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Horse Vaccines Horse Supplies For Sale In Miami

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Flu Avert I.N. (Flu) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 159.95 USD / each

*Do not use in pregnant mares. Flu Avert vaccine is a proprietary “modified live” virus given intranasally. Unlike traditional killed vaccines that are given I.M., Flu Avert is administered without a needle and causes no swelling or muscle soreness.
Vetera EIV XP (Flu) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 16.95 USD / each

Vetera EIV XP Equine Vaccine contains Kentucky Lineage (KY/95), Florida sublineage clade 1 (OH/03), and Florida sublineage clade 2 (RI/07) equine influenza strains. Duration of immunity has been demonstrated for at least 6 months against OH/03.
EquiNile West Nile Virus Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 21.85 USD / each

EquiNile WNV is adjuvanted with Havlogen. Killed vaccine. EquiNile West Nile Virus Vaccine is for the vaccination of healthy horses as an aid in reduction of disease, encephalitis, and viremia caused by West Nile Virus.
Zoetis Premium Spring Tune-Up Kit, Single Dose - 1 DOSE
Prices start at : 65.57 USD / each

View manufacturer and/or label information Quest Plus Gel Dewormer: oral horse dewormer used to aid in the control of gastrointestinal parasites. View manufacturer and/or label information
  •  (1) west nile innovator, 1 dose
  •  (1) quest plus gel dewormer
  • Type: Kit
Botvax-B Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 96.95 USD / each

Booster annually with a single 2 ml dose. For prevention of equine botulism due to Cl. botulinum Type B. Inject 2 ml IM at monthly intervals for a total of 3 doses.
Strepvax II (Strangles) Equine Vaccine
Price : CALL

Foals less than 3 months should receive an additional dose at 6 months or at time of weaning. Consult with your veterinarian about the advisability of vaccinating for Strangles. Made with concentrated M-protein extract to provide good protection with...
Prestige 4
Prices start at : 16.99 USD / each

Comes with updated influenza strains: Florida '13 Clade 1, Richmond '07 Clade 2 and Kentucky '02. For manufacturer and/or label information Duration of Immunity has been shown to be at least 6 months for EIV.
  • Type: Vaccine
  • Brand: Merck
Zoetis Spring Tune-Up Kit, Single Dose - 1 DOSE
Prices start at : 64.97 USD / each

View manufacturer and/or label information Quest Plus Gel Dewormer: oral horse dewormer used to aid in the control of gastrointestinal parasites. View manufacturer and/or label information
  • Type: Kit
  • Brand: Zoetis
  • (1) fluvac innovator 5, 1 dose: Yes
Prestige 3+WNV
Prices start at : 33.69 USD / each

Prestige 3+WNV is for the vaccination of healthy horses 6 months of age or older against Eastern and Western encephalomyelitis viruses, tetanus and West Nile Virus. This product has been shown to be effective against encephalitis and viremia caused by...
  • Brand: Merck
  • Type: Vaccine
West Nile Innovator
Prices start at : 25.99 USD / each

View manufacturer and/or label information. For the vaccination of healthy horses as an aid in the prevention of viremia caused by West Nile Virus. Single dose or 10 dose vial. Single dose includes needle and pre-loaded syringe.
  • Type: West Nile Virus
  • Amount: Single Dose,10 Dose Vial
FluVac Innovator
Prices start at : 14.99 USD / each

Revaccinate annually. View manufacturer and/or label information Proven to cross-protect against even the newer Kentucky 98 and 99 strains. Inject 1 mL IM and repeat 2-4 weeks later.
  • Brand: Zoetis
  • Type: Equine Influenza Kentucky 97,Equine Influenza Kentucky 98,99 Influenza
Vetera VEWT + WNV (West Nile + 3-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 43.95 USD / each

Revaccinate annually and prior to anticipated exposure with a single 1 ml IM dose. Vetera VEWT + WNV (West Nile + 3-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet) Equine Vaccine is for the vaccination of healthy horses 4 months of age or older as an aid in the prevention...
AspirEase Natural
Prices start at : 29.99 USD / each

AspirEase Natural contains additional buffers to support the gastrointestinal tract, making it the gentlest option for relief of chronic pain. Inactive Ingredients: ground rice hulls, vegetable oil, dried molasses, lecithin, glucose, artificial apple...
  •  Calcium carbonate - 6239 mg
  •  Methylsulfonylmethane (msm) - 1190 mg
  •  Salicin does not contain the acids found in aspirin so it is less likely to cause gastritis or thrombosis (blood thinning)
  •  Salicin is the original source of aspirin
  • Brand: Bio-Nutrition Labs
  • Size: 476 grams
Equi-Jec WNV Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 21.49 USD / each

Safe for use in pregnant mares. Annual revaccination with a single dose is recommended. Equi-Jec WNV is for the vaccination of healthy horses 4 months of age or older as an aid in the reduction of severity of clinical disease, and an aid in the prevention...
Vetera West Nile Virus, Single Dose - 1 Dose
Prices start at : 27.99 USD / each

Revaccinate annually and prior to anticipated exposure with a single (1) mL intramuscular dose. Dosage Instructions: Using aseptic technique, inoculate horses intramuscularly with a (1) mL dose.
  • Type: Vaccine
  • Dose: Single
FluVac Innovator EHV 4/1
Prices start at : 22.19 USD

  •  Aids in the prevention of equine influenza due to type A2 viruses
  •  Single dose
  •  Aids in the prevention of equine rhinopneumontis due to types 1 and 4 viruses
  •  This product cannot be shipped to: CA
  •  Weight: Approximately: .05 pounds
Vetera VEWT+WNV, s/d - 1 Dose
Prices start at : 36.99 USD / each

Dosage Instructions: Using aseptic technique, inoculate horses intramuscularly with a (1) mL dose. Revaccinate annually and prior to anticipated exposure with a single (1) mL intramuscular dose.
  • Dose: Single
  • Brand: Boehringer Ingelheim
Fel-O-Vax PCT + CaliciVax Cat Vaccine
Prices start at : 123.75 USD / each

Protects against new hemorrhagic calicivirus strain VS-FCV. Repeat in 3-4 weeks. Killed virus for protection against panleukopenia (cat distemper), calicivirus and rhinotracheitis.
Potomavac Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 109.99 USD / each

Revaccinate annually with 1 ml dose. Order syringes and needles separately. Give 1 ml IM and repeat in 3 to 4 weeks. Potomavac is for the vaccination of healthy horses, 3 months of age or older, against Potomac Horse Fever caused by E.
Vanguard DAMP Dog Vaccine
Prices start at : 149.95 USD / each

Not for pregnant bitches. Give 1 ml Vanguard DAMP IM to dogs 6-12 weeks of age. Requires mixing. Revaccinate at 14-16 weeks of age with a canine distemper, canine adenovirus type 2, and canine parainfluenza vaccine.
Zoetis Vaccination Kit w/ West Nile (5-way Vaccine + WNV)
Prices start at : 50.99 USD / each

Fluvac Innovator 5 View manufacturer and/or label information West Nile Innovator View manufacturer and/or label information
  • Type: Eastern & Western Encephalomyelitis, Equine Influenza Kentucky 97, Rhinopneumonitis EHV-1 & EHV-4, Tetanus, West Nile
  • Brand: Zoetis
Rhinomune (EHV-1) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 87.95 USD / each

Pregnant mare should be vaccinated after the second month of pregnancy. Requires mixing; cannot be stored after mixing. Vaccinate healthy horses 3 months of age or older with two doses, 3-4 weeks apart.
LymeVax Canine Lyme Disease Dog Vaccine
Prices start at : 179.95 USD / each

Lyme Vax is for dogs 9 weeks of age or older. Repeat in 2-3 weeks and once annually. Order syringes separately. LymeVax Canine Lyme Disease Vaccine is for protection against Borrelia burgdorferi or Lyme disease.
FluVac Innovator EHV-4/1
Prices start at : 20.99 USD / each

Revaccinate annually. View manufacturer and/or label information EHV defined here . Inject 1 mL IM and repeat 2-4 weeks later. Equine Influenza (KY 97) & Rhinopneumonitis Vaccine (KV) Protects healthy horses against Kentucky 97, the most current A1 and...
  • Amount: Single Dose,10 Dose Vial
  • Brand: Zoetis
Vetera 6XP (3-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 35.95 USD / each

Give a 1 ml IM booster annually and prior to anticipated exposure. Product contains Kentucky Lineage (KY/95), Florida sublineage clade 1 (OH/03), and Florida sublineage clade 2 (RI/07) equine influenza strains.
BotVax B, 10 mL - 5 Dose Vial
Prices start at : 96.99 USD / each

Botulinum toxins are among the most deadly toxins in the world. ( Note: This product does not confer protection against other C. Booster annually with a 2 mL dose. Horses are extremely sensitive compared to other species.
  • Type: Vaccine
  • Brand: Neogen
Bovine Ecolizer + C20 Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 51.59 USD / each

Give calves 20 ml orally within 4 hours after birth. Clostridium perfringens Type C and K99 E. Coli antibodies to provide scour protection for newborn calves.