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History Of Orchids

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Miltoniopsis Pansy Orchid: Tips On Caring For Pansy Orchids
The tall stems will produce up to 10 flowers, and each flower can grow 4 inches across.Pansy orchids won't flower if they get too warm or if they dry out. Fir bark,, or a mixture of the two will make a good home for these plants.
Orchid Water Requirements: How Much Water Do Orchids Need
In general, orchids like their growing medium to dry out between waterings.To test this, put a finger in the growing medium. Keep reading to learn more about how to water orchids and orchid water requirements.Perhaps the biggest mistake people make when...
What Is Orchid Bud Blast – What Causes Orchids To Drop Buds
Even thegiven off from ripening fruit can affect an orchid., pesticides and fungicides can also lead an orchid to drop buds in self-defense. Likewise, when orchid's drop their blooms it is called bloom blast.
Orchid Repotting: When And How To Repot An Orchid Plant
Just pay attention to the timing and ensure proper growing conditions so your beloved plant will thrive. Change out the medium to give your orchid's roots the air they need.The other half of knowing when to repot orchids is choosing the time of year that's...
Information On Orchid Keiki Care And Transplanting
In fact, one of the easiest ways to grow them is through orchid propagation from keikis. Shoots, on the other hand, are produced at the base of plants near the point where the canes come together.The keiki can be easily removed and repotted.
Growing Orchids In Water: Caring For Orchids Grown In Water
This is good at keeping the roots moist but bad at letting them dry, and can also harbor pathogens.If you see your orchid looking peaky, it may be time to un-pot it and examine the root condition.
Jewel Orchid Information: How To Care For Ludisia Jewel Orchids
This unusual orchid variety breaks all the rules: it grows in the soil, not in the air; it likes shade instead of a sunny environment; and it gets its good looks from the velvety leaves it produces instead of its flowers.
Phalaenopsis Orchid Care: Tips For Growing Phalaenopsis Orchids
Numerous hybrids and cultivars bloom at different times of the year.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Moth orchid info indicates this plant is best grown in diffused or low light situations, and in standard...
Orchids For Windowsills: Learn About Growing Windowsill Orchids
And while they are a little more intensive than some houseplants, they're not nearly as scary as the hype implies. You may also have to do this in east or west windows if the sun coming in is especially intense.You can get a sense of how strong the light...
Orchid Is Growing Roots – What To Do With Orchid Roots Coming From Plant
As noted above, orchids are, which mean they grow on other plants – often trees in their native tropical rainforests. Read on for more information about these orchid air roots and learn what to do with orchid roots.So what are orchid tendrils?
Cymbidium Orchid Growing – How To Care For Cymbidium Orchids
They do need a lot of moisture, however, so think about a cooler jungle when you're considering the environment where you want to plant them.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Cymbidium orchid care is just...
How to Enter Orchids in the Plantfiles
Alright, on to the next hybrid where all the fields will be the same except for the CULTIVAR NAME which will be Yaku Princess and/or Yaku Queen. This article will explain how orchids are named and the correct procedure for entering orchids in the Plantfiles.
El Segundo
Growing Cattleya Orchids: Caring For Cattleya Orchid Plants
They can cling to a tree crotch or rocky crevasse and need little soil. Cattleyas are named for William Cattley, an English horticulturist from the 19th century. Cattleyas are the focus of collectors and breeders and new hybrids come out nearly every...
Native Orchid Plant Info: What Are Native Orchids
Read on for more native orchid plant info, and learn why growing native orchids may not be a good idea.What are native orchids? These wild orchid plants were present long before the arrival or European settlers.Considering the vast number and diversity...
Growing Oncidium Orchids – How To Care For Oncidium Dancing Ladies
They have so many fluttering blooms on each spike that they've been said to resemble branches covered in butterflies waving in the breeze. They like it very warm during the day, around 80 to 85 F.
Lady Slipper Care: How To Grow Lady Slipper Orchids
There's just something special about wild lady slipper orchids (). Lady slipper propagation is best done either in the spring or fall, but don't expect flowers until the second year.
Nodding Lady\'s Tresses Info: Growing Nodding Lady\'s Tresses Plants
Read on to learn about growing nodding lady's tresses in your garden.Also known as nodding spiranthes, lady's tresses orchid () grows wild throughout most of the central and eastern parts of the United States and Canada, as far west as Texas.produces...
Calopogon Information – Learn About Calopogon Orchid Care In Landscapes
With the right Calopogon information and the right environment, you can grow these beautiful orchids in your temperate garden.Calopogon, also known as grass pink orchids, is a group of orchids that are native to North America.
Growing Ground Orchids: How To Care For Spathoglottis Garden Orchids
In other parts of the country, you can grow them in containers and bring them indoors when the weather begins to cool in the fall. (10 C.) at night.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Ground orchid care begins...
Beginner Orchid Growing: Getting Started With Orchid Plants
Never buy an orchid that looks brown or wilted.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });: The amount of light varies considerably, ranging from high, medium or low light, depending on the type of orchid.
Tips For How To Make An Orchid Bloom
(21-29 C.) during the day and 55-65 F. In order for an orchid to rebloom, it must be in the correct temperature range for its variety. (16-21 C.) at night in order to produce flowers.While light and temperature are crucial to making an orchid rebloom,...
Growing Orchids for their Foliage
Most people recognize that orchids are grown for their exotic and in many cases, extremely showy blossoms, but few indoor gardeners would think of orchids as potential foliage plants.
El Segundo
Rattlesnake Plantain
This time, I was armed with my cell phone camera and took a picture of it. The single spike of small white flowers can grow up to 18 inches long and sits well above the basal leaves.
El Segundo
Swaddled Babies Orchid: Information About Anguloa Uniflora Care
In spite of the quaint names, the plants are actually named for Fransisco de Angulo, a collector who became so knowledgeable about the different species he often helped botanists classify specimens., all of which hail from South America.
Orchid Buds Dropping: How To Prevent Bud Blast In Orchids
They need a light, airy mix.Hopefully, this orchid bud blast information and tips on how to prevent bud blast will help you enjoy your orchid blooms for as long as possible. Most need a lot of light and humidity and don't do well in potting soil.
What Is A Whorled Pogonia – Learn About Whorled Pogonia Plants
It is a common or threatened species that you are not likely to find for sale, but if you happen to be in a forested area, you might run across one of these rare native orchids. They produce unique flowers that are not so much showy as just plain unusual.
Vanilla Orchid Care – How To Grow Vanilla Orchid
Choose an orchid pot with good drainage holes and fill it part way with fir bark and terrestrial orchid mixture.Cut off the bottom one-third of the roots with a sanitized knife. Unfortunately, even the best care often does not result in the pods, which...