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Horse Vaccines Horse Supplies For Sale In Arvada

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Zoetis Vaccination Kit w/ West Nile (5-way Vaccine + WNV)
Prices start at : 50.99 USD / each

Fluvac Innovator 5 View manufacturer and/or label information West Nile Innovator View manufacturer and/or label information
  • Brand: Zoetis
  • Type: Eastern & Western Encephalomyelitis, Equine Influenza Kentucky 97, Rhinopneumonitis EHV-1 & EHV-4, Tetanus, West Nile
Tetanus Toxoid Concentrate
Prices start at : 21.99 USD / each

Dosage: Horse & Cattle - Inject a 1 mL dose (IM) and repeat in 30 days. Swine, Sheep, & Goat - Inject a 0.5 mL dose (IM) and repeat in 30 days. View manufacturer and/or label information
  • Amount: 10 Dose Vial,(10) Single Dose Vial
  • Brand: Colorado Serum
Vetera EWT (2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 15.79 USD / each

Give 1 ml IM; repeat in 3-4 weeks using a different injection site. Give a 1 ml IM booster annually and prior to anticipated exposure. Vetera EWT (2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tetanus) Equine Vaccine protects horses 4 months of age and older against Eastern...
Equi-Jec WNV Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 21.49 USD / each

Safe for use in pregnant mares. Duration of immunity is at least 12 months. Equi-Jec WNV is for the vaccination of healthy horses 4 months of age or older as an aid in the reduction of severity of clinical disease, and an aid in the prevention of viremia...
Zoetis Spring Tune-Up Kit, 10 Dose - 10 DOSE
Prices start at : 575.88 USD / each

The Zoetis Spring Horse Tune-Up Kit will aid in the protection of your horse during springtime. FluVac Innovator 5: aids in the protection against Eastern & Western Encephalomyelitis, tetanus, equine influenza, Kentucky 97, Strain A2 (Rhino) EHV-1 and...
  • Type: Kit
  • (1) west nile innovator, 10 dose: Yes
  • Brand: Zoetis
Equiloid Innovator
Prices start at : 9.99 USD / each

Eastern & Western Encephalomyelitis & Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine For vaccination of healthy horses against Eastern and Western Encephalomyelitis (sleeping sickness) and Tetanus. Includes MetaStim adjuvant to stimulate rapid immunity with extended protection.
  • Amount: Single Dose,10 Dose Vial
  • Brand: Zoetis
Prestige 5 (2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 27.95 USD / each

Inject 1 ml IM, and then repeat in 3-4 weeks. Booster annually or anytime exposure is likely. Prestige 5 (2-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine is for vaccination of healthy horses against Eastern and Western encephalomyelitis, rhinopneumonitis...
Prestige w/ Havlogen
Prices start at : 139.99 USD / each

Vaccine combines both EHV-1 and EHV-4 (major cause of respiratory disease) in one product for vaccination in horses against respiratory rhinopneumonitis caused by Equine Herpesvirus.
  • Type: Rhinopneumonitis EHV-1 & EHV-4
  • Size: 10 dose
Vetera Gold XP + VEE (West Nile + 3-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 67.99 USD / each

Duration of immunity has been demonstrated for at least 6 months against OH/03. Contains Kentucky Lineage (KY/95), Florida sublineage clade 1 (OH/03), and Florida sublineage clade 2 (RI/07) equine influenza strains.
Fluvac Innovator 4
Prices start at : 17.99 USD / each

Formerly Double E FT (w/ MetaStim) Equine Influenza (KY 97), Eastern & Western Encephalomyelitis Vaccine (KV) and Tetanus Toxoid Protects healthy horses against Kentucky 97, the most current A1 and A2 influenza strain in an equine vaccine, as well as...
  • Amount: Single Dose,10 Dose Vial
  • Brand: Zoetis
Prestige 2
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / each

Updated influenza strains include: Florida 13 Clade 1, Richmond 07 Clade 2, in addition to Kentucky 02 Prestige 2 is for the vaccination of horses against respiratory diseased caused by Equine Herpesvirus types 1 & 4, Equine Influenza with Kentucky 93.
  • Type: Vaccine
  • Size: Single,10 dose
Zimecterin Horse Wormer
Prices start at : 9.99 USD / Each

Merial Zimecterin is a rotation-free horse wormer. Controls 29 species of worms and bots in a single dose. Contains one adult dose. 1.8% Ivermectin paste.
  • Model Number: 18886565
  • Weight: 0.1300
Zoetis Premium Spring Tune-Up Kit, Single Dose - 1 DOSE
Prices start at : 65.57 USD / each

The Zoetis Premium Spring Horse Tune-Up Kit will aid in the protection of your horse during springtime. FluVac Innovator 6: aids in the protection against Eastern & Western Encephalomyelitis, tetanus, equine influenza, Kentucky 97, Strain A2 (Rhino) EHV-1...
  •  (1) fluvac innovator 6, 1 dose
  •  (1) quest plus gel dewormer
  •  (1) west nile innovator, 1 dose
Equi-Jec 6 - 1 DOSE
Prices start at : 38.99 USD / each

For the vaccination of healthy horses 4 months or older as an aid in the prevention of disease caused by eastern and western encephalomyelitis and tetanus; as an aid in the reduction of respiratory disease caused by equine influenza virus (EIV).
  •  Florida sulineage clade 1 (oh/03)
  •  Type 4 (ehv-4)
  •  Kentucky lineage (ky/95)
  • Brand: Boehringer Ingelheim
  • Size: 1 mL (single)
Potomavac Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 109.99 USD / each

Potomavac is for the vaccination of healthy horses, 3 months of age or older, against Potomac Horse Fever caused by E. Order syringes and needles separately. Revaccinate annually with 1 ml dose.
FluVac Innovator
Prices start at : 14.99 USD / each

Equine Influenza (KY 97) Vaccine (KV) Protects healthy horses against Kentucky 97, the most current A1 and A2 influenza strain in an equine vaccine. Proven to cross-protect against even the newer Kentucky 98 and 99 strains.
  • Type: Equine Influenza Kentucky 97,Equine Influenza Kentucky 98,99 Influenza
  • Amount: Single Dose,10 Dose Vial
Equivac EHV-1/4
Prices start at : 139.99 USD / each

Equine Rhinopneumonitis Vaccine (KV) For the vaccination of healthy horses as an aid in the prevention of respiratory diseases caused by Equine Herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) and type 2 (EHV-4).
  • Type: Rhinopneumonitis EHV-1 & EHV-4
  • Amount: 10 Dose Vial
West Nile Innovator West Nile Virus Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 25.99 USD / each

Repeat in 3 to 6 weeks. Give 1 ml IM of West Nile Innovator to horses 10 months of age or older. West Nile Innovator West Nile Virus Vaccine is for the vaccination of healthy horses as an aid in the prevention of viremia caused by West Nile Virus.
Nobivac Puppy-DPv Dog Vaccine
Prices start at : 129.99 USD / each

Order syringes separately. Distemper + Parvovirus Modified live. Nobivac Puppy-DPv is for protection against canine distemper and parvovirus CPV Strain 154. (After primary vaccination consider using a more comprehensive vaccine, like Nobivac Canine 1-DAPPv...
Flu Avert I.N. (Flu) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 159.95 USD / each

Flu Avert vaccine is a proprietary “modified live” virus given intranasally. *Do not use in pregnant mares. Unlike traditional killed vaccines that are given I.M., Flu Avert is administered without a needle and causes no swelling or muscle soreness.
Equi-Jec WNV + EWT - 1 DOSE
Prices start at : 27.99 USD / each

Equi-Jec WNV + EWT is for the vaccination of healthy horses 4 months of age or older as an aid in the prevention of disease caused by eastern and western encephalomyelitis and tetanus; and is an aid n the reduction of severity of clinical disease, and...
  • Size: 1 mL (single)
  • Brand: Boehringer Ingelheim
Prestige 5 + WNV Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 46.29 USD / each

Administer 1 ml IM injection; repeat in 3 to 4 weeks. Booster annually and prior to anticipated exposure with a single dose. Prestige V + WNV with Havlogen Equine Vaccine is a combination of inactivated, concentrated, adjuvanted, tissue culture origin...
Equi-Jec 7 (West Nile + 3-way Sleeping Sickness + Tet + Flu + Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 42.49 USD / each

Equi-Jec 7 contains Kentucky Lineage (KY/95), Florida sublineage clade 1 (OH/03), and Eurasian Newmarket/2/93 (NM 2/93) equine influenza strains. Equi-Jec 7 is an aid in the prevention of disease caused by Eastern, Western, and Venezuelan Encephalomyelitis...
Nobivac Feline 1-HCP (Eclipse 3) Cat Vaccine
Prices start at : 65.99 USD / each

Nobivac Feline 1-HCP requires mixing. Not for pregnant queens. Give 1 ml SQ or IM to cats 9 weeks of age or older. Order syringes separately. Annual revaccination with one dose is recommended.
Bovine Ecolizer + C20 Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 51.59 USD / each

Coli antibodies to provide scour protection for newborn calves. Give calves 20 ml orally within 4 hours after birth. Clostridium perfringens Type C and K99 E.
BotVax B, 10 mL - 5 Dose Vial
Prices start at : 96.99 USD / each

Botulinum toxins are among the most deadly toxins in the world. Horses are extremely sensitive compared to other species. ( Note: This product does not confer protection against other C.
  • Type: Vaccine
  • Brand: Neogen
Vetera EHV-XP 1/4 (Rhino) Equine Vaccine
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / each

Give 1 ml IM; repeat in 3-4 weeks using a different injection site. Give a 1 ml IM booster annually and prior to anticipated exposure. Vetera EHV-XP 1/4 (Rhino) Equine Vaccine protects horses 4 months of age and older against the respiratory form of rhinopneumonitis...