Apply a generous amount around the knee area and bandage as a brace after workouts. Rub Equimint over your horse's haunches, legs, and stifle area to reduce the chances of muscle and joint strain.
For dual-action therapy, soak the wrap in ice water for immediate support of acute injury or inflammatory conditions. Also compatible with the Stayons Knee/Hock Support Wrap for alternate use.
Aids in relief of equine foot injuries or conditions, in wound healing, and relief of minor stiffness and soreness. Made of cotton wool with antiseptic poulticing agent in the fibers.
Epsom Salt Poultice Flowable Formula in a squeeze bottle for easy application. Non-irritating formula won't burn or blister the skin. Repeat as needed for relief of soreness and swelling.
Ideal after competition and heavy work, or at times of general soreness, inflammation, or bruising. Special fiber paper holds the dry poultice in place within 28 quilted pockets. Use Bigeloil Quilted Poultice Leg Wraps whenever heat or stiffness in the...
It may be heat packed with hot, moist towels if desired. Prompt use will help reduce soreness and stiffness. To aid in preventing soreness or stiffness, massage generously after a hard workout or overexertion.
Washes off easily with hosing - no rubbing or hand washing necessary. Contains natural clays, glycerine, aloe vera and minerals. Will not blister or irritate the skin. One application can take the place of tubbing, icing or hosing.
Farnam Vetrolin Liniment Invigorating, aromatic liniment with a hint of green soap and 5 essential oils. Helps relieve minor stiffness, soreness and inflammation. Helps stimulate blood flow to sore ankles, knees and tendons.
Contains benzalkonium chloride. A revolutionary humane, water-soluble blister used in the relief of bowed tendons, bucked shins, ankles, knees and suspensories.
Bigeloil Liquid Gel Topical Pain Relief Gel, the "professional's ointment", is now available in a convenient gel form. Unique formula for rubbing temporary injuries on the knees, shins, and leg tendons.
If you rub, don't wrap. This concentrated spearmint-scented gel contains natural botanical extracts which help reduce swelling and speed recovery. Absorbine Veterinary Liniment Gel is a warm, soothing treatment for temporary muscular soreness caused by...
✓ Effective muscle, joint, and arthritis pain reliever
✓ Helps fatigued muscles recover twice as fast
✓ Convenient gel form - easy to apply to hard to reach areas
✓ Can be applied directly to isolated areas of pain
Unique, natural approach to aid in the control of temporary muscular soreness, swelling, stiffness and sprains View manufacturer and/or label information
Use after any workout, repeat as needed. Formulated to kool and tighten horse s legs. Finish Line Kool-Out Poultice For Equine Finish Line Kool-Out Poultice For Equine is an excellent product we know our customers will love.
Can be covered with cotton or a wrap.Contains epsom salt and methyl salicylate in a water soluble base. Excellent choice for abscesses. Also effective in drawing infection from hoof.
NuvoCool's patent pending liniment gel works like no other on the market today by temporarily blocking pain receptors, activating pain relieving sensors and as an anti-inflammatory agent.
This spearmint-scented gel contains natural botanical extracts that help reduce swelling and speed natural recovery. Absorbine Veterinary Liniment Gel Absorbine Veterinary Liniment Gel comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Absorbine Veterinary Liniment...
✓ Menthol loosens stiff joints and reduces swelling
✓ Convenient gel form for easy application to hard-to-reach areas
Check out our Deals and Sales - Unbeatable prices everyday. Ramard Reliefgel Odorless, Colorless, No Residue Ingredients:Arnica Montana, Msm, Calendula All products are backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
Use before and after exercise. Apply to painful muscles and joints, gently massage. (Ari-Med) A topical pain relieving gel with a special Aloe Vera base that will not cause positive results in post-competition drug testing.
✓ Liniment and body wash to relieve muscle
✓ Joint pain on animals involved in athletic or performance activities
Contains natural clays, glycerine, aloe vera and minerals. Will not blister or irritate the skin. Washes off easily with hosing - no rubbing or hand washing necessary. Equine Icetight Poultice Effective 24-hour poultice can take the place of tubbing,...
Can be applied daily.** • Helps reduce pain related to inflamed joints and ligaments • Helps to maintain suppleness and ease of movement • Provides immediate refreshing cooling relief **Must be withdrawn before competition as this product contains...
Numotizine Cataplasm contains guaiacol, beechwood creosote and methyl salicylate for comforting warmth. May be left on for up to 8-12 hours before removing and replacing with a new application, if desired.
Dilute with water and use as a refreshing brace of body wash for overheated horses. Apply full strength over affected area, rubbing until dry. View manufacturer and/or label information