1200 or best offer Sire is available for lease or sale this winter Nice easygoing crossbred tigerstripe heifer. Excellent replacement heifer for dry land range conditions. Shorthorn Hereford mother by purebred American grey Brahman sire Born June 2015...
*Plenty of room for compensatory gain. *Text, call or e-mail if you have any questions. *On pasture, hay, and Vegetables. *Little red heifer will be weaned September 1st. Kyle (seven6 zero) 423-937three
Hereford Bull for sale -good on fences -has been in hills and dry range -excellent bull -good breeding -produces very nice calves -4 years old -healthy -$2,000 If interested, contact at (424)223-1694
Hereford Bull for sale -good on fences -has been in hills and dry range -excellent bull -good breeding -produces very nice calves -4 years old -healthy -$2,000
The perfect livestock for you ? 4 Disposition Calm docile by nature makes them perfect for showing and children's 4H 5 Reproduction Highly fertile and early maturity. 2-3 Minis take the space of 1 regular sized.
We have a big discount if you are buying more than one. We grow our cattle on our own family owned land. We can deliver across any state in the entire USA and Canada. We have a total of 86 Heads Beef cattle ranging from Hereford Heifers, Jerseys, Holstein...
The mother of the two Herefords is approximately three years old. All three are Herefords. Please contact Lisa at 619-913-3030 One of the females name is Zella May, she is approximately a year old.
Her sire is quiet and calm and comes from a line with strong longevity genetics, and small birthweight with excellent growth potential. This cross is drought tolerant, feed efficient, heat tolerant, disease and pest resistant, great feet and legs.
No reasonable offer refused Must sell - Make offer Five registered mini herefords for sale in Taft, California. Need to sell ASAP. 5 registered mini herefords for sale - 2 bulls, 2 cows, 1 heifer.
Why miniatures? Small enough to put 1 steer in your freezer. Ideal for the small acreage farmer, organic and natural beef, grass fed beef, and even as pets. Quality, Registered Miniature Beef Cattle for sale.
2 bred hereford heifers both bred to hereford bull , will deliver locally will e-mail pictures$1000.00 each. 2 bred hereford heifers for sale, both bred to hereford bull will e-mail pics.
2 bred cows, 1 bull - all registered. Bull is horned - was born 1/6/2006. 1 cow is horned, born 2/6/2002, 1 cow is polled, born 5/10/1996. 42\\" tall, bull is approx 40\\" tall. Pictures available upon request.
2 y/o poll Hereford cow, huge, with 2 month old bull calf at side. 2 y/o Hereford cow w/ 2 month old bull calf for sale. $2000 for both or $1500 for cow and $500 for baby $2000 for both or $1500 for cow and $500 for calf.
2 steers about 13 months out of same herd will finish Nicely on grass or finish with your program. Asking 2200 for bulls or steers your pick these are very nice cows that will be a great addition to anyone's herd.
Three unregestered cows that are great mothers have natural exsperiance in calving graze on any foriege These cows are all about 1,000 bls calve with ease are about five years old all are red with white face.