Package of 2 - 10-inch long lightweight nail cutter is designed to pull or cut horseshoe nails. Featuring heat treated jaws and cushion grip handles, it is not recommended for use on hardened nails or wire.
Foot Bath measures 4.5 ft. Used with a diluted solution of hoof medication, it is also ideal as a preventative when placed for daily walk-through.Foot Bath is made of thick-walled, one-piece, medium-density polyethylene which will never rot or rust.
No need to mix liquid and powder in a separate container. To use, pour liquid into the Easy Bloc shoe, sprinkle powder onto the liquid, and place shoe onto the claw. Demotek Easy Bloc Hoof Shoes are used to lift the hoof opposite an injured hoof to relieve...
Plastic blade sleeve included. Package of 5 - Genuine Frosts Small Hoof Knives from Sweden feature narrow fine steel blades and riveted handles with durable wood finish. Overall length of knives is 8" and handles are 5" long.
Cleantrax Hoof Cleaner is a deep penetration hoof cleanser proven to be effective in eliminating white line, seedy toe, thrush and abscesses. Soak 30-60 minute in the Cleantrax Hoof Boot.
NOTE: FOR USE ON EQUINE HOOVES ONLY. For best results apply weekly. This highly penetrating liquid hardens and protects from the inside out. See product label for more information.
Premature breakdown of the sole is virtually eliminated. Hoof blocking is made easy with the Demotec Easy Bloc Kit. The resin sets within 5 – 6 minutes. Mix the resin in the bloc itself, then press onto the claw.
High in essential fatty acids and natural moisturizers, avocado oil penetrates deep to stimulate collagen production at the coronary band. Glycerin attracts moisture to the hoof while mineral oil helps lock it in.
Useful for many jobs including hooves and soft wire, this nipper is not recommended for hardened nails. 14" nipper weighs 2 lbs. Package of 2 - Quality End-Cutting Nippers are forged from tool steel and feature hardened jaws for tough, long lasting durability...
Unique, concentrated, time-release formula that fights white line disease, seedy toe, thrush, Candida yeast, anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, mold and fungus, and it lasts for weeks.
Bovi-Bond Rubber Hoof Block is used when blocking the hooves of lame cattle. 3/4" thick x 4 3/4" long. Can be used with Bovi-Bond Adhesive (sold separately) to adhere rubber block to the bovine hoof.
A powerful disinfectant with tea tree oil, a natural fungicide, to cure fungal infections of the frog and heel. Site-specific nozzle targets hard-to-reach areas.
One concentrated liter makes 125 liters. Also great for use with soaking boots. A powerful disinfectant cleansing wash for the complete hoof. Formulated specifically for hooves, skin, and hair – contains no oxidizing agents, so it is entirely safe for...
Use for toughening shod or unshod hooves, as an aid in moisture retention, and to strengthen soft or mushy hooves. May also be used as a show cosmetic to give hooves a glass-like shine.
Compact and lightweight. Has Teflon coated high-carbon steel blades to eliminate rusting and high-strength molded polymer handles. One of the best Burgon & Ball Goat Hoof Trimmers on the market.
Will not become brittle when quenched in water. Ideal for handling average size shoes. Manufactured from special low-carbon steel for lasting strength.
14" cushioned handles afford maximum leverage. Package of 2 - The best-selling hoof nipper in America is drop forged and oil tempered to ensure long life.
To use, the Technovit powder and liquid are mixed and applied to a properly prepared hoof to attach the wood block, lifting the sore toe off the ground. Kit includes enough product to treat 6 hooves.
Placed at the entrance to the milking area on a level surface, Hoofmat is soaked with treatment solution, then lifted at day"s end for rinsing and drying. One 13-gallon fill of the Premium Hoof Treatment Mat will treat about 100 cows.
Use Keratex Hoof Hardener to strengthen, protect, and harden shod and unshod hooves, restore soundness to sensitive soles, and prevent existing cracks from cracking further. This patented formula is perfect for protecting your horse's hooves because it...
✓ Prevents repeated shoe loss
✓ Equally effective in wet or dry conditions
✓ Can also be applied to the sole of the hoof to prevent bruising