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Hereford Cross Livestock For Sale In Florida

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For Sale: 43 Angus Cross, Charolais, Crossbred, Hereford Cross Cows
Price : CALL

Cows have recently been vaccinated and administered Long Range for worming. Cows are located in central St Lucie County, delivery is available. Easy to handle herd, responds to calling and food very easily.
  • Number of Head: 43
United States
For Sale: 6 Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

These are super nice bulls! Pictures and video also available. All have been semen tested and trich tested. For sale 6 Purebred Horned Hereford Bulls-2 & 3 Year Olds All are gentle, vaccinated, wormed, Multimin90.
  • Number of Head: 6
United States
For Sale: 1 Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

$2500 Can deliver the first 50 miles for free! Please call, text or email for more info 352-615-0977 4 yrs old, 1400 lbs. Located at M&M Cattle co in Citra FL. Registered Hereford Bull.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 1 Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

Good tempered ,gentle, long bodied five year old full blooded herford bull $1750
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 1 Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

3 year old polled hereford, registered,proven, produces healthy calves, vaccinated,wormed,...easy going!
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 4 Polled Hereford Open Heifers
Price : CALL

We have 4 caves ready to go. 3 heifer caves 5 to 6 months old and 1Bull calf 5 months old
  • Number of Head: 4
United States
For Sale: 40 Angus Cross, Beefmaster Cross, Brangus Cross, Charolais Cross Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Call, text or email for more info on this nice group heifers. Buy all or just a few. They are in good flesh, out grazing. Located in central Fl. Can help with hauling if needed. Buy the herd for a $1350 a head average, buy one or as many as you'd like...
  • Number of Head: 40
United States
For Sale: 15 Angus Cross, Charolais Cross Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

They are bred to wagyu bulls for calving ease and carcass quality. They have also been tested negative for Johnes, BLV, and BVD. 11 are due in February and 4 in March and beginning of April.
  • Number of Head: 15
United States
For Sale: 45 Angus, Angus Cross, Beefmaster Cross, Brangus Cross, Charolais Cross Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

Cattle are USDA ear tagged and recently dewormed. We can help arrange hauling get for you also. Buy the 45 head for a $875 a head average, or buy 20 for a $900 a head average, or buy 10 for a $950 a head average.
  • Number of Head: 45
United States
For Sale: 10 Angus Cross, Charolais Cross Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

Good boned, all in good flesh. Farmer says sell. Averaging 850 lbs. Buying out of the field. All bred to an angus bull. Good quiet group of heifers. Call, text or email for more info, pics, or video.
  • Number of Head: 10
United States
For Sale: 10 Angus Cross, Brangus Cross Cows
Price : CALL

This herd has been recently dewormed and USDA eartagged. Located at M&M Cattle Co. Located in Citra, Fl. Give us a call, text or email. Buy the 10 head for $9500, or your pick for $1100 a head.
  • Number of Head: 10
United States
For Sale: 43 Angus Cross, Braford, Brangus Cross, Charolais Cross Stockers
Price : CALL

We are a preconditioning operation and have other cattle available. We can complete the load with 430 lb steers of the same quality for $780 per head. These are country calves purchased from local producers.
  • Number of Head: 43
United States
For Sale: 50 Braford, Brahman, Brahman Cross, Brahman F1, Brahmousin, Brangus, Braunvieh F1, Hereford F1 Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Delivery Service Available. $ 1050/ per head. F1 Brafords, Red And Grey Brahmans, F1 Brahman cross. Outstanding Health History and performance. Great group Discount Available. Free Choice High Quality Coastal hay and minerals, Bahia Grass, Limited Supplemental...
  • Number of Head: 50
United States
For Sale: 30 Angus, Angus Cross, Brahman Cross, Brangus, Brangus Cross Open Heifers
Price : CALL

These heifers are in good flesh, all come to calling, and cubes. Ready to add to your herd. Good group of breeding age heifers. All are 15-16 months old, and average 700 lbs. Contact for more info, and pics 352-615-0977
  • Number of Head: 30
United States
For Sale: 9 Angus Cross Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Healthy and fat Angus and Brangus cross heifers. 500+ lbs calm , antibiotic free, grass fed
  • Number of Head: 9
United States
For Sale: 2 Angus Cross Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

One Three year old mostly angus open cow (excellent mom) One 10 month angus and Lowline bull (brown and white, but body build of Lowline. Immunized and dewormed.
  • Number of Head: 2
United States
For Sale: 30 Angus Cross Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

  • Number of Head: 30
United States
For Sale: 1 Angus Cross Bulls
Price : CALL

At M&M Cattle Co. $1850 Text or email for more pictures. He is a coming 3 yr old, and approx. He is located in Citra, FL. Good breeding bull, semen tested. He is easy to handle, comes to cubes, and has been USDA ear tagged, dewormed.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 45 Angus, Angus Cross, Brangus, Brangus Cross, Charolais Cross Cows
Price : CALL

All come to calling and cubes. Cattle are all USDA eartagged and recently dewormed. Call for pics and more info. Cattle are located in central Fl. Buy the herd of 45 for an $850 a head average, or can split up as you like for a different average depending...
  • Number of Head: 45
United States
For Sale: 3 Angus Cross Bulls
Price : CALL

  • Number of Head: 3
United States
For Sale: 30 Angus Cross Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

Asking $29,500 OBO THESE ARE NOT MARKET CATTLE. They are very gentle and will come to calling... Have 4 years of records and when they have had there babies. Also there are a handful will come to you and will eat out of your hand..
  • Number of Head: 30
United States
For Sale: 2 Angus Cross Bulls
Price : CALL

2 good bulls for sale. Call for more information. Don - 863-221-7993 Several calves this season.
  • Number of Head: 2
United States
For Sale: 40 Angus Cross Cows
Price : CALL

We can arrange hauling for buyer. Located in central Florida, at M&M Cattle. Second and third trimester. Quiet to handle, all come to calling and cubes. Please give us a call or text for more info.
  • Number of Head: 40
United States
For Sale: 12 Angus Cross Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

12 hd of nice angus and cross heifers young and healthy exposed to low birth weight registered angus bull very calm will follow bucket most ultra blacks angus and brangus cross $22000 call 352-318-7896
  • Number of Head: 12
United States
For Sale: 1 Brahman Cross Bulls
Price : CALL

Easy going bull. Produces nice calves. 7/8 brahman bull. The other 1/8 is angus, hereford and shorthorn.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 25 Angus Cross, Beefmaster, Brangus Cross, Crossbred Bulls
Price : CALL

Selling as exposed. This group is being sold as exposed, we are not getting them preg checked. 352 615-0977 M&M Cattle Co. Will split up for a different average. Good group of exposed cows.
  • Number of Head: 25
United States
For Sale: 40 Angus, Angus Cross, Brangus Cross, Charolais Cross, Crossbred, Red Angus Cross Bulls
Price : CALL

Located in Central Flordia. Heifers are also out with angus bull. The bred and exposed cows will average 1000 lbs, and the heifers average 850 lbs. Bull is also for sale and semen checked.
  • Number of Head: 40
United States