1 heifer is sired by SAV Pedigree Other 6 are sired by VCR Pacer 507C - purebred Polled Hereford bull sired by Perks Ranch's Right Track Heifers were born between Feb and March of 2017 Asking $1250/head
$1500 --8 month old Hereford/Charlious bull $800 --3 year old Charlious cow bred back to the black angus bull for spring calf $1500 --18 month old black angus heifer that is FCC certified, bred to the black angus bull for spring $1800 --Another 18 month...
Contact Ross at: 308.430.0729 [cell phone] 308.232.4508 or you can email Ross directly at: Angus bulls for sale by private treaty. SONS OF LEACHMAN TL DECISION G155A >>Calving ease and feed efficiency: Combines low birth, good growth, and excellent feed...
I'm looking to get $1900 obo. I have a cow calf pair, the cow is a hereford/angus/Maine cross and the calf is a hereford cross. They must go together and the cow is pasture exposed to a registered polled hereford bull.
--Drinking from both trough (municipal water) and pond (natural surface water). • Call before 9pm CST; No solicitations, contact welcomed from prospective buyers. --Home-raised, come to cubes.
This bull is as thick as he is wide! He is ready to be introduced to your heifers! $950 214-676-6246 please text if intersted Crandall, Tx Miniature Bull for Sale! 10 month old Black Baldie Bull.
Please text to phone number listed. Sire full blood Angus, Dam 50% Angus and 50% Hereford. Can send additional photos and video via text. Would make a great herd bull. 18 month old, 3/4 Angus and 1/4 virgin bull.
You can buy any amount! $1575 each for the bred cows $1750 for the pairs! If you take all 40 I'll include the pairs at the same price! I can't say enough about this herd of Brangus cows! They are big and stout! We sorted off any that were not absolutely...
Sire will be available for lease or sale January 2017 Nice calm Black Brindle F-1 heifer $1400 obo born June 2015 Cow is shorthornxherford cross and Sire is purebred American grey Brahman out of championship lines.
Priced at current market price, can sort a load to buyers discretion. They are weighing 560-620 . Ready to go to the yard. This lot of steers has had 2 rounds of Bovishield 5 vaccines and have been knife cut .
Asking $3,000 or best offer, will deliver depending on distance. Vet checked and up to date on vaccines. Great set of young bred cows, 3-5 years old. Calving September 15-November 15.
Only reason im selling is because I dont have the hay for them this winter. Can email more picturesk I can deliver them within 100 miles. Please call 309-678-8460 anytime. Asking 3150 obo if all are takin.
1 cow calf pair - cow is jersey/angus calf is sired by pure Hereford 1 open cow Holstein 3 years old 1 3 year old Scottish highland steer 1 2 year old open angus heifer
Call anytime 267 767 0160 Cows with calves by there side, cows are also bred back for April-May. 3 Hereford, 2 baldi's, 6 angus, 1 Simmental, 1 red angus, cows are from first calves to 4th calves.
These are purebred polled herefords and have passed a Bull Soundness Exam. Both will be completed at time of pick up and results mailed to buyer. Sire is homozygous polled and a calving ease bull.
Asking 7,500 for the entire group. I have 7 steer beef feeders for sale. Most of them are all black some are black with white face and one Hereford. The average group weight is Approximately 675 pounds.
Good solid set of calf raising cows 40 pairs with fall calves on them 4 to 8 years old dewormed and vaccinated Trucking is available we will sell any number and will have more for sale For more information and pricing call 660 619 5190
• Certified Funds - Cash or Cashiers Check • Before 9pm CST; no texts. 30+ days on grass, 1:5 meal & mineral with Rumensin. Trough (municipal water) & pond (natural surface water) acclimated.