Precision-ground, chrome-plated steel blades for durable cutting performance and retained sharpness. Fits comfortably in the hand for reduced fatigue. ARS Hoof Trimmers offer powerful scissor action for easier trimming.
Solution is fresh every day. One 13-gallon fill of the Premium Hoof Treatment Mat will treat about 100 cows. Premium Hoof Treatment Mat weighs 10 lbs. Manure is simply scraped off the surface.
Having a replacement chain is also handy if you do a lot of trimming and don't want to stop to sharpen the teeth. You can make the trimming process more efficient by having an extra chain with you.
The use of a hoof restraint is strongly encouraged to minimize hoof movement when using the chain disc. The 8-Tooth Chain Disc consists of a 2” diameter, 8-tooth, carbon steel chain and two patented 10 mm mounting discs.
Package of 2 - Designed to grab hold of horse shoe for removal, 14" Shoe Puller and Spreader can also be inserted into the shoe to spread it further open. Features sharp hardened cutting edge and comfortable cushioned handle grip.
Package of 2 - 10-inch long lightweight nail cutter is designed to pull or cut horseshoe nails. Featuring heat treated jaws and cushion grip handles, it is not recommended for use on hardened nails or wire.
Includes one base, standard cradle, draft cradle, standard straight post and draft straight post. Designed to support the horse's hoof, allowing you to use both hands to trim, file, pick out debris.
The Hoof Boss Cow Hoof Trimming Set includes: It can easily trim around sole abscesses, soft toe, and other hoof diseases, removing as little hoof as possible for the cleanest and safest results every time.
Contains Methadyne-B. Unique, concentrated, time-release formula that fights white line disease, seedy toe, thrush, Candida yeast, anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, mold and fungus, and it lasts for weeks.
Designed to support the horse's hoof, allowing you to use both hands to trim, file, pick out debris or tend to any hoofcare needs. Farrier designed, sturdy, durable and lightweight.
Each bottle comes with its own applicator brush. Contains burn-free Podiatine. Apply every other day. No soaking required. For tough infections use daily for 7 days. Directions: Spray liberally into infected areas of clean hoof and scrub with brush.
Maintains the hoof's moisture balance and pliability. Brush applicator included. Allows air circulation to the hoof. View manufacturer and/or label information Apply to the hoof and wall coronet band 3 times per week.
Contains tee tree oil, natural fungicide, solvent carrier, and additional ingredients that dehydrates the structure cells of fungi and bacteria such as is found in thrush. NOTE: FOR USE ON EQUINE HOOVES ONLY.
Beeswax is blended with the coconut oil which gives hooves a lovely sheen and provides enough stick for the coconut oil to do its work. The tea tree oil has naturally cleansing and astringent properties.
Contains Methadyne-B. Fights white line disease, seedy toe, thrush, Candida yeast, anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, mold and fungus. Apply daily to the affected area for maximum results.
Packaged in plastic containers with sliding lids. Made to work perfectly in the toughest conditions, Diamond Horseshoe Nails are manufactured from the highest quality steel using a closely controlled process.
Mix 1 part New-Hoof to 2 parts water for treatment. Contains ionized copper to kill bacteria that causes foot problems. A safe, biodegradable product designed for a control program in your footbath to lower the occurrence of hairy heel wart, foot rot,...
Contains Methadyne-B. Its special thick formula sticks to the sole, shoes and pads, allowing it to last longer with less waste. An effective treatment for infections of the sole & frog, including white line disease, thrush and seedy toe.
Package of 2 - This Hoof Parer has one over-lapping blunt jaw that acts as an anvil while the other jaw does the cutting. For use with beef, dairy calves, horses, etc. 14" cushioned handles.