Dosage: (After 6 months of age) - 2 doses 21 days apart for foot rot. Fusobacterium necrophorum Provides the protection and safety of an inactivated bacterin while delivering effective, economical foot rot protection.
Package of 3 - This quality foot rot shear's sharp pointed double blades make it possible to dig out even the smallest infected area. Well-balanced and easy to handle--9" long and 12 oz.
Useful for many jobs including hooves and soft wire, this nipper is not recommended for hardened nails. 2 per package - Quality End-Cutting Nippers are forged from tool steel and feature hardened jaws for tough, long lasting durability and cushion-grip...
Use as an aid in the treatment of thrush. 37.5% Copper Napthenate. Compare to Kopertox. Water-resistant protection without bandaging. View manufacturer and/or label information
Package of 2 - A few quick swipes with the blade steel sharpener hones the cutting edge on hoof knives and tools. The blade retracts into the red plastic handle for protection, and pen-style handle features a pocket clip.
Great for hard to reach areas, such as nail holds, voids under shoes and pads. Fights white line disease, bacteria and fungus. This time-release formula lasts for weeks. View manufacturer and/or label information
WARNING: This product may stain clothing. Prevents and treats thrush and white line disease in horses. Suggested Treatment: This product was formerly Podi-Green Antimicrobial Gel 30 mL syringe.
When dry, buff with a cloth for natural sheen. Don't wait til you see signs of hoof damage, stop it before it even starts with Ketatex Hoof Gel! It protects the hooves from damage caused by excess water absorption, manure, and urine.
Trims 25-50 head before it needs resharpening. Features a clog free see-through design. Attaches to a 4-1/2 or 5" mini grinder. May be resharpened 15-20 times with a carbide sharpener (fits in a chain saw sharpening tool).
They stay clean. They are easy to install. (dry) and has a capacity of approx. Urine runs off the surface of a filled mat. Hoof Treatment Mat is made with an extra-heavy poly mesh covering channel-stitched to a high density inner foam liner.
Useful for many jobs including hooves and soft wire, this nipper is not recommended for hardened nails. Package of 2 - Quality End-Cutting Nippers are forged from tool steel and feature hardened jaws for tough, long lasting durability and cushion-grip...
Guaranteed to remove debris without bending or breaking. Superbly effective and precise, making the job of picking hooves faster and easier. Voted Horse Journal's Top Pick "by far."
Broad spectrum targets bacteria and fungi to fight thrush, white line disease, candida yeast and seedy toe. Thrush Stop Blue Gel stays put without running, No waste! The deep blue pigment stains diseased hoof tissue and indicates where to add more gel...
Great versatility for safe shoe removal, maintaining balance, removing flares, rounding sharp edges and removing chips. For the rider who prefers to rasp the old fashioned way. Removable, replaceable rasp can easily be flipped to use the medium coarse...
Forms an antiseptic barrier against infection, and weatherproofs the hoof surface. Dual-action hoof conditioner that shines and protects the hoof wall, sole, and frog against bacteria and fungi, toe cracks, and moisture imbalance.
Farrier-designed, sturdy, durable and lightweight, the Mini Hoofjack supports the hoof while you trim, file, pick out debris or tend to any hoofcare needs. Comfortable for both horse and owner.
Effective against tough conditions including rain rot, dry, flaky skin, wound bacteria, girth itch, dew poisoning, pastern dermatitis (scratches/greasy heel), and ringworm. Fungasol Ointment forms a protective layer over affected areas to help you treat...