Bed length: 37', Width: 15'1.5". Double row stacking, 100 hp required, 2 hyd outlets required. Does 4 & 5 foot bales. Non stop loading from any angle Unloads without leaving the tractor.
Either automatic or manual modes. Pull behind tractor and stack 4 high with 4x4 bales or 6 high with 3x3 bales Pulls behind 110 hp tractor to pick up and stack 4 high with 4x4 bales or 6 high with 3x3 bales.
Easily maneuverable out in the field. A very practical way for the small farm owner to transport big round bales without big tractor and hydraulic spike haulers. We have used this for several years feeding horses, bringing big bales in from the seller...
Hesston 4900 baler with accumulator. Digital monitor and all wiring connected and included Accumulator attached. Bale stacker and mover also available. 1994 hesston baler. Digital monitor, all wiring, used on approx 40,000 bales.
Excellent Working Order Stock Code (A93) JCB Q-Fit Brackets Picks Up 8 small bales Hydraulic Grab Owned and Used on our small holding for the past 10 years gathering up 500 bales per year.