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Hereford Livestock For Sale In New Jersey

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For Sale: 10 Hereford Cows
Price : CALL

Mix three heifers and seven cows for sale. Please call for pricing information. Classic horned Hereford Cattle from Bear Camp Valley farms closed herd.
  • Number of Head: 10
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 3 Amerifax, Hereford, Hereford Cross, Polled Hereford, Red Angus Stockers
Price : CALL

Trucking is available. They weigh around 300 -500lbs. They are grass fed and could be certified organic since we do not feed anything but hay. I have three steer calves for sale. Cows on premise that they are out of.
  • Number of Head: 3
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 1 Polled Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

Organically raised on grass and hay. Excellent conformation. Or would consider a trade for an equally nice Polled Hereford bull 1-2 years old. Looking to get some new blood. Can send you additional photos.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 50 Angus, Angus Cross, Hereford, Hereford Cross Stockers
Price : CALL

Both large and medium frame score. $1.55/ lb for either sex. 50 head of 800 lb average all natural grass fed angus/ herford crosses.
  • Number of Head: 50
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 30 Angus, Hereford Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

$3,200/pair - Info: or call Phil Keppler - 716-560-4480 - submitted 7/20/2015 COW/CALF PAIRS- Angus x Hereford Cross, Black and Black Baldies with calf at side - All cows 4 years old and under - March-April calves sire by top carcass Hereford...
  • Number of Head: 30
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 19 Angus Cross, Hereford Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

All cows exposed to bull for May/June calves. 19 head beef cow herd consisting of Hereford/Angus/Simmental crosses. Bull is gentle and proven. 6 cow/calf pairs: cows (2) 8 year olds, (2) 5 year olds and (2) 3 year olds - calves born in May/June - 3 heifers,...
  • Number of Head: 19
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 6 Angus, British White, Hereford Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

1900.00 a pair. 6 commercial cow/calf pairs. Calves 4/5 months. Call 718 541 4818 Cows not breed yet.
  • Number of Head: 6
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 2 Angus Cross, Hereford Cross Bulls
Price : CALL

Dad was purebred Hereford mom is Hereford cross 6 month old bull for sale. Dad is Hereford cross and mom is red angus 2 1/2 year old bull for sale.
  • Number of Head: 2
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 5 Angus, Angus Cross, Black Angus, Black Hereford, Hereford, Hereford Cross, Holstein, Jersey, Scottish Highlander Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

1 cow calf pair - cow is jersey/angus calf is sired by pure Hereford 1 open cow Holstein 3 years old 1 3 year old Scottish highland steer 1 2 year old open angus heifer
  • Number of Head: 5
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 8 Black Angus, Black Hereford, Charolais Cross, Hereford Cross, Red Angus Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

$1500 --8 month old Hereford/Charlious bull $800 --3 year old Charlious cow bred back to the black angus bull for spring calf $1500 --18 month old black angus heifer that is FCC certified, bred to the black angus bull for spring $1800 --Another 18 month...
  • Number of Head: 8
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 45 Angus, Black Angus, Black Hereford, Brangus Cross, Crossbred Cows
Price : CALL

Thanks! Currently priced at $2,000 per head. Additional pictures and videos are available upon request. Current on vaccinations. Cows are in great flesh and will average 1,300 lbs.
  • Number of Head: 45
United States
New Jersey
Hereford bulls for sale
Price : CALL

We have 8 super yearling bulls for sale,out of the best cows here at goodines, these bulls are thick, well made and their dams have lots of milk.Some are show bulls from last season.
United States
New Jersey
Free range beef for sale
Price : CALL

White face, and crosses. Free Range Beef For Sale, Steers and Bulls. About 15-20 head right now. Upstate ny Beef farm, we have around 40 head total and would like to sell all of the bulls, and steers.
United States
New Jersey
Livestock Exporter-Hereford
Price : CALL

Irrevocable Letter of Credit transferrable at site from a bank approved by our bank (Rabobank) is the only financial intstrument that we accept. The Hereford breed are accepted as one of our premium quality meats in all markets.
United States
New Jersey
Polled herefords
Price : CALL

14 cows 7 with calfs 2 steers 5 calfs are heifers 2 are bull calfs also have one registered highland bull and 3 registered cows 1 with calf one due in july Selling herd 14 hereford cows 7 with calfs 5 heifers 2 bulls also 2 steers 1 yearling highland...
United States
New Jersey
Miniature Hereford Package
Price : CALL

Panda is 1/2 miniature Hereford, 1/2 Lowline Angus, and can be registered in the American Lowline Registry. Great package to start breeding Miniature Herefords! Seven animals in total, four animals due to have calves in Spring 2010!
United States
New Jersey
Hereford/Gallaway Cows/Heifers
Price : CALL

3 x Hereford/Galaway Cows - ('05, '06, '07) - Two of them have 5 month old heifer calves by their sides and all 3 cows have been bred back to a registered Hereford bull for early spring calving 1 x 19 month old heifer.
United States
New Jersey
Hereford/Black Baldie Heifers
Price : CALL

The Hereford heifers all have registration papers from the American Hereford Association. Upstate New York -- cold hardy and history of finishing well on purely grass diet. Entirely grass-fed and grass-raised, certified organic plus 12-month old, unbred...
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 13 Angus Cross, Belted Galloway, Hereford, Red Angus, South Poll Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

$1400/head 2 coming yearling bull calves: Red Kansas cows x Greg Judy south poll. Her red white face June 2017 heifer calf $800 Gray (belted Galloway x red angus) approx 1050 lbs $1200.
  • Number of Head: 13
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 74 Barzona, Beef Friesian, Beefalo, Brahman Cross, Charolais, Hereford, Shorthorn, Wagyu Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Delivery is free You can visit our farm or PM for detailed informations .(706)541-6776 Brown swiss /Nowergian Red /Milking short horns heifers for sale .All our cattle are registered.milking guaranteed and all open heifers .They are full of potentialcall...
  • Number of Head: 74
United States
New Jersey
For Sale: 567 Angus, Black Angus, Brahman, Hereford, Holstein, Jersey, Limousin, Longhorn, Red Angus Open Heifers
Price : CALL

We do offer follow up to first timers. We are proud breeders of excellent quality Dairy and Beef Cattle: Milk Bottle Fed Calves (Male and Female), Open Heifers, Bulls, Steers and Springers in breeds like the Holsteins, Angus (Black & Red) Jerseys, Brahmans...
  • Number of Head: 567
United States
New Jersey