Beautiful bull calf will be 1 in May. We are not in need of a herd bull at this time but wanted to keep him intact for we believe he would make a great herd bull for someone! He is tie broke and is starting to walk very well on the halter has a great...
He is short but very thick, maybe as thick as he tall! He would be great for heifers. His dam was only 40 lbs at birth $950 Thick made Black Baldy Miniature Bull for sale. 10 month old bull sired by a 40 inch mini Hereford bull and out of a very small...
He ha also been on pasture but is a bit smaller than the other steer. He will put on weight quickly whether he is left on pasture or put in a feedlot. Still a very nice animal that I expect to produce quality meat.
Please text to phone number listed. Would make a great herd bull. 18 month old, 3/4 Angus and 1/4 virgin bull. Sire full blood Angus, Dam 50% Angus and 50% Hereford. Can send additional photos and video via text.
29 of the 40 on the ground as of today April 21st. Prices will range from $1850-$2200/pair Will sell small lots. 15 minutes from Beaver Stadium/ PennState University. 40+Head Angus, Black Baldy and Herford Cow/Calf Pairs to sell this season.
I have 1 hereford bull great breeder he is 2 yrs old. I also have to bred cows bread from the hereford bull.also have 1 dexter crossed bull and 4 brangus crossed bull calves Hereford bull-2500 Bred cow-1350 Bred cow-900 Bull calves-500 Dexter crossed...
Would like all to go together but will separate if need be. They are quite gentle and quiet but not halter trained. 3 Miniature Cattle for sale 3 year old Zebu/Mini Hereford bull 40" tall good temperament and proven.
156 head - Black/Black white face with a base weight 975-1000lbs. ; Calving date: March 25 - April 25; Bred natural service to calving ease sires: 21 Angus Ranch, sons of Really Windy 1205, OCC Plains 943, Conneally Capitalist; Delivery date: October...
Search for Haugland Ranch. There are 8 bulls including 4 excellent 3 year olds, one of which topped the Largent sale last year. 53 Head 3's & 4's $2100, 50 head 5,6,7's $1900, 31 head 8, 9, 10's @$1700 or take them all at $1900.
Here's a small herd of really nice big boned large framed bred cows with a good temperament! They are 3-6 years old and a few of them have calves on their side. Bred cows $1400 Pairs $1650 Delivery Available
Anyway, cows are between 3-6 years old all full solid mouthed cows! And also bred calf between anyday now and-120 days at the latest were bred by my angus registered calving ease bull.
To be sold as a group (16) $15,000. All are gentle and home raised. Please call (203) 743-5115 for more information and photos. Eight Angus/Brangus/Hereford cross bred cow pairs. Most cows bred back to same bull all exposed.
There is one steer that weighs aprx. 10 bred cows brahman/hereford crosses. The rest are 2-4 yrs old, $2500 a piece on them. Total of 10 bred cows, 9 calves, 1 bull. The reason for there being only 9 calves I done some trading on a bull calf.
Very friendly and handled animals. Call: 802-782-2281 11 Animals total: $17,000 for all. OBRO CASH 2 Open Cows 3 Cow/calf pairs (2 steers, 1 bul calf) 2 Heifers 1 Steer 2) 3 year old full Angus cows open but cycling 1) 2 year old Angus X Hereford Heifer...
Miniature Bull for Sale! 10 month old Black Baldie Bull. His sire is a 40 inch Hereford and his dam is a very very short small Angus cow who weighed 40 lbs at birth. This bull is as thick as he is wide! He is ready to be introduced to your heifers! $950...
30 BrahmanX avg 800# $1,250 ea Take all Brahman Cross $1150 ea. 625# $1,175 ea. Take all 80 Brafords$1275 ea. 80 Braford / Tigerstripe Heifers! 60 Brahman Cross Heifers! Take as many or as few as you want! I can't say enough about these ladies they are...
Two pure breed Hereford out of son DR World one angus/ Hereford, three out of either of World or Bismark bull. The 3 in photo are the youngest was a year in February
Pre-weaning 1st vaccinations & castration, fence-line weaned, dewormed, backgrounded on a little feed and a lot of grass. *5-way Lepto vaccine (Cattlemaster Gold FP 5L5 - BVD, PI3, RSV & 5L) for heifers.
Priced at current market price, can sort a load to buyers discretion. This lot of steers has had 2 rounds of Bovishield 5 vaccines and have been knife cut . 100 head of preconditioned steers .