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Hesston Square Baler

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5 Tools Modern Farmers Should Be Thankful For
It was a challenging and tiresome process, which is why we should all be thankful for chainsaws and log splitters ! By letting their powerful engines do the hard work, we can save time and effort, which can then be applied to other farming projects (like...
How Does Straw Grow?
Some farmers use older methods of farming that involve plowing fields, then running a disc, followed by a cultipacker over the field to smooth the dirt back out. More liquid fertilizer is applied when the wheat comes out of dormancy in the spring.
Santa Monica
Making Your Own Hay
Think you might like to try? Tractor graveyards usually dot the rural landscape. Weather checking is acceptable, cracks aren't. Check the auger that feeds hay into a square baler to determine it isn't bent or broken and the baler's packing plunger slides...
Power Equipment Purchasing Options
“It comes down to what your primary and secondary uses will be,” says Kevin Lyons of Bell Creek Equipment LLC in Preston, Md. “If your primary needs are recreational but you want a blade to push some snow, then an ATV may be the right choice.
The Best Small Farm Tractors
However, the parts found in these gray market tractors are not found in repair shops because many of the models were not released in the United States, according to Carnegie Mellon University.
Santa Monica
What Are Hay Bales For?
Bales compact the material to clean up the ground and to make it easy for the farmer to store. In a couple of years the bales will naturally erode and will no longer be needed.Hay is set out in fields for cows, horses or other grazing livestock as a food...
Santa Monica
Why You Need To Check Tire Air Pressure
This simple example, using the simplest of machines, goes to show the importance of having the proper air pressure in tires. Even though they had appeared full and ready to go when the yard cart wasn't in use, the addition of a heavy load caused the tires...
4 Tractor Types To Consider For Your Farm
Many subcompacts are also equipped with PTOs and three-point hitches, making them much more expandable than smaller models; some even have front-end loaders ! Horsepower: approximately 20 to 25 4.
8 Things To Consider When Buying A Tractor
Hydraulics Hydraulic power is also common and can be used several ways. This is a major contrast to tractors with manual gear-driven transmissions, such as synchro-shift transmissions, where changing speed requires the operator to physically shift gears...
13 Tractor Terms Every Hobby Farmer Needs To Know
The first of these tractor terms describes the physical frame or structure of the tractor, and all of the tractor's systems and parts attach here in some capacity. Powertrain Like a car, this is the mechanism that transmits the drive of the engine to...
Growing Japanese Morning Glories
The thumbnail is the Japanese morning glory Ukigumo. I use the term Japanese morning glory somewhat loosely to refer to exotic varieties, usually Ipomoea nil cultivars, as opposed to the more common Ipomoea purpurea types .
El Segundo
Tractor Shopping Guide
For example, we offer buyers the choice of ag tires, industrial tires, or turf tires, all at the same price.” Startz says that with some manufacturers, “if you want industrial or turf tires, you'll have to pay extra.” There are a few other things...
How To Farm With Horses
Manure Spreaders: Dump carts are a good place to start, but you may want to work into a ground or PTO-driven spreader. Pick up The New Horse Powered Farm and Horse-Powered Farming for the 21st Century , by Stephen Leslie.
4 Tips for Safe & Efficient Hay Baling
But unless you produce just a handful of bales, this really isn't practical, and anyone who has ever participated in baling small square bales is probably laughing at the notion of doing it alone.
Is A Walk-Behind Tractor Right For My Farm?
A true walk-behind tractor shares the same durable, high-quality design one would expect in a traditional tractor: all-gear drive, automotive-style clutch, commercial gas or diesel engine, and shaft-driven implements.