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Making Apple Juice and Applesauce with a Mehu-Liisa
It is also a problem if you try to double the recipe. This makes it really easy when preparing a recipe.Cassidy and her friend Brittany wanted to learn to make jelly, so we used the juice to make a delightful home-made treat.We read the recipe instructions...
El Segundo
Preserving Pears
Increase the heat to high and bring the mixture to a boil. Add the cranberries, raisins, sugar, cumin, coriander, cayenne, cinnamon, salt, apple cider vinegar and tomato paste. This includes sterilizing your jars and lids in boiling water just prior to...
El Segundo
A Garden is a Must: A List for Your New Dream Home
I felt like a child in a candy store, excitedly calling out; "Here is a fig tree, chives, an olive tree, chocolate mint, green peppers, tomatoes..." I wanted that house, but the foundation report showed that multiple interior and exterior piers were needed.
El Segundo
The History of the Mason Jar
Napoleon was having problems procuring food for his troops. Here's a chart telling you the age of Ball jars.Click here to view a chart showing how to derermine the age of a Ball jarThe photo show two of my older jars, on the left a "Lighting" jar and...
El Segundo
Home Grown Teas
It should not be overwatered or sit in standing water at any time. Do not add soap to bath, as it will coat your skin and not allow the Chamomile to penetrateYerba Mate (pronounced YEAR-ba MAW-tay) makes a tea called 'mate' that can be used as a stimulant...
El Segundo
The Scented Home
If you're like me (cheap) you'd rather not buy the expensive artificial room sprays especially when you can go right out to the garden and gather fragrant herbs. I make a carpet freshener with dried herbs as well.
El Segundo
Red Goes Home
I also had a “talk” with Milagro , who is stalled right next door to Red. This went on for months after I had him. Red will be happy in his retirement home, romping in a big paddock with two other geldings he will enjoy playing with.
Calling All Home Chefs
The first-place winner will receive an energy- and water-efficient dishwasher; second place: eight-piece eco-conscious cookware set; third place: eco-friendly bamboo dinnerware set.
The \'Ole Home Place
Have you ever driven by an abandoned house and wanted to investigate the gardens? Your first instinct, as an avid gardener, may be to ‘rescue' some of the plants on this abandoned property, giving them a new home in your well-manicured yard.
El Segundo
Growing Freesia at Home
If I did it, then so can you! The corms I finally convinced to produced freesia blooms were a cheap, impulse purchase. The long, limp stems will flop over the edge of the pot indoors, which you may find unattractive.
El Segundo
Building A Barn Home
Overall, you have three options when it comes to construction: Do It Yourself From Scratch It's possible to “stick build” a barn home, cutting each piece of wood and assembling the home from the ground up, but there are also barn kits available through...
Home-brewing Supply Shops
If you don't, check out any of the hundreds of online retailers (many have local stores, as well) for winemaking supplies. Minneapolis, MN 55416 952-925-9854, 888-449-2739 Northern Brewer 2 locations: 1150 Grand Ave.
No Place Like Home
What replaced that was the question lurking in the minds of my husband and me: what on earth do we do with a farm? These goats were not eating tin cans and they were not ugly. We bring the first goat out, and David will maneuver it on its rump and start...
Make Cheese at Home ... Overnight
Using store-bought plain yogurt or plain kefir, the process is the same: Line a plastic or stainless-steel colander with two layers of cheesecloth (finely woven butter muslin works, too).
Home Remedies for Bird Repellent
Because it is illegal to kill or remove birds and nests, natural repellents are often used to discourage birds from specific areas.Hang shinning objects near landing or nesting areas.
Santa Monica
Flowering Houseplants For Your Home
Flowering potted plants come and go depending on the season. They should have plenty of new buds and exhibit a lot of growth.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });when you get it home.
Harvest Home: The Autumnal Equinox
The month of September was named by the Persians for Mehr.The ancient Israelites observed a week-long harvest festival called Sukkot, the feast of booths, around the time of the autumnal equinox, "the fifteenth day of the seventh month" counting from...
El Segundo
Foliage Plants For Your Home
To grow plants under artificial, most indoor gardeners combine a cool and warm tube in a fixture to provide light of good quality for many interior plants.Duration refers to the length of light exposure.
Poinsettia Care in the Home
Poinsettias are commonly seen in homes and places of business during the Christmas season. Never allow your poinsettia to sit in the excess water, or it will suffer root rot. According to Ohio State University, poinsettias are also more susceptible to...
Santa Monica
Energy-efficient Homes (Version 3.0)
Along with the warm, fuzzy feeling of doing something good for the world, a newly improved Energy Star home will bring homeowners an estimated energy savings of $200 to $400 per month according to the EPA.
Geothermal Systems for Your Home
The Most Efficient Way to Heat Geothermal heat pump systems can quietly and efficiently meet your home's heating and cooling needs at a fraction of the cost of more traditional systems, like gas-fired furnaces and electricity-based air conditioning systems.
Shrubs That Provide Home Security
Home security advisors recommend limiting planting by windows and doors to 3 feet tall for better visibility.A ground-hugging plant with prickly leaves or spines planted under windows discourages entry and also offloading stolen goods out through the...
Santa Monica
What Are Home Run Roses: Tips On Gardening With Home Run Roses
It boasts the same disease resistance and low maintenance of this line, as well as the same fine performance in containers and landscapes. One of them was pink, one light pink and one red.
Can I Grow Wheat At Home – Tips For Growing Wheat In Home Gardens
Spring's warm temps stimulate new growth and seed heads are formed in about two months.Spring wheat is planted in the spring and ripens in mid to late summer. Water whenever the top inch of soil is dry.
Home Remedies To Kill Japanese Beetles
In fact, once the adults emerge from the ground in spring (June), they immediately begin feasting on whatever plants are available. The use ofor castor oil soap is another Japanese beetle home remedy worth trying.If all else fails, look towards eradicating...
Quit Smoking With Home-Grown Herbs
Spritz a little bit of distilled water into the weekly batch container, or tape a small roll of wet cheesecloth to the inside of the container lid instead.Lobelia is not entirely necessary for the quit-mix, but it is extremely helpful if you can tolerate...
El Segundo
Home Remedies for Common Animal Sickness
Kirchner keeps a bottle of Lixotinic in her medical supplies. Gas-X comes in a capsule and getting a goat to take a pill isn't an easy task. A veterinarian will culture a fecal sample to determine the cause of the problem.