Sow seeds under cover in the early spring with a heated germination pad set to 65 degrees F. How to grow chamomile as lawn replacement and other chamomile lawn care necessary to grow chamomile lawn plants is covered in this article.Growing chamomile lawns...
If you've got a sunlight-challenged patch where grass refuses to grow no matter what you do, a deadnettle ground cover may be the way to go. If you're concerned that the plant stings, don't be.
Either variety is perfect as a liriope lawn the most common form of clumping lilyturf with many hybrids from which to a creeping form that will establish through rhizome growth.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
A meadow lawn alternative is an option for homeowners who are tired of the labor involved in maintaining a traditional lawn, or for those who are concerned about the considerable environmental impact of watering, fertilizing and weed control.
While habiturf native grasses are specifically for Southwestern states, all of us can have low maintenance, chemical free lawns by abandoning the concept of the traditional lawn and growing native grasses and groundcovers instead.
Other than that, moss lawn care is as simple as it gets and you can put away that lawn mower. Some of them are clumping acrocarops or spreading pleuocarps.The best way to install moss as lawns is to choose mosses that are native to your region.
Of course, you can always go with the easy, albeit not so eco-friendly method of multiple. Most people useto fill in pathways and around patio pavers – smaller areas than the average lawn size.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
The blooms reportedly don't attract bees, so there is little chance of stepping on a stinger.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });For those interested in growing green carpet lawns, start herniaria by planting...
Moss can add a feeling of peace and tranquility to your landscape, especially when mixed with pavers or stones. When you replace your lawn with plants that don't need mowing, you eliminate the exhaust that your lawn mower and string trimmer produce.
Whether you're a busy homeowner looking for something easier or just someone wanting to make a statement, there are many low-maintenance and low-cost alternatives to traditional grass that will accomplish your needs..
How about a fire pit and patio furniture? If you are looking for a lawn that is practically maintenance free and inexpensive, there are a few alternatives you can choose from. This ground cover can tolerate drought and flooding and works well in warm...
Lush, green lawns are traditional, but many people are opting for lawn alternatives, which are often more sustainable, require less water, and are less time-consuming than regular turf.
It provides provide color, fragrance, and requires very little maintenance. Wildflower lawns or areas of flowering lawn weeds can be charming and easy-maintenance once established.” may call to mind a scraggly, ugly plant that is hard to get rid of.
You can even choose afreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });is a creeping evergreen that works well in both sun and shade. Plant the bulbs where they landed for a
Walkable plants work well along a pathway or bordering a flower bed and many work well in stubborn spots where grass won't take hold, such as a dry spot under a tree or shrub.Most of the best stepable plants require absolutely no care once the plants...
It also will grow in many places where you may have trouble growing grass. Chamomile has feathery leaves and during the summer it has a white and daisy-like flower. Grass can also cause problems for busy or older people who may not have the time or the...
It is just what it says, a lawn which is virtually maintenance free and still provides lovely green landscape coverage.No mow lawns are mixtures of three species of fine fescue. They can provide solutions for moisture conservation, natural habitat, soil...
No one enjoys having to manage lawns when it's hot and sticky. Some can grow up to 18 inches tall, which most people will find too high for a lawn. There arethat can help, however.
To keep long-stemmed herbs such as basil, parsley, and dill as fresh as possible store them in a tall container of water in the refrigerator.To keep stored seeds as viable as possible store them in an airtight container such as a Mason jar.
You can eliminate lawn fungus once you know what kind of fungus you have. If the grass is badly affected, you can use fungicide.. Below is a description and treatment of the three most common lawn fungus problems..
Shade tolerant grasses need only ½ the nitrogen as the rest of the lawn. How to get grass to grow in the shade has been a problem for homeowners since lawns became fashionable. Unfortunately, the reality is a little different, but knowing how to grow...
Wet each piece thoroughly before adding the next.If your sod is of poor quality and full of thatch, sprinkle some nitrogen rich fertilizer or cotton seed meal between the layers. There are a few good options, none of which involve simply throwing it away.
Hand fertilizing often results in burns where the fertilizer is concentrated and pale areas that don't get as much fertilizer as they should.Broadcast or rotary spreaders are easy to use and don't cause striping like drop spreaders.
The roots are forced to grow on top of the thatch and the sponginess increases. Learn how to deal with lawn thatch so you don't have to replace your landscape grass to remove the spongy lawn.You must know your enemy to win the battle, so what is lawn...
For general information about lawn maintenance, visit As a general rule of thumb, remove no more than one-third the height at each mowing.
Tree roots can hog all the water and nutrients around them.The other benefit of artificial turf is all the money saved by not having to water, fertilize, now or treat the lawn for pests, weeds and diseases.
These are generally old, weathered soils with a low pH or soils with a pH above 7 and high inDolomitic lime is usually used to raise soil pH, but the benefits of using Epsom salts on lawns is its high solubility, and it's inexpensive.