Sweat More is designed to combat anhydrosis in horses that do not sweat enough during competition or athletic training. Helps maintain a healthy body temperature. Supports normal endocrine, hormonal, and enzyme systems, and a normal metabolic rate.
9,430 mg MSM per scoop. Vita Flex MSM Ultra Pure Methylsulfonylmethane is the original ultra-pure registered MSM-contains 452+ grams of dietary methylsulfonylmethane per pound to provide a bioavailable source of sulfur.
Contains 14 grams Ester-C per scoop. Feed 5-7 grams daily for maintenance. Ester-C is a highly concentrated and readily available form of vitamin C recognized as a key anti-oxidant.
- 1 teaspoon daily. Directions: Begin using 3-4 weeks before the breeding season or preparing animals for show. Body weight twice daily. - 1/2 teaspoon daily; over 50 lbs. Wheat Germ Oil Blend is a supplement containing cold-processed, unrefined wheat...
Can help alleviate excess mucus buildup. On event day, give 45 ml 2-4 hours before event. Air Blast is a powerful herbal supplement to support respiratory function in horses. Air Blast is designed to help relax the bronchial muscles to ease breathing...
Seroquine Pellets will not test. Seroquine Pellets help maintain calmness and support normal nervous system function. Each 60 gm serving provides 8000 mg taurine, 5000 mg magnesium, 4000 mg inositol and 1100 mg thiamine.
All-natural Himalayan rock salt. Durable in all temperatures, and crumble resistant when damp. Likit Himalayan Rock Salt is designed for use with the Likit Holder and Likit Boredom Breaker stall toys.
Feed 2 to 6 heaping tablespoons daily. White As Snow Coat Enhancer is formulated to maximize shine with silky hairs that are easier to clean, while making horses snowy white. White As Snow Coat Enhancer is ideal for white, gray and other light-colored...
A healthy balance with polyunsaturates for skin and hair conditions and a host of blood-building nutrients. Contains virtually every beneficial nutritional ingredient to improve a horse's condition and performance.
5,000 mg per serving. Scoop enclosed. Vitamin C is important for joint and connective tissue health and is a key anti-oxidant. Feed 5 grams (about 1/5 ounce) twice daily with feed.
Contains high levels of Vitamins A, B, D-3 and E, plus selenium, potassium, iron, trace minerals and amino acids. The cane molasses and corn oil base provides a highly palatable apple flavor to enhance the appetite.
Great for horses of all ages, but most commonly used for: weanling and yearling sales preparation, halter horses, horses needing high energy such as 3-day eventers, polo ponies, racehorses, workhorses, etc.
Administer onto back of horse's tongue. Minta Lyptus Paste (formerly Cough Calm) is for use as an aid for minor cough and throat irritation. Mintalyptus Paste contains eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, glycerine, sorbitol, and methyl paraben.
Horseshoer's Secret Pelleted Hoof Supplement promotes healthy hoof growth in horses. The unique formula contains only the purest and most digestible ingredients, including biotin, minerals, key amino acids, and Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.
LaminaSaver Everyday Control for Horses may be used for long term control following initial 36 week administration of LaminaSaver. Give 1 scoop daily or 1/2 scoop twice daily. LaminaSaver Everyday Control for Horses is a proprietary formula used to prevent...
Encourages serotonin, a hormone that increases feelings of well-being to promote calm and relaxation. Especially beneficial during travel or competition. Majesty's Kalm+ Wafers can benefit horses that are anxious, nervous, distracted or exhibit behavioral...
Ideal during times of stress, such as travel, after antibiotic therapy, following deworming, during weather changes, and foaling. Feed 1-2 Probios Soft Chews daily. Probios Horse Soft Chews help maintain healthy digestive function in horses.
Relax Blend helps settle the nervous or stall-bound animal. Equilite Relax Blend is designed to help reduce nervousness, stress, tension and anxiety. A natural blend of herbs, including Valerian root, chamomile, hops, wood betony, and passion flower.
In the horse's daily ration in place of regular salt. Cherry-flavored micro-blend can be used in feed or water at the rate of 2 oz. Electro Dex Equine Electrolytes is America's original equine electrolyte supplement.
Feed 30 cc twice daily for 3 days, then 30 cc 2 hours prior to training or competition. Oxy Pulmon supports lung function, oxygen utilization, and normal recovery after strenuous activity.
RelaxSaver contains the following powerful proprietary botanical extracts, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other natural compounds that calm and soothe your horse: Give 1 – 2 scoops twice daily.
✓ Calcium and magnesium
✓ Passion flower
✓ Chamomile
✓ 5-http (5-hydroxytryptophan) from the seeds of Griffonia simplicifolia
✓ DMG (N-N-dimethylglycine)
✓ Vinpocetine from Vinca minor (lesser periwinkle)
A natural colloid fiber specifically designed for horses to aid in expelling and eliminating foreign material such as sand and undigestible feedstuffs from the digestive tract. Apple and honey flavored for convenient top dress administration.
Alpha Lipoic Acid: - Boosts glutathione levels in cells - Has potent antioxidant action in almost all body tissues - Co-factor for some of the key enzymes (alpha keto acid dehydrogenases) involved in generating energy from food and oxygen in mitochondria...
Highly palatable and easy to feed. Calm & Cool is a daily supplement of valerian root, herbs, and vitamins to help your horse maintain a calm and focused composure during show season without causing drowsiness.
Contains 125 mg vitamin C, 1000 mg citrus pulp (also known as hesperidin), and 40 mg vitamin K per ounce. For this reason, Hesperidin C & K for Horses has been used to aid in exercise-induced bleeding from the lungs in horses.