While nylon is not as impervious to abuse as beta, these nylon headstalls are quite serviceable and will provide years of use with proper care. Medium (Horse/cob) size measures 31"-43" across the headstall and 19" -23" across the noseband.
For over 25 years, Phil Haugen has developed a method of horsemanship upon the foundation of common sense, trust, and understanding. The low stretch between the hands and bit keeps the horse from leaning on the bridle and provides immediate release for...
The #1 riding helmet is now better than ever! The redesigned Spirit offers a deeper, full-coverage fit for incredible comfort and security. Riders love its new low profile design and DialFit technology.
Made from rounded, mellow harness leather. Developed in conjunction with Pete Kyle, 1997 AQHA Professional Horseman of the Year. Use for trail, reining, horsemanship or a ride through the woods.
Bit Level B View bit level information . This bit will rust when exposed to moisture. Lifetime guarantee. This creates a sweet taste in the horse's mouth and promotes salivation. 5" sweet iron spoon mouthpiece.
Quality roping reins are 3/8” in diameter and feature harness leather water loops at both ends with alum tanned lace ties and nickel-plated scissor snaps. The ends are heat sealed to prevent fraying.
Returning is the functional low profile, drop back shell for increased protection and a secure fit that reduces helmet rotation, with the added feature of a reflective band for safer rides in low light conditions.
Simple and easy to use. Keep your spurs in their best position at all points! Fits any boot, long-lasting. Rubber Spur Tie Downs are a revolutionary product that are time-tested by the best cowboys and horse people.
Beta reins are made of the same material as our Beta bridles. A split rein with the option to tie them together with a small rawhide string, and buckle on to the bridle at the ends of the crossunder straps.
With a perfect mid-rise for riding, flat seams and a vented boot cut, you can be comfortable all day in the saddle. The Cash cotton jeans were designed to go anywhere and do anything.
Harmless to horses, it has a sweet taste and promotes salivation. This mouthpiece is made of polished sweet iron which naturally oxidizes or rusts. Bit Level A View bit level information .
Stainless Steel 5 1/2" MBL Short Shank with Sweet Iron Forward Tilt Ported Barrel (MB 36, Level 2-3) Copper Inlay. Harmless to horses, it has a sweet taste and promotes salivation.
Conveniently stores in its own bag so you can carry it on your saddle horn out on the trail. Solves the age-old problem of not being able to comfortably and confidently step up in your stirrup without the use of a mounting block.
Made with a liner that is soft, cool, and comfortable against your skin. Shin Guards for Barrel Racing and Horse Riding have an innovative design that is lightweight, comfortable, and provides great protection.
More to the core, Spydr spins extra body. The Spydr is the next generation and latest addition in Coretechtm technology from Classic Rope. With five strands of twisted nylon ingeniously engineered around an oversized core, the Spydr delivers the perfect...
The center is easily cut out to fit the diameter of your mouthpiece. Easy to install, easy to remove rubber bit guard. Made in the USA. Removable to wash or to use on another bit.
9” loose cheeks designed to prevent lipping the bit. Bit Level B View bit level information . 5” mouth has 7/16” bar with inlaid copper, open circle port with grooved copper roller mounted on back side of the port.
The three-piece mouth contacts the bars at a more severe angle than a two-piece, creating contact on new nerves for better control. Extremely good bit if you need help getting your horse's legs underneath him and his rear down.
Very safe, there is no hardware to break. Hand tied from 3/8", diamond braided, rot-resistant nylon. Fits well under a bridle. Ideal halter for the cowboy, outfitter, endurance rider or backyard horseman.