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Horse Barefoot Boots Sports Medicine Horses For Sale In Huntington Beach

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BFB Pastern Wraps for BFB Horse Hoof Boots
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / each

Recommended for horses with sensitive skin, or for long rides. Soft, pull-on wraps designed for use with he Big Foot Boot (BFB) add extra protection to the pastern area if chafing is a problem.
Huntington Beach
Easyboot Glue-on Horse Hoof Boots
Prices start at : 120.00 USD / each

Special pricing. Easyboot - the iron shoe alternative! *High performance boot and an option for horses in speed and long distance events *Although there are more steps to the application process, these boots are perfect for pack trips, speed events like...
Huntington Beach
ESP Gel Horse Hoof Boot Pads
Prices start at : 14.95 USD / each

Each pad is in a ‘master shape' with an engraved size chart allowing you to cut the pad to the correct size of boot being worn. The ESP Gel Pad insole is 6 mm thick, allowing extra cushion and comfort to your horse's hooves while using Simple Boots.
Huntington Beach
Scoot Boot Horse Hoof Boots
Prices start at : 188.99 USD / each

Included with each pair of Scoot Boots:
  •  Will not get soggy or heavy when riding through muddy and wet terrain
  •  Easy on, easy off
  •  Three pastern straps in black
  •  Lightweight - only 250 grams
  •  No adjustment is required as the boot is secured by parts of the hoof that do not grow
  •  Two spare black front closure straps
Huntington Beach
Easyboot Horse Hoof Boot Gaiter
Prices start at : 31.04 USD / each

Special pricing. Add a gaiter to your Easyboot (2005 or newer) or replace the gaiter on your Epic, Bare or Grip. Fits Easyboots, Epics, Bares and Grips. The Easyboot Gaiter has been designed to improve the performance of the hoof boot on barefoot horses...
Huntington Beach
Original Easyboot Horse Hoof Boot
Prices start at : 58.20 USD / each

*The cable and buckle system helps fit even the most challenging hoof shapes and angles Special pricing. Easyboot - the iron shoe alternative! *Proven success since 1970 *Reduces shock on hard pavement and provides better traction on loose or slippery...
Huntington Beach
Barrier Boot Horse Hoof Boot
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / each

Easy slip-on application and stays secure with a heavy nylon adjustable strap. Boots are sized like horseshoes. Ideal for trail rides to temporarily replace a lost shoe. Protects the frog, sole and the hoof from cracks and chips.
Huntington Beach
Back Country Horse Hoof Boot Replacement Comfort Cup Gaiter - Regular
Price : CALL

Comes with hardware. Replacement comfort cup gaiter for the Eayboot Glove Back Country boot.
Huntington Beach
Easyboot Glove Regular Back Country Horse Hoof Boot
Prices start at : 97.00 USD / each

No strength or force is required Special pricing. It's quick and easy to put on and take off. *The Back Country concept pairs the form-fitting Glove chassis with an easy-to-secure upper *The comfort cup gaiter is incorporated into the rear of the boot...
  • Completely convertible: built on the Easyboot Glove chassis, this boot can be converted into an Easyboot Glove or Easyboot Glue-On. Additional accessories are required.: Yes
Huntington Beach
EasyShoe Flex with Toe Clip and Heart Bar Horseshoes
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / each

The combination of urethane and spring steel encourages hoof mechanism and movement. A hybrid nail-on shoe that incorporates shock-absorbing urethane and unique spring steel. Manufactured with the latest in polyurethane technology, the EasyShoe dramatically...
Huntington Beach
Easyboot Glove Soft Hoof Boot - Wide
Prices start at : 75.66 USD / each

They have samples available for fitting purposes. Contact Easycare at 800-447-8836. *Lightweight, slim profile, form-fitting boot that is easy to apply *Designed to fit like a second skin over the hoof without adding bulk or width *Stretches over the...
Huntington Beach
Old Mac Gaiter for Horses
Price : CALL

Replacement Gaiter for the Old Mac boot.
Huntington Beach
ELB Regular Horse Hoof Boot
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / each

Featured video, click image to play.
Huntington Beach
AirWave EZ Wrap Hind Horse Boots
Prices start at : 47.99 USD / each

Provides tendon support and splint and sesamoid protection. Elastic straps provide full, even support and are quick and easy to put on and take off. Featured video, click image to play.
Huntington Beach
Natural Horse Hoof Shoe
Prices start at : 49.95 USD / each

The Natural Hoof Shoe can be used in place of iron horse shoes-- will not change the gait. Gives great traction and reduces concussion. Round up your measurement. Simple to fit, carry one in the event a shoe is thrown.
Huntington Beach
Back Country Horse Hoof Boot Replacement Comfort Cup Gaiter 2016 - Regular
Prices start at : 31.04 USD / each

Comes with hardware. Replacement comfort cup gaiter for the Eayboot Glove Back Country boot.
Huntington Beach
EasyShoe Flex with Side Clip and Heart Bar Horseshoes
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / each

The combination of urethane and spring steel encourages hoof mechanism and movement. A hybrid nail-on shoe that incorporates shock-absorbing urethane and unique spring steel. Manufactured with the latest in polyurethane technology, the EasyShoe dramatically...
Huntington Beach
Bell Horse Boots
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / each

The double hook-and-loop closure keeps the bell boots secure. Made of heavy duty PVC, these boots are very durable and long wearing.
Huntington Beach
Bed Sore Hoof Horse Boots
Prices start at : 26.49 USD / each

Constructed of a breathable fleece interior and a neoprene exterior with long-lasting hook-and-loop closures. This boot will help to protect the front of the fetlock joint from developing bedsores, plus shields existing sores from insects and debris while...
Huntington Beach
Easyboot Horse Hoof Boot Long Ice Studs
Price : CALL

Studs come complete with installation instructions, and can be used in all sizes of EasyCare riding boots. NOTE: Order long studs for boot sizes 5-7 in the Easyboot line, all sizes of the Easyboot Grip, all sizes of the Boa Horse boot, and for all Old...
Huntington Beach
Sport Regular Horse Hoof Boots
Prices start at : 139.95 USD / each

Featured video, click image to play.
Huntington Beach
Classic Legacy 2 Support Front Horse Boots
Prices start at : 79.99 USD / each

Suspensory rib ensures proper boot alignment. The Legacy 2 Fetlock Cradle System provides maximum support and protection to the fetlock and lower portion of the leg. Soft lycra inner layer cleans easily and dries quickly.
Huntington Beach
BFB Poly Pad for BFB Horse Hoof Boots
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / each

One size, cut to fit. Insert pad into the Big Foot Boot (BFB) to absorb shock on hoof strike and minimize fatigue. TPU Support Pad is molded from specially formulated industrial grade thermoplastic urethane.
Huntington Beach
Simple Slim Horse Hoof Boots
Prices start at : 154.95 USD / each

Featured video, click image to play. They are lightweight and very durable, have waterproof thread, rustproof metal and high-performance TPU insoles that require no inserts or shims to provide a proper fit.
Huntington Beach
SMB VenTech Elite Support Horse Boots Value Pack
Price : CALL

Front & Rear SMB Elitetm Boots at a value price. The Elite Sports Medicine Boots are lightweight and multi-layered with VenTECHtm ventilated limestone-based neoprene exterior and UltraShocktm lining.
Huntington Beach
Easyboot Stratus Therapy Horse Hoof Boot
Prices start at : 110.00 USD / each

Click here! The boot comes with a patent-pending adjustable TheraPad system that allows each pad to be custom tailored to the horse and conditions. The three densities of rods provide numerous possibilities.
Huntington Beach
Deluxe Horse Shipping Boots
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / each

Constructed of tough 1000 Denier outer shell with fleece lining to provide extra knee protection, as well protecting the hocks, fetlocks, pasterns and heels.
Huntington Beach