.
Prestige 5 + VEE (3-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 30.95 USD / each

For primary immunization give 1 ml intramuscularly and repeat in 3 to 4 weeks. Prestige 5 + VEE (3-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine is for the vaccination of healthy horses against Eastern, Western and Venezuelan encephalomyelitis,...
Tetanus Toxoid
Prices start at : 5.99 USD / each

View manufacturer and/or label information Revaccinate annually with a single "Booster" dose.
  • Size: 10 mL,50 mL
  • Brand: Colorado Serum
  • 10 ml dose: Yes
Prestige Prodigy
Prices start at : 19.89 USD / each

Prestige Prodigy is for the vaccination of healthy horses 6 months of age or older against abortion and respiratory disease caused by EHV-1.
  • Brand: Merck
Flu Avert I.N. (Flu) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 159.95 USD / each

Unlike traditional killed vaccines that are given I.M., Flu Avert is administered without a needle and causes no swelling or muscle soreness. Flu Avert vaccine is a proprietary “modified live” virus given intranasally.
Equi-Jec 7 (West Nile + 3-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 42.49 USD / each

The duration of immunity is at least 6 months for OH/03 and at least 12 months for West Nile Virus. Killed vaccine. Equi-Jec 7 contains Kentucky Lineage (KY/95), Florida sublineage clade 1 (OH/03), and Eurasian Newmarket/2/93 (NM 2/93) equine influenza...
Vetera Gold XP (West Nile + 2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 54.99 USD / each

The duration of immunity against West Nile Virus is at least 12 months. Vetera Gold XP aids in the reduction of respiratory disease and shedding caused by A2 Equine Influenza virus.
Vet Pain Management
Prices start at : 6.99 USD / each

Directions: Administer 10 ml daily or as needed. Contains Vitamin b-12, Devils claw, and Yucca that contributes to comfort recovery support and aids in inflammatory response. Eases aches and discomfort caused by training, competition, and age.
  •  1,200 mg of yucca
  •  920 mg of boswellia serrata
  •  150 mcg of vitamin b12
  • Size: 60 mL
BotVax B, 2 mL - 1 Dose
Prices start at : 30.99 USD / each

Horses are extremely sensitive compared to other species. Botulinum toxin types.) Dosing: Inject 2 mL intramuscularly at monthly intervals for a total of 3 doses. Clostridium botulinum type B accounts for more than 85% of equine botulism cases.
  • Type: Vaccine
  • Brand: Neogen
Potomavac - Potomac Horse Fever Vaccine
Prices start at : 109.99 USD / each

Revaccinate annually with 1 mL dose. Give 1 mL IM and repeat in 3 to 4 weeks. Syringes and needles are NOT included. View manufacturer and/or label information
  • Amount: Single Dose
  • Brand: Merial
Rhinomune (EHV-1) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 87.95 USD / each

Requires mixing; cannot be stored after mixing. Revaccination every 3 months with a single dose is recommended. Pregnant mare should be vaccinated after the second month of pregnancy.
Nobivac Canine 1-DAPPvL2 + Cv (Galaxy Da2PPvL + Cv) Dog Vaccine
Prices start at : 142.99 USD / each

Order syringes separately. For protection against canine distemper, adenovirus type 2 (and hepatitis), parainfluenza, parvovirus, 2 strains of Lepto and coronavirus. Nobivac Canine 1-DAPPvL2 + Cv (Galaxy DA2PPvL + Cv) is not for pregnant bitches.
Nobivac Feline 1-HCP (Eclipse 3) Cat Vaccine
Prices start at : 65.99 USD / each

Order syringes separately. Annual revaccination with one dose is recommended. Nobivac Feline 1-HCP requires mixing. Not for pregnant queens. Repeat with a second dose 3 to 4 weeks later.
Vanguard DAMP Dog Vaccine
Prices start at : 149.95 USD / each

Order syringes separately. Revaccinate at 14-16 weeks of age with a canine distemper, canine adenovirus type 2, and canine parainfluenza vaccine. Requires mixing. Not for pregnant bitches.
Pneumabort-K + 1B
Prices start at : 18.89 USD

A single intramuscular injection targets disease. Help prevent respiratory disease in healthy horses by vaccinating with Fort Dodge Pneumabort-K + 1B. The vaccine can also be used in pregnant mares to prevent abortion caused by EHV 1 infection.
  •  Mfr. item number - 2153
  •  Aids in the prevention of respiratory diseases caused by the EHV 1p and EHV 1b viruses
  •  Weight: Approximately: .05 pounds
  •  For intramuscular vaccination of healthy horses
  •  This product cannot be shipped to: CA
Duramune Max 5 Dog Vaccine
Prices start at : 130.00 USD / each

If primary vaccination is given after 12 weeks of age, give 2 doses, 2-3 weeks apart. Order syringes separately. Beginning at or about 6 weeks of age, give every 2 to 3 weeks until 12 weeks of age.
Safe-Guard Horse Dewormer
Prices start at : 11.99 USD / Each

Apple cinnamon flavor horses love! Controls large strongyles, 3rd and 4th stage cyathostome larvae, small stongyles and pinworms. Safe-Guard Horse Dewormer contains 10% Fenbendazole.
  • Model Number: 19817383
  • Weight: 0.1600
Vetera VEWT+WNV, s/d - 1 Dose
Prices start at : 36.99 USD / each

Safe for use in horses as yo8ung as 4 months of age, including pregnant mares. Revaccinate annually and prior to anticipated exposure with a single (1) mL intramuscular dose. Administer a second (1) mL dose intramuscularly in 3-4 weeks using a different...
  • Brand: Boehringer Ingelheim
  • Dose: Single
Nobivac 3 Rabies Vaccine
Prices start at : 28.99 USD / each

Tags are included. For cattle and sheep: 1-year protection. Some states require that Rabies vaccines be given by a licensed veterinary professional. View manufacturer and/or label information
  • Form: Injectable
  • Prevention Type: Rabies
AspirEase Natural
Prices start at : 29.99 USD / each

AspirEase Natural is a silicin based, equine supplement that aids in the relief of painful symptoms associated with chronic and long-standing conditions such as arthritis, ringbone, joint disease, soft tissue pain and old injuries.
  •  Calcium carbonate - 6239 mg
  •  Methylsulfonylmethane (msm) - 1190 mg
  •  Salicin - 250 mg
  •  Salicin is the natural precursor to aspirin
  •  Salicin does not contain the acids found in aspirin so it is less likely to cause gastritis or thrombosis (blood thinning)
  • Size: 476 grams