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What Are Non-Resinous Wood?
Resinous wood burns hotter and faster, often producing sparks and odors. The wood from trees that are do not produce resin, called nonresinous wood, usually comes from deciduous trees.
Santa Monica
Animals & Plants in the Regions of Georgia
Each of Georgia's five regions presents a distinct type of ecosystem, providing abundant habitat for numerous plant and animals species.Occupying much of Georgia's northwestern corner, the Ridge and Valley region is comprised of several narrow, parallel...
Santa Monica
Uses of Carnauba Wax
The wax then flakes off in a powdery form, which is melted, strained, purified and shaped into blocks for commercial use.Since carnauba wax is a plant derivative, it will not damage a car's paint job and protects automobiles from weather and sun damage...
Santa Monica
Dominant Plants in a Tropical Rainforest
They are a layered ecosystem with trees that form a canopy, trees that grow above the canopy and the "understory" below the canopy. After surrounding its host tree, the fig grows a crown of foliage that overshadows the tree, preventing sunshine from penetrating.
Santa Monica
How to Dry Cattails
Animals eat the seeds and use the fluff for nesting material. To preserve cattails, dry them and protect them from shedding their fluff.Cut cattails in late summer before they begin to lose their fluff.
Santa Monica
Diseases of Pine Trees
Diseases spread in many ways, from spores to insects, and many affect all pine species. This disease causes spots on individual pine needles that start out yellow and turn to brown.
Santa Monica
Maryland Mushroom Species
The color gets paler toward the edges. True honey mushrooms are edible, but some people's stomachs can be upset by them. The autumn skullcap, which is also called the deadly Galernia, is poisonous if ingested.
Santa Monica
What Are Rainforest Decomposers?
Waste that would typically take one year to decompose in a regular forest would decompose within six weeks in the rainforest.Because the lush rainforest vegetation requires constant nutrients to survive, the nutrients produced by decomposers do not go...
Santa Monica
What Are Fern Adaptations?
The fungus grows on the rhizome of the plant and clings to its underground root structure, where it absorbs some of the sugars that the fern takes from the soil.At the same time, the life processes of the fungi increase the rate at which the fern can...
Santa Monica
What to Do to Stop Plants From Leaking Water on the Floor
Most plants only require water when the top inch of soil feels dry. Use a pot that doesn't have predrilled drainage holes for this outer pot. Many pots or other plant containers come with a tray, but if not you can use any shallow dish that's larger than...
Santa Monica
Moss Facts
Spores can germinate and grow into a branching green moss thread.Mosses don't have any of the vascular tissue other plants use to transport water and nutrients from the roots through the foliage.
Santa Monica
Mushrooms That Grow in Cow Fields
These open areas are full of decaying plant matter and animal manure, and provide a welcome habitat for fungus. They include Amanita phalloides (death cap), Amanita virosa (destroying angel) and Amanita bisporogera, as well as several other less-common...
Santa Monica
What Is the Effect of Acidic Vinegar Water on the Growth Rate of Plants?
The acidity of household vinegar, with about 5 percent acetic acid, is not strong to cause lasting damage to the soil, and the soil should return to normal pH levels after a few days.
Santa Monica
How to Know If a Mimosa Tree Is Dead
So how can you be sure that your Mimosa tree is dead?The mimosa is a beautiful but messy and short-lived tree.Check the mimosa tree for yellowing leaves. The earlier signs of a dying mimosa tree are leaves that are beginning to turn yellow.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Creeping Myrtle
If the soil has enough moisture for mature creeping myrtle to grow, do not irrigate it frequently. Glyphosate is a contact herbicide, meaning it kills everything it touches, including plants you may like.
Santa Monica
Comparison of Ferns & Flowering Plants
Ferns produce spores that form a fingernail-sized, flat, heart-shaped leaf horizontally on the ground when germinated. Seeds have enabled flowering plants to spread to different climate conditions that are not moist enough to enable fern reproduction.
Santa Monica
How to Harvest Wild Mushrooms in Kentucky
For example, King Stropharia (Stropharia rugoso-annulata) are found on forest floors and growing on mulch in urban settings, notes the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension.The University of Kentucky suggests simply appreciating wild mushrooms...
Santa Monica
Flowers That Look Like Bells
This plant will climb if provided support.Cathedral bells are also known as cup and saucer vine. According to Plants for a Future, one foxglove plant can produce up to 2 million seeds.Bells of Ireland originated in Western Asia, Turkey, Syria and the...
Santa Monica
Flowers That Symbolize Grace
According to Kathleen Karlsen of Living Arts Originals, during Victorian times "speech bouquets" were a popular way for a man to compliment a woman--since direct verbal expressions of emotion between unmarried members of the opposite sex were strongly...
Santa Monica
Why Do Desert Plants Need Long Roots?
Without these long roots, these desert plants could not stay alive, nor could the wildlife that depends on them for food, drink and shade.Plants in the desert have long roots to gather water from deep under the soil.Desert plants have a variety of roots.
Santa Monica
Amazon Rainforest Plants
Despite their size, Water Lilies are very light and thin, so that they can float on the water's surface. According to Blue Planet Biomes, half of all the world's plant species live in tropical rainforests, which supply 40 percent of the world's oxygen...
Santa Monica
How to Seal Concrete Planters So Plants Don\'t Die
Also, due to the porosity of some cement, the soil may dry out too quickly. Vinegar mixed in 1 gallon of water to wash excess salts from the soil that may accumulate in clay and concrete planter mixtures.
Santa Monica
How to Root A Christmas Cactus House Plant
It is in the pot with the parent plant. The piece I rooted is about 10" wide and 7" tall. In this case you can take the large parts that have fallen apart from the big plant and root them.
Santa Monica
My Peace Lily Is Turning Brown on the Tips
Peace lilies don't require much, if any, fertilizing. The soil should be constantly moist but never soggy. You also want to steer clear of water containing chlorine as this can cause plant damage as well.
Santa Monica
How to Make a Green House From Old Windows
Because you'll be using recycled materials and finished windows, most plans won't be perfect for your greenhouse, but you can get valuable ideas and advice from professional plans.Sketch out your plan on paper to help you determine what additional wood...
Santa Monica
How to Get Tree Sap Off a Windshield
You can use a thinning type of product such as nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol, or you can use an oil-based product such as mineral or bath oil, lard or even bacon grease.Rub the cleaning product of your choice onto the tree sap that is on the...
Santa Monica
Features of a Forest Ecosystem
It pertains to the top portion of a community of trees or plant crowns. It is mostly composed of large trees. The constant rain erodes and dissolves soil nutrients before the trees can benefit from them.
Santa Monica