You can use the electric grinder to quickly and effortlessly trim the hoof wall, sole, and heel with smooth results every time. Designed for the miniature goat owner who needs a hardworking and easy-to-use trimming tool, the Hoof Boss Miniature Goat Hoof...
(We recommend the separate Herd Boss Trimming Disc for high volume maintenance trimming). Designed for the professional hoof trimmer, dairyman, or herd owner who needs a hardworking and easy-to-use trimming tool, the Hoof Boss Cow Hoof Trimming Set can...
Mix 1 quart to 50 gallons of water for prevention. A safe, biodegradable product designed for a control program in your footbath to lower the occurrence of hairy heel wart, foot rot, or other foot conditions.
Hoof blocking is made easy with the Demotec Easy Bloc Kit. The resin sets within 5 – 6 minutes. Premature breakdown of the sole is virtually eliminated. The Easy Bloc is a plastic slip-on boot which fits onto the healthy claw, taking weight off the...
Has Teflon coated high-carbon steel blades to eliminate rusting and high-strength molded polymer handles. Compact and lightweight. One of the best Burgon & Ball Goat Hoof Trimmers on the market.
ARS Hoof Trimmers offer powerful scissor action for easier trimming. ARS Hoof Trimmers are a professional quality tool for goat hoof trimming. Fits comfortably in the hand for reduced fatigue.
Demotech powder and liquid combine to form a strong acrylic bond which holds the specially designed hoof shoe in place. Hoof problems in dairy cattle can be costly, affecting both milk yield and weight gain.
Soak: Once diluted, soak legs and hooves for 5-10 mins. Harmful to aquatic organisms. Prepare: Add 2 capfuls (40 mL) to 5 liters of clean water and stir well. Avoid contact with eyes and keep out of reach of children.
Penetrates deep into hoof walls to improve texture and elasticity. All natural with pine tar, fish oil, turpentine and iodine. Topical ultra-thick, long-lasting hoof dressing keeps working for days.
QuickHit was developed to help gain prompt control over foot warts in dairy cattle. In most cases, significant improvement is seen within 3 days and wrap may be removed. For severe cases, wrapping may be necessary.
Contains emu oil, aloe, cottonseed oil and essence. Use 3-4 times per week or once a day during summer months for prevention or as needed. A natural hoof oil specifically designed for sand, cracks, and as a prevention for contracted heels in hot and dry...
14" cushioned handles afford maximum leverage. Package of 2 - The best-selling hoof nipper in America is drop forged and oil tempered to ensure long life.
Comes in a convenient squeeze-on applicator bottle. An effective treatment for infections of the sole & frog, including white line disease, thrush and seedy toe. Wool, leather and synthetic pads can be pretreated before use.
14" long hoof parer features cushioned grip handles, and is not recommended for use on nails or metal. Package of 2 - This Hoof Parer has anvil effect cutting jaws with one sharp hardened edge cutting onto a blunt edge.
This formula contains NO formaldehyde, iodine, peroxide, heavy metals, copper sulfate or caustic ingredients. Works with sprayers, syringes, daubers/brushes, squeeze bottles, soaking boots or cotton balls.
Corona Hoof Dressing is beneficial as a hoof pack and in the treatment of quarter cracks. Antiseptic lanolin-rich emollient action helps preserve natural moisture balance of hoof, thereby helping maintain suppleness of coronet, horn wall, frog, sole,...
Contains Methadyne-B. It can also be applied to the coronary band which allows it to enter the horn tubules. Apply daily to the affected area for maximum results. Fights white line disease, seedy toe, thrush, Candida yeast, anaerobic and aerobic bacteria,...