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Horse Vaccines Horse Supplies For Sale In Newark

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Prestige (EHV-1 + EHV-4) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 143.95 USD / each

Revaccinate annually. Provides protection against respiratory form of rhinopneumonitis. Give IM and repeat in 4-6 weeks; foals should receive a booster dose in 6 months.
New Jersey
Vetera Gold XP (West Nile + 2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 54.99 USD / each

Duration of immunity has been demonstrated for at least 6 months against OH/03. The duration of immunity against West Nile Virus is at least 12 months. Product contains Kentucky Lineage (KY/95), Florida sublineage clade 1 (OH/03), and Florida sublineage...
New Jersey
Equi-Jec 6 (West Nile + 2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Price : CALL

Equi-Jec 6 contains Kentucky Lineage (KY/95), Florida sublineage clade 1 (OH/03), and Eurasian Newmarket/2/93 (NM 2/93) equine influenza strains. The duration of immunity is at least 6 months for OH/03 and at least 12 months for West Nile Virus.
New Jersey
Equi-Jec 2 (Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 21.19 USD / each

Killed vaccine. Give 2 ml IM with a second dose 3 to 4 weeks later. Give a 2 ml dose annually and prior to anticipated exposure. Equi-Jec 2 protects horses 6 months of age or older against respiratory disease caused by influenza virus (types A2 North...
New Jersey
West Nile Innovator + EWT (West Nile + 2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 32.99 USD / each

Repeat in 3 to 4 weeks. Early revaccination may be advisable when horses are faced with an outbreak or with other conditions which might make heavy exposure likely. West Nile Innovator + EWT (West Nile + 2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet) Equine Vaccine is...
New Jersey
Prestige 3 + WNV Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 29.29 USD / each

Revaccinate annually with a single 1 ml dose. Killed vaccine. (West Nile + 2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tetanus) Prestige 3 + WNV equine vaccine is for the vaccination of healthy horses 6 months of age or older against Equine Encephalomyelitis Viruses (Eastern...
New Jersey
Prestige 2
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / each

Give a 1 mL booster annually or in the event of a threatened epidemic. Updated influenza strains include: Florida 13 Clade 1, Richmond 07 Clade 2, in addition to Kentucky 02 Prestige 2 is for the vaccination of horses against respiratory diseased caused...
  • Size: Single,10 dose
  • Brand: Merck
New Jersey
Vetera West Nile Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 32.95 USD / each

Revaccinate annually and prior to anticipated exposure with a single 1 ml IM dose. Vetera West Nile Virus vaccine is for the vaccination of healthy horses 4 months of age or older as an aid in the prevention of viremia and mortality caused by West Nile...
New Jersey
Vetera VEWT+WNV, s/d - 1 Dose
Prices start at : 36.99 USD / each

Shake well before use. Dosage Instructions: Using aseptic technique, inoculate horses intramuscularly with a (1) mL dose. Revaccinate annually and prior to anticipated exposure with a single (1) mL intramuscular dose.
  • Brand: Boehringer Ingelheim
  • Type: Vaccine
New Jersey
Potomavac - Potomac Horse Fever Vaccine
Prices start at : 109.99 USD / each

View manufacturer and/or label information Give 1 mL IM and repeat in 3 to 4 weeks. Revaccinate annually with 1 mL dose. Syringes and needles are NOT included.
  • Amount: Single Dose
  • Brand: Merial
New Jersey
Prestige 5
Prices start at : 28.99 USD / each

Dosage Instructions: For primary vaccination, administer 1 mL IM, repeat single dose in 3-4 weeks. Comes with updated influenza strains: Florida '13 Clade 1, Richmond '07 Clade 2 and Kentucky '02.
  • Brand: Merck
  • Type: Vaccine
New Jersey
AspirEase Natural
Prices start at : 29.99 USD / each

Salicin, a highly refined and natural precursor to aspirin offers the same benefits of aspirin while remaining easy on the stomach and reducing the risk of blood thinning. AspirEase Natural is microencapsulated and flavor enhanced for optimal palatability.
  •  Salicin is the natural precursor to aspirin
  •  The chemical makeup of salicin is closely related to aspirin
  •  Salicin does not contain the acids found in aspirin so it is less likely to cause gastritis or thrombosis (blood thinning)
  •  Salicin - 250 mg
  • Brand: Bio-Nutrition Labs
  • Type: Pain Management and Inflammation
New Jersey
Prestige 4
Prices start at : 16.99 USD / each

Dosage Instructions: For primary vaccination, administer 1 mL IM, repeat single dose in 3-4 weeks. For manufacturer and/or label information Prestige 4 is for the vaccination of healthy horses 6 months of age or older as an aid in the prevention of disease...
  • Type: Vaccine
  • Brand: Merck
New Jersey
Potomavac Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 109.99 USD / each

Give 1 ml IM and repeat in 3 to 4 weeks. Order syringes and needles separately. Potomavac is for the vaccination of healthy horses, 3 months of age or older, against Potomac Horse Fever caused by E.
New Jersey
Fluvac Innovator 5
Prices start at : 25.99 USD / each

View manufacturer and/or label information. Inject 1 mL IM, then a 2nd dose 2-4 weeks later. Horses subjected to repeated exposure may benefit from revaccination every 3 months. Equine Influenza (KY 97), Eastern & Western Encephalomyelitis, Rhinopneumonitis...
  • Brand: Zoetis
  • Type: Eastern & Western Encephalomyelitis,Equine Influenza Kentucky 97,Rhinopneumonitis EHV-1 & EHV-4,Tetanus
New Jersey
Prestige Prodigy (EHV-1) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 17.95 USD / each

Give 2 ml dose IM at 5th, 7th and 9th month of gestation. Killed equine rhinopneumonitis vaccine to aid in the prevention of abortions , respiratory disease due to EHV-1. 99% reaction free.
New Jersey
BotVax B, 10 mL - 5 Dose Vial
Prices start at : 96.99 USD / each

Botulinum toxin types.) Dosing: Inject 2 mL intramuscularly at monthly intervals for a total of 3 doses. Horses are extremely sensitive compared to other species. Booster annually with a 2 mL dose.
  • Brand: Neogen
  • Type: Vaccine
New Jersey
Encevac-T (2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 10.69 USD / each

Encevac-T (2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet) Equine Vaccine is for vaccination of healthy horses against Eastern and Western encephalomyelitis and tetanus. Dosage: 1 ml IM repeated 3 to 4 weeks later and once annually thereafter.
New Jersey
Fluvac Innovator 4
Prices start at : 17.99 USD / each

View manufacturer and/or label information Formerly Double E FT (w/ MetaStim) Equine Influenza (KY 97), Eastern & Western Encephalomyelitis Vaccine (KV) and Tetanus Toxoid Protects healthy horses against Kentucky 97, the most current A1 and A2 influenza...
  • Amount: Single Dose,10 Dose Vial
  • Type: Eastern & Western Encephalomyelitis,Equine Influenza Kentucky 97,Tetanus
New Jersey
Vet Pain Management
Prices start at : 6.99 USD / each

Directions: Administer 10 ml daily or as needed. Eases aches and discomfort caused by training, competition, and age. Not to be used on pregnant mares. Cherry Flavored. Natural bute alternative for natural pain relief that is gentle on the stomach.
  •  920 mg of boswellia serrata
  •  1,000 mg of devil's claw extract
  •  1,200 mg of yucca
  • Size: 60 mL
New Jersey
Pneumabort-K + 1B
Prices start at : 18.89 USD

The vaccine can also be used in pregnant mares to prevent abortion caused by EHV 1 infection. Help prevent respiratory disease in healthy horses by vaccinating with Fort Dodge Pneumabort-K + 1B.
  •  Mfr. item number - 2153
  •  For intramuscular vaccination of healthy horses
  •  This product cannot be shipped to: CA
  •  Aids in the prevention of respiratory diseases caused by the EHV 1p and EHV 1b viruses
  •  Single dose
New Jersey
Equi-Jec 5 - 1 DOSE
Prices start at : 26.99 USD / each

Eastern & western, killed virus. For the vaccination of healthy horses 4 months of age or older as an aid in the prevention of disease caused by eastern and western encephalomyelitis and tetanus; and as an aid in the reduction of respiratory disease caused...
  •  Equine herpesvirus type 1 (ehv-1)
  •  Type 4 (ehv-4)
  •  A2 north american
  • Size: 1 mL (single)
  • Type: Vaccine
New Jersey
West Nile Innovator
Prices start at : 25.99 USD / each

View manufacturer and/or label information. For the vaccination of healthy horses as an aid in the prevention of viremia caused by West Nile Virus. Single dose or 10 dose vial. Single dose includes needle and pre-loaded syringe.
  • Type: West Nile Virus
  • Amount: Single Dose,10 Dose Vial
New Jersey
IverCare (Ivermectin) Paste 1.87%
Prices start at : 7.99 USD / Each

In one dose with an easy-to-use, Sure-Grip syringe. Farnam IverCare (Ivermectin) Paste 1.87% is for broad-spectrum parasitic protection. It treats horses up to 1500 lbs.
  • Weight: 0.1200
  • Model Number: 100504274
New Jersey
Fel-O-Vax IV + CaliciVax Cat Vaccine
Prices start at : 137.50 USD / each

For cats 8 to 10 weeks of age, or older. Order syringes separately. Fel-O-Vax IV + CaliciVax is a killed virus for protection against panleukopenia (cat distemper), calicivirus, rhinotracheitis and chlamydia.
New Jersey
Zoetis Premium Spring Tune-Up Kit, 10 Dose - 10 DOSE
Prices start at : 576.88 USD / each

View manufacturer and/or label information West Nile Innovator: aids in the protection against against viremia which is caused by West Nile Virus. View manufacturer and/or label information
  • Type: Kit
  • Brand: Zoetis
  • (1) fluvac innovator 6, 10 dose: Yes
New Jersey
Rhinomune (EHV-1) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 87.95 USD / each

Revaccination every 3 months with a single dose is recommended. Requires mixing; cannot be stored after mixing. Attenuated live virus for use in healthy horses as an aid in the prevention of infections of rhinopneumonitis.
New Jersey