Finish Line Iso-Tite Liniment Gel Finish Line Iso-Tite Liniment Gel, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help. Mild but effective, will not scurf or blister your horse.
Paint directly on soles. Use full strength before or after workouts. Contains a proprietary extract of witch hazel bark and leaves with arnica, rosemary, lavender and lobelia. Use on legs with or without wraps.
Excellent choice for abscesses. Also effective in drawing infection from hoof. Can be covered with cotton or a wrap.Contains epsom salt and methyl salicylate in a water soluble base.
Farnam Vetrolin Liniment Invigorating, aromatic liniment with a hint of green soap and 5 essential oils. Helps relieve minor stiffness, soreness and inflammation. Helps stimulate blood flow to sore ankles, knees and tendons.
For a longer duration effect use NuvoCool Therapeutic Equine Liniment Gel. NuvoCool's patent pending liniment works like no other on the market today by temporarily blocking pain receptors, activating pain relieving sensors and as an anti-inflammatory...
Paint directly on soles. Use full strength before or after workouts. Contains a proprietary extract of witch hazel bark and leaves with arnica, rosemary, lavender and lobelia. Use on legs with or without wraps.
Vapco Bloc-It Herbal Infused Pain - Relieving Gel A super effective, herbal infused pain-relieving gel with capsicum, chamomile, menthol and aloe vera. This product can not be shipped to the following US States: NM
Highly regarded formulation of premium clays and choice earthen materials. Vapco Pol-Cat Widely acclaimed as the ultimate anti-inflammatory. Carefully blended with aromatic essential oils and select absorbent agents to remove heat, swelling, and pain.
Finish Line Original Premium Clay Creamy smooth, it goes on easy, comes off easy. Draws heat and inflammation like no other poultice. A must for packing sore bruised feet, after shoeing and races.
Finish Line Ez-Willow Gel Liniment Blend of essential oils and botanicals in a cooling gel base. Used for any minor soreness, lameness or swelling over any muscles including the shoulders and back.
Shake well and apply evenly to clean legs and rub in thoroughly, use more liberally for swollen or puffy legs. Penetrates deep sooth joints, tighten ligaments, reduces swelling. Use as a daily leg brace and pain reliever for minor aches and pain.
Manna Pro Horseman's Veterinary Liniment A unique and natural approach to aid in the control of temporary muscular soreness, swelling, stiffness and sprains. Will not blister, stain or remove hair.
Black Magic is a balanced combination of essential oils and activated charcoal that work together to reduce and eliminate sports injuries. Black Magic Liniment Black Magic Liniment comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! As we expect more and more...
Aids in temporary relief of minor soreness and stiffness caused by overexertion. Farnam Cool Pack Green Jelly Farnam Cool Pack Green Jelly, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help.
Features the penetrating and anti-inflammatory properties of iodine and pine tar. Reducine Absorbent The first choice of leading trainers, owners and veterinarians in over 40 countries.
Our non-medicated poultice. Finish Line Kool-Out Clay Finish Line Kool-Out Clay. It is creamy smooth, it goes on easy and comes off easy. You do not need to worry about scurf or blistering, no worry about reactions with leg paints or other medications.
Provides residual effect up to 2 days. Effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Topical aqueous cleaning solution for use on horses and dogs for application to superficial cuts, abrasions or insect stings.
Sheets fit around lower limb, or can be cut to size and pre-cut hoof shape. It's ideal for cuts, wounds, abscesses, inflammation, skin disorders and hoof conditions. Used as a poultice and dressing for all animals.
AniMed Glycerine for Large Animals For topical use alone or as part of a poultice to help remove fluids from an inflamed area. Ingredients: 99.5% Glycerine. To be used as directed, amount and frequency to be directed by a veterinarian.
Each hoof pad is 6 7/8 x 5 1/4. Bigeloil Quilted Poultice Hoof Pads -4 Pack. Uses traditional poultice ingredients: Kaolin clay and Epsom salts. Easy to Use; sinply soak poultice for 20 seconds and apply to leg or hoof and cover with wrap.
Stimulates circulation for long-lasting heat sensation, helps reduce pain and swelling. Deep penetrating relief for sore muscles and joints. Acetone-free formula. Allow additional time for delivery.
This invigorating, aromatic liniment is recommended to help relieve minor stiffness, soreness and inflammation. Leading professionals have long trusted and relied on Vetrolin Liniment.
✓ Leaves coat with lustrous sheen
✓ Invigorating, aromatic liniment with a hint of green soap and essential oils
✓ Makes a delightfully refreshing post-workout body brace
Devil's Claw, also known as nature's Bute, quickly absorbs through the skin, creating a cool and soothing effect which helps to relieve joint pain and maintain suppleness and ease of movement.
Contains: Epsom Sale And Methyl Salicytate In A Water Soluble Base. Flowable gel formula. Liniment for muscle, leg, joint soreness and swelling. Durvet Epsom Salt Poultice Gel Durvet Epsom Salt Poultice Gel comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!...